provide a conceptual framework based on third-
person perceptions. Classes that provide space for
participants as an arena for reasoning and facilitate
their learning experiences will result in meaningful
entrepreneurial learning.
Entrepreneurs/are trusted as the third person
(object) of synthesizing concept participation,
models, and domains needed to become successful
entrepreneurs. This synthesis will produce objective
knowledge that is used by educators to map the
ontology of entrepreneurial space and provide a
basic conception of entrepreneurial practice as a
configuration/transformation of individuals to their
environment. Entrepreneurs have entrepreneurial
experience from the services provided to create
satisfaction with society as customers.
Meanwhile, society as the fourth person (inter-
object) acts as the market share, namely the
marketing object of entrepreneurial activities.
Whatever is produced must make society a market
and regulator of economic rhythm. The community
provides all the potential that entrepreneurs,
teachers, and students need. However, the
community also needs maximum service and
empowerment to maintain their welfare. To create
meaningful entrepreneurship education, the
involvement of the four elements in learning is
necessary. The four components represent the
development of social capital, [24] as a form of
capital in developing entrepreneurial learning.
Based on the study of educational approaches, the
concept of pedagogy occurs when the interaction of
educators with students meets in class. Interaction
takes the form of the transfer of knowledge based on
theoretical and practical studies. The concept of
andragogy occurs when students analyze
opportunities in society and provide empowerment
afterward. And in the end, the concept of heutagogy
occurs when students formulate their solutions to
the entrepreneurial opportunities they find and
implement them.
4.2 Character of Entrepreneurship
Character is an important thing to emphasize in
entrepreneurship learning in college, because
character is a key to a person's success in life,
including entrepreneurship [35]. A well-developed
character will stabilize entrepreneurial intention and
motivation which can be measured through
demographic data, personality traits [61], and
contextual factors, [62]. In the research of [37]
entrepreneurial skills are strongly supported by
personality variables. Identification of the character
of aspirations and entrepreneurial efforts is to create
a more complete and comprehensive change in the
knowledge of the procedure of finding,
transforming, value innovation, and finally riches
creation, [63].
There are three keys to understanding
emancipatory entrepreneurship, namely:
understanding how civilization grows via complete
and innovative action, pro-social action concerning
the allocation of opportunities for new sociable
strata, and the interaction of imagination and
practice, [36]. Several studies show that
entrepreneurial competencies include: a) identifying
and using entrepreneurial opportunities as the main
competence of entrepreneurs, [64], b) managerial,
[65], c) cognitive [66], [67], [68], d) attitudes, [69],
and e) social competence of entrepreneurs as a result
of their business performance, [70], [71]. These
competencies are developed in a conceptual
construction model, [72]. This model links the
personal competencies of entrepreneurs and their
leadership and business implementation. At the core
of this model fibs a collection of six key
entrepreneurial capabilities (ideational, opportunity,
connection, organizing, technique, and dedication).
Analyses have determined three elements of
responsibility competencies – motivational (self-
efficacy), moral (responsibility to do the right
thing), and cognitive (learning and self-
Based on this study, it is proposed five
personality variables that shape entrepreneurship,
which are known by the acronym OCEAN. But in
testing, only three affect entrepreneurial skills.
OCEAN is the precursor of these entrepreneurial
skills [37]. This implies that personality enhances
entrepreneurial skills itself. The ability to seek new
experiences, and be creative, innovative, and open
are personal skills that lead to the development of
entrepreneurial skills, [73]. Another opinion adds
that leadership, communication, and enthusiasm,
positively affect entrepreneurial skills, [74]. Self-
confidence and resilience in the face of stressful
situations - that is, the absence of neuroticism - also
represent a positive background for entrepreneurial
skills, [75], [76]. However, awareness and
friendliness do not affect entrepreneurial skills. This
first result contradicts the results obtained by [73].
Our results also contradict the literature, [77], [78],
as there is no evidence that high levels of
conformity positively affect entrepreneurial skills.
Various research studies on the character needed
by students in entrepreneurship learning lead to the
integration of creativity and innovation, [42], [43],
[49], [50]. This integration will essentially help
educators understand how pedagogical interventions
and teaching initiatives can stimulate emotions in
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.7
Tubagus Ali Rachman Puja Kesuma,
Undang Rosidin, Dwi Yulianti et al.