According to him, they are the main bases for the
overall development of science, [21]. The prophetic
law is a law based on culture and objective norms
resulting from appreciation of religion (Islam). As a
science that is based on transcendental values, the
prophetic law affirms faith, not doubt, as the basis
for building its theoretical framework, [28]. Islam
does not recognize a dichotomy in science. Muslim
scholars simultaneously rejected liberal secular
science of the west which is claimed to be value-
free, which contributes significantly to the gradation
of humanity in the modern era. Islamic thinkers
offer a way out according to an Islamic perspective
which is different from the western mainstream way
of thinking. The difference can be seen from the
world view, epistemological, and axiological
aspects, [29].
The authority exercised by the Land Bank is not
only to distribute land for the community, but also
for investment and other public interests, [30].
Concerning the authority to ensure the availability
of land for investment, this is suspected to deviate
from the agrarian reform which is conceptualized so
that land is not only controlled or owned by a few
people or certain parties, thus causing inequality.
There are few people who own a lot of land, and
conversely, there are many people who own little
land or none at all.
Meanwhile, it is also possible that there will be
inequality in terms of land allocation for various
uses by various sectors. This is also known as
sectoral inequality, namely the unfair allocation of
land used for the agricultural sector, forestry sector,
mining sector, energy and minerals, industrial
sector, housing sector, tourism sector, and so on.
Each of these sectors also has an imbalance of
control between land allocated to the community
and those allocated to corporations and public/state
interests. The agricultural/food sector and its
allocation to the community are often displaced by
the interests of investors or the state. It is absolutely
necessary to have a policy capable of overhauling
the two structures of injustice, which has not yet
been seen from the emergence of the Land Bank
Against the first, Islam has emphasized that (the
source of) wealth should not revolve around the rich
alone “Whatever the Messenger gives you, accept it.
And what he forbids you, leave it. And fear God.
Truly, God is very severe in His punishment”
(Chapter Al Hasyr: 7). The concentration of
ownership will damage socio-economic relations
(create injustice) and damage to nature. Allah has
prohibited mankind from doing damage to nature
(and the social/cultural buildings on it). Allah’s
creations are in the best form, “And do not do
damage to the earth after it was (created) well. Pray
to Him with fear and hope. Indeed, God's mercy is
very close to those who do good” (Chapter Al A'raf:
56). Overhauling an unjust structure towards justice
is mandatory, [31]. Islam highly upholds the
enforcement of justice, even the piety of a person
(especially the leader) is judged from the level of
justice. “Be fair, because it is closer in degree to
piety” (Chapter Al Maidah: 8). The degree of piety
of a person or a regime is measured by its fair
attitudes or policies. There is no piety without
justice. So, it is no exaggeration to say that fighting
for agrarian reform as an effort to create justice is
something very spiritual. It is a journey towards
piety to Allah, [32].
The experience of the Prophet above can be used
as a basis and reference for the need for agrarian
reform. The agrarian reform meant is the agrarian
reform that is based on law as the controller in
creating order in the life of the nation and the state,
[33]. "Human farmers" or "farmers" according to
Article 1 of Law Number 2 of 1960 concerning the
Basic Agrarian Law, are subjects in carrying out
agrarian reform because they are the only ones
whose main livelihood is cultivating land for
agriculture. Those who work in the agricultural
sector as tenants, cultivators, and farm laborers are
essentially the targets of development in the
agricultural sector. They are simultaneously active
actors in the activities to develop the agricultural
sector, [34].
According to Gunawan Wiradi, [35], agrarian
reform is a realignment (or rearrangement) of the
composition of ownership, control and use of
agrarian resources (especially land), for the benefit
of the small people (farmers, farm laborers, etc.), in
a comprehensive and holistic manner on all agrarian
resources, including water rights, protection from
climate change, and biodiversity. It must equitably
consider the needs of the community and
investment. This is to increase people's income and
welfare, especially for small farmers, in a fair and
equitable manner. This is to give people the
opportunity to develop themselves to achieve
prosperity, as part of national development is to
realize a just and prosperous society based on
Pancasila. This is in line with the principle of
development. In development, the principle of
sustainability is applied to natural resources and
then utilizes these natural resources without
damaging the human environment, [36].
Concerning the scientific contribution of this
paper, the government can use instruments that exist
in the law, especially from the prophetic aspect, that
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.33
Absori, Mohammad Indra Bangsawan, Arief Budiono, Dewi Kusuma Diarti