Similarly, Figure 22 displays total noise in the circuit
when the circuit is not connected with Schmitt trigger
inverter. The voltage noise density ranges from from
44pV/Hz1/2 to 64pV/Hz1/2 and total circuit RMS noise is
21.77µV.Clearly, noise is more when not connected to
Schmitt trigger inverter and hence use of Schmitt trigger
inverter is useful to reduce noise and commence a smooth
communication. The abrupt inclination of the noise occurs
due to the capacitor present in the all pass filter. However,
noise in the circuit is found to very low, i.e. 6.65µV
which indicates the filter circuit will have very less error
and at the same time free from malfunctions.
Fig 22. Simulated circuit noise response of the reconfigurable
voltage mode all pass filter without Schmitt trigger inverter.
The performance summary and comparison with other active
filter circuits are presented in Table 4.Comparing all the results
the proposed reconfigured voltage mode all pass filter has made
significant improvement in frequency range, low maximum
delay value, high bandwidth, lower power consumption, high
gain and also lower noise value in the filter circuit.
4. Conclusion
A reconfigurable filter design with tunable passband has
been proposed in this paper. The proposed reconfigurable
filter works on the principle of digital current control
source (DCCS). In the previously reported works every
DCCS depends entirely on the digital control oscillator
(DCO) circuit to operate but in our design the DCCS
functions independently and efficiently. Moreover the
frequency ranges of previous designs are around 0.1 Ghz
to 3 Ghz using DCO which is improved to the range of
0.1Ghz to 15Ghz using DCCS. The D Flip Flop is acting
as the energy supplier by providing the word counts in the
form of 0’s and 1’s.The 16 bit range of word count is
providing the range for frequency to operate, which is
fully digital in nature and also free from any anomalies or
mismatch. The counters in the flip flop perfectly matches
the frequency ranges and provides smooth
reconfiguration. Thus reducing area in size of the project
and also no impact of negative feedback occurs in our
circuit. Moreover, Schmitt trigger is used here for the first
time in such circuit, which reduces the noise in the signal
thereby making it suitable for transmitting. Also the
circuit is designed to be inductor less hence it can be
claimed to be an area efficient one. The performance
comparison with recently reported works clearly shows
the efficacy of this filter.
The proposed first order voltage mode all pass filter has
achieved a group delay of approximately 1.62ps with a
bandwidth of 12.6 GHz. The static power consumption of
the circuit is only 2.52mW under a 2V supply. Also, the
range of operating frequency is 0.1-15 GHz and the
circuit has achieved a gain of 15.5dB with a minimum
noise factor of only 6.65µV. Moreover the leakage
current of the circuit is only, which justifies
the stability of the filter circuit.
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