ECENT years have witnessed a tremendous increase in
the carried traffic volume through the Internet and
other networks. New high-revenue network-based services
are introduced and some of them, unlike with others,
require the provision of quality guarantees, such as Internet
telephony. However, the trend is towards the development
of hybrid multi-service networks capable of handling
together voice, video and data traffic with different Quality
of Service (QoS) and survivability requirements (blocking
ratio, packet loss ratio, maximum end-to-end delay,
minimum available bandwidth etc.).
In such networks, Traffic Engineering (TE) mechanisms
can be applied for the efficient utilisation of the existing
network resources (e.g. link capacity). In fact, TE is a major
issue in the emerging multi-service networks supporting the
Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) protocol as well as
in Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Differentiated
Services DiffServ / non-DiffServ supporting Internet
Protocol (IP) and Frame Relay (FR) networks [1]. This
paper concentrates in MPLS-based and DiffServ-supported
IP backbone networks interconnecting Points-of-Presence
(POP) [2]. In these networks traffic flows (demands) with
the same source-destination address having the same QoS
requirements are aggregated forming what is called a traffic
trunk in IP networks or a Label Switched Path (LSP) in
MPLS networks. To the rest of the paper aggregated flows
will be referred to as traffic trunks or simply trunks.
One of the main problems in TE is how to map traffic
trunks in the network, while satisfying the QoS
requirements of the trunks. In order to solve this problem a
number of on-line [3-6] and off-line [1, 7-10] TE
approaches have been already developed. In the on-line
approaches, traffic trunks are mapped onto the network one
at a time as soon as a new demand for a trunk emerges. On-
line TE is state-dependent and applies on a short time-scale.
The main objective of the on-line approaches is to allow the
network to respond rapidly to any changes in traffic load or
network topology. However, routing randomly emerging
demands one at a time may cause an unfair utilisation of
network resources. On the other hand off-line TE aims at
establishing well-defined routes for traffic trunks in such a
way that the utilisation of network resources is globally
optimised. Specifically, instead of focusing on
instantaneous network states and individual connections,
the latter mechanism considers statistical behavior of traffic
trunks. Combining this information with a centralised view
of network topology and link capacities, off-line TE selects
the topology of routes for traffic trunks and provisions
resources on the selected routes for carrying trunk traffic in
an optimal manner.
Unfortunately, considering the widespread use of
communication networks, a failure or a disastrous attack
affecting one or more network facilities (devices/nodes or
links) could cause catastrophic social-economic effects. In
order to either minimise the effect of such damage to the
delivery of services or even to avoid service disturbance the
networks must be made survivable. For this purpose two
main categories of techniques can be used: network
design/capacity planning and also protection/restoration
techniques. Practically, in most cases it is affordable to use
techniques of the latter category only.
Protection/restoration methods can be well incorporated in
the traffic management mechanisms of networks. Two very
common protection schemes, particularly in virtual circuit
based networks [11], [12], are 1+1 and 1:1 protection. In
the case that 1+1 protection is applied, fixed network
resource reservations are made for both a primary and a
node/link disjoint backup path for each demand. When 1:1
protection is applied fixed resource reservations are made
for the primary path only; the predetermined resources for
the node/link disjoint backup path will be used for routing
traffic as soon as the primary path fails.
1. Introduction
Advances in Survivability-supported Framework for Traffic Engineering
in Multi-service Backbone Networks
2National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), GREECE
and the Canadian Institute of Technology, Tirana, ALBANIA
3University of Portsmouth, School of Energy and Electronic Engineering, UK
Abstract: In this paper, optimisation models and heuristic algorithms that address the off-line survivability-supported Traffic
Engineering (TE) problem in multi-service backbone networks are presented. In such networks traffic demands with different
Quality of Service (QoS) and survivability requirements (e.g. existence of a node disjoint backup path for each primary path)
inhere. The optimisation models for engineering the QoS traffic with different survivability prerequisites and the Best-Effort
(BE) traffic are based on novel admission control/routing Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and Linear Programming (LP)
optimisation sub-problems, which are solved sequentially. LP relaxations of the ILP sub-problems are also provided. The
optimisation models and heuristic algorithms are tested on two different networks and their performance is compared.
Keywords: Traffic Engineering (TE), Survivability, Quality of Service (QoS), Best-Effort (BE), optimisation, heuristic
algorithms, routing, protection, restoration.
Received: March 14, 2022. Revised: November 5, 2022. Accepted: December 7, 2022. Published: December 31, 2022.
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.32
Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
In this paper, three novel optimisation methods and two
heuristic algorithms for off-line TE in survivable multi-
service backbone networks, in the case of single or multiple
node and/or link failure(s), are presented. All methods and
algorithms support 1+1/1:1 protection. Survivability against
multiple node or link failures in multi-service backbone
networks, has not adequately addressed so far to the best of
our knowledge. The remaining of the paper is organised as
follows: in Section II the optimisation TE problems are
presented, while in Section III the heuristic algorithms are
described; the simulation results concerning the comparison
between the off-line TE methods are illustrated in Section
IV; finally Section V concludes the paper.
Consider a weighted undirected graph G = (N, L) where
N denotes the set of nodes and L denotes the set of edges
(links). The graph is 2-connected, i.e. even if one link or
node fails a path between each source-destination pair can
still be found. Each link l L has capacity Cl, propagation
delay Dl, processing delay Dpl associated with the nodes
located at the two sides of the link, length Ll and cost Kl.
Four service (priority) classes based on QoS and
survivability requirements are defined in this paper: the
High class t' with the greater priority and the most strict
QoS requirements (e.g. maximum end-to-end delay)
requiring protection against node and or link failure(s) (e.g.
voice traffic), the Medium class also being delay sensitive
and requiring protection (e.g. Virtual Private Network
(VPN) traffic), the Low class which is delay insensitive
(e.g. World-Wide-Web (WWW) traffic) and the Best-Effort
(BE) class with the lowest priority, involving BE traffic.
For brevity to the rest of this section High, Medium and
Low class trunks will be referred to as QoS trunks and the
BE class trunks will be referred to as simply BE trunks.
The following notations are also used:
Tqos: QoS class set.
Σ: QoS traffic trunk set. Note that three traffic trunks
for each source-destination pair are defined, each
corresponding to a specific QoS class.
Σb: BE traffic trunk set. One BE traffic trunk for each
source-destination pair is normally defined.
S: set of the normal operating state and the failure
states of the network. Failure states here correspond to
node and/or link failure(s).
Tσt: bandwidth demand (traffic) of the trunk σ Σ,
which belongs to service class t Tqos.
Tσb: trunk σ Σb traffic, belonging to the BE class.
Rs(t,σ): set of all candidate routes for the trunk σ Σ
belonging to the QoS class t Tqos, containing only
operating links (links interconnecting operating nodes),
at the network state s S. Note that for the BE trunks
no candidate routes are defined.
Kpi: additive cost of the candidate route i Rs(t,σ) for
the trunk σ Σ of class t Tqos. The proposed path
cost definitions can be found in Appendix A.
Zt: earnings/protection/restoration weight for Tσt. It
indicates the priority that trunk σ Σ of class t Tqos
has as regards admissibility/routing into the network
and/or protection/restoration.
Zb: earnings/protection/restoration weight for Tσb.
Wpt: admission priority of trunk traffic belonging to
service class t Tqos.
B: maximum end-to-end delay for paths.
H: maximum hop count for paths.
cbs: link utilisation bound for s S (0 1).
pσs: backup path reservation parameter (0 ≤ pσs 1) for
trunk σ Σ traffic that belongs to High class t′, at state
s S. Specifically, pσs is the maximum fraction of
demand Tσt′ that must be accommodated through the
backup path q Rs(t′,σ) at s S.
RevS: Revenue scaling factor (0 1).
U: optimisation weighting factor.
In(n): set of links l L directed into node n N.
Out(n): set of links l L directed out of node n N.
dσs: diversification parameter for s S and for σ Σb,
0 dσs 1; dσs is the maximum fraction of BE traffic
Tσb allowed to flow through any link l L at s S.
The decision variables for the QoS-related optimisation
sub-problems are the following:
Xrs: primary path routing integer variable, that is Xrs =
1 if trunk σ Σ traffic belonging to class t Tqos uses
the service route r Rs(t,σ) as primary at state s S,
otherwise Xrs = 0;
Yqs: backup path routing integer variable, that is Yqs =
1 if trunk σ Σ traffic belonging to the High class t′
uses the service route q Rs(t′,σ) as backup at s S,
otherwise Yqs = 0.
The decision variables for the BE-related optimisation sub-
problems are the following:
Fσ: total carried BE traffic for trunk σ Σb.
Xlσ: component of Fσ Σb) carried on link l L.
The objective is to maximise the network revenue
obtained from the QoS traffic admission. The first term
denotes the revenue obtained by the traffic demands when
routed on the admitted primary paths, while the second term
denotes the revenue obtained by routing the traffic demands
on the admitted backup paths when the corresponding
primary paths are unavailable due to failure(s).
The following constraint indicates that trunk σ Σ traffic
belonging to service class t Tqos at s S, must use at
most one primary route r Rs(t,σ).
2. Optimisation Models Framework
2.1. Model for the Survivable Admission
control/Routing sub-problem for the
QoS traffic (SARQOS)
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.32
Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
The next constraint indicates that trunk σ Σ traffic
belonging to the High class t', must use at most one backup
route q Rs(t',σ).
The next constraint is the link capacity constraint.
Constraint (4) forces the primary and the backup paths for
the trunk σ Σ traffic that belongs to class t′, at state s S,
to be link disjoint.
Constraint (5) forces the primary and the backup paths for
the trunk σ Σ traffic belonging to class t′, at state s S, to
be node disjoint.
, where s is the source and d the destination of the trunk
σ Σ respectively.
The objective is to maximise the revenue obtained from
the BE class traffic admission.
The following constraint indicates that the admitted
bandwidth Fσ for σ Σb must not exceed the suggested
traffic demand Tσb.
The next constraint indicates that node n N may be
source, destination or relay for every σ Σb.
nodes n N, σ Σb.
The link capacity constraint is shown below.
The next constraint is the flow non-negativity constraint. In
order to increase survivability traffic diversification is
Method 1 consists of two sub-problems (phases), which
are solved sequentially. The first is the SARQOS
optimisation sub-problem (phase 1), whose formulation is
presented in Section I-A. This is solved first. Then the
second optimisation sub-problem (phase 2) is solved which
is a hybrid problem and it is called Survivable Admission
control/Routing problem for the QoS and BE traffic
(SARQOSBE). Its formulation is a combination of the
formulations of SARQOS and SARBE (see below).
The objective is to maximise the revenue obtained from
the BE class traffic admission (1st term) and to minimise the
network resources (link bandwidth) conservation by the
QoS traffic (2nd and 3rd term), that is to optimise the
selection of the primary and backup paths in terms of path
cost based routing metrics.
The following constraint relates SARQOS to SARQOSBE.
The revenue to be obtained from the solution of the
SARQOSBE sub-problem must be at least equal to the
product of the revenue Rev(SARQOS) obtained from the
solution of the SARQOS sub-problem (being the optimally
maximum revenue) and the revenue scaling factor RevS,
which is used to adjust the value of the revenue. The above
product is actually a lower bound to the value of the total
revenue obtained from the solution of SARQOSBE.
The link capacity constraint is shown next
Constraints (1), (2), (4) (7) and (9) are also used in the
SARQOSBE sub-problem formulation. Note that the only
coupling between SARQOS and SARQOSBE occurs in
Tqost rltRsr
rs +
bTF b
n = source of
trunk σb
Tqost tRsr
Tqost rltRsr
SsLlbTdX bsl ,,,0
n = destination
of trunk σb
2.2 Model for the Survivable Admission
control/Routing sub-problem f or
the BE traffic (SARBE)
2.3 Model for the Combined Survivable
Admission control/Routing problem for the
QoS and BE traffic (Method 1 M1)
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.32
Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
(10). The variables Xrs and Yqs, common to both sub-
problems, may though have different values.
Method 2 consists of two sub-problems. The first sub-
problem is a modified version of SARQOS where the
objective function is replaced by the following:
, which either maximises the revenue obtained from the
QoS traffic admission (2 first terms) or minimises the cost
of routing the primary and backup paths (next 2 terms),
subject to the value of the optimisation weighting factor U.
For large values of U, emphasis is placed to the revenue
maximisation; while for small values of U emphasis is
given to routing costs minimisation. This sub-problem is
solved first (phase 1).
Then the second sub-problem is solved (phase 2) which
is the SARBE model, in which the constraint (8) is
modified as follows:
, where Vl is the bandwidth reserved on link l L in order
to satisfy the solution of the sub-problem of phase 1. In the
case that 1:1 protection is applied, the reserved link
bandwidth for the backup paths is not subtracted from the
product cbs Cl.
Method 2 consists of three sub-problems, which are
solved sequentially in the order given next. The first sub-
problem is called Admission control/Routing problem for
the QoS traffic (ARQOS). It is a modified version of
SARQOS in which survivability is not considered.
Specifically, no admission control/routing decisions about
backup paths are made. See the ARQOS formulation next.
The objective is to either maximise the revenue obtained
from the QoS traffic admission (first term) or minimise the
routing costs for the primary paths (second term),
depending on the value of the factor U.
The link capacity constraint is shown below.
The constraints (1) and (4) are also used to the ARQOS
sub-problem formulation.
The second sub-problem (phase 2) is a modified version
of the SARQOS sub-problem called path pre-selection
SARQOS or pp-SARQOS. In this problem the obtained
solution from phase 1 is considered. Let R`s(t,σ) be the set
of all admitted paths at phase 1. In this set there is at most
one path for each σ Σ and class t Tqos at s S. It is
R`s(t,σ) Rs(t,σ). Also let R``s(t',σ) be the set of all
candidate backup paths, for trunk σ Σ and the High class
t' at s S. Note that the paths in R`s(t',σ) are not included
in R``s(t',σ). It is R``s(t',σ) Rs(t,σ). Using the previous
notation the pp-SARQOS sub-problem is formulated next.
The objective is either to maximise the revenue obtained
by routing survivability-supported QoS traffic on the
admitted backup paths when the corresponding primary
paths fail due to node/link failure(s) (1st term), or to
minimise the cost for routing the backup paths (2nd term),
subject to the value of U.
The constraint (14) indicates that traffic belonging to
service class t Tqos for source-destination pair σ Σ and
for network state s S, uses the path r R`s(t,σ).
The next constraint indicates that traffic belonging to High
class t' for pair σ Σ and for state s S, must use at most
one backup route q R``s(t',σ).
The link capacity constraint is shown below
The following constraint forces the primary and the backup
paths for the High class t' and the trunk σ Σ at network
state s S to be link disjoint.
Tqost tRsr
Tqost tRsr
Tqost tRsr
Tqost tRsr
SsqosXrs = ,Tt,),R`(t,r ,1
Tqost rltsRr
SsLlCcbXT ls
Tqost rltRsr
2.4 Model for the two-layered decomposition
of the Combined Survivable Admission
2.4 Model for the two-layered decomposition
of the Combined Survivable Admission
2.5 Model for the three-layered decomposition
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.32
Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
The next constraint forces the primary and the backup paths
for class t' and trunk σ Σ at state s S to be node disjoint.
Note that for the solution of the pp-SARQOS sub-
problem, QoS traffic demands with survivability guarantees
(backup path definition) are required. Otherwise the
objective function of the sub-problem is undefined. The
third sub-problem (phase 3) is the SARBE in which
constraint (8) takes the form of the constraint (12).
In the case that an ILP problem (Exact problem) is
infeasible then an LP-relaxed version of it is solved. For the
LP-relaxation of the ILP TE problems it is assumed that Xrs
and Yqs can take any value in the interval [0,1], i.e. the
variables may take non-integer values. However, only
integer (0 or 1) results are finally considered.
In the context of the present work, two heuristic
algorithms have been developed in order to address the
survivability-supported TE problem in multi-service
backbone networks. These are the Survivable Traffic
Engineering algorithm 1 (STE_1) and the Survivable
Traffic Engineering algorithm 2 (STE_2). These algorithms
are based on the Traffic Engineering Algorithm 1 (TEA_1)
and the Traffic Engineering Algorithm 2 (TEA_2).
Both TEA_1 and TEA_2 are based on the Dijkstra
shortest path algorithm [13]. TEA_1 is used for admission
control/routing of QoS traffic trunks. It involves the
following steps (consider the aforementioned terminology):
1. Sort the QoS traffic trunks in decreasing order
according to their priority, i.e. the higher priority trunks
are placed first. The sorting takes place in two phases.
Specifically, at the first phase, considering the priority
classes previously defined, the trunks belonging to the
High service class are put first followed by the trunks
belonging to the Medium class etc. Then at the second
phase the trunks of each class are re-arranged
according to the their earnings rates, that is the trunks
with the higher earnings rates are placed first followed
by the trunks with the lower earnings rates. When two
or more trunks have the same earnings rate then these
trunks are placed in decreasing order of bandwidth
demand, that is the trunks with the higher bandwidth
demand are placed first followed by the trunks with the
lower bandwidth demand.
2. Consider the higher priority trunk with demand Tσt.
3. Create a sub-graph G where all the links with residual
bandwidth less than the traffic demand Tσt are removed.
This ensures that all the remaining links have
bandwidth greater than or equal to Tσt.
4. To sub-graph G use Dijkstra’s algorithm to determine
the minimum link weight path between the source and
the destination of the trunk, considering special link
weights based on the metrics presented in [14].
5. If a path exists and the number of intermediate hops
along the path is less than the max hop bound H then
establish the path and deduct the resources (e.g. link
capacity) used by the path.
6. For each of the next trunks, placed in descending order
of priority, repeat steps 3 to 5.
TEA_2 is used for admission control/routing of BE
trunks. It involves the same basic procedure and number of
steps as TEA_1. However, at step 1 the BE traffic trunks
are sorted in decreasing order according to their earnings
rates, i.e. the trunks with the higher earnings rates are
placed first. When two or more BE trunks have the same
earnings rate then these trunks are placed in decreasing
order of bandwidth demand. Furthermore, at step 4
Dijkstra’s algorithm determines the minimum hop path
between the source and the destination of the considered
trunk. In step 5 no hop count test is made.
Note that in both TEA_1 and TEA_2 the complexity of
step 3 is O(L) and the complexity of step 4 is O(N2). Since
connected networks are considered it is L N2. So, the
overall complexity of the steps 3 and 4 is O(N2).
The STE_1 algorithm (Method 4 M4) establishes a
primary path and where required a backup path for each
QoS and BE traffic trunk. STE_1 is outlined next.
1. Sort the QoS traffic trunks in decreasing order
according to their priority (see TEA_1 above).
2. Consider the higher priority trunk with demand Tσt.
3. Execute steps 3 to 5 of the TEA_1 algorithm in order to
find a primary route r for the trunk. Store the route r.
4. Exclude from graph G the nodes (links) belonging to
the primary route r except source and destination.
5. To the remaining graph execute steps 3 to 5 of TEA_1
to find a node (link) disjoint backup route for r.
6. Repeat steps 3 5 for each of the High and Medium
class traffic trunks, considering that the trunks are in
descending order of priority.
7. For each of the lower QoS class trunks repeat step 3,
having in mind that the trunks are placed in descending
order of priority.
8. Execute TEA_2 for each BE trunk placed in
descending order of priority.
The STE_2 algorithm (Method 5 M5) also establishes
a primary path and where required a backup path for each
QoS and BE traffic trunk. STE_2 is illustrated below.
1. Sort the QoS traffic trunks in decreasing order
according to their priority (see TEA_1 above).
2. Consider the higher priority trunk with demand Tσt.
3. Execute steps 3 to 5 of the TEA_1 algorithm in order to
find a primary route r for the trunk. Store the route r.
4. For each of the next trunks repeat step 3, having in
mind that the trunks are placed in descending order of
5. Consider the higher priority High class trunk requiring
a backup route.
6. Exclude from graph G the nodes (links) belonging to
the corresponding primary route r except source and
rs +
3. Heuristic Algorithms
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.32
Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
7. To the remaining graph execute steps 3 to 5 of TEA_1
to find a node (link) disjoint backup route for r.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each of the High and Medium
class traffic trunks, considering that the trunks are in
descending order of priority.
9. Execute TEA_2 for each BE trunk placed in
descending order of priority.
For the tests the NetLab software package [15] was
used. It was developed using the Tcl/Tk scripting language
[16]. NetLab is used for network topological design and
simulation, incorporating a Graphical User Interface
(GUI). NetLab is capable of solving ILP and LP
optimisation problems using the lp_solve 4.0 software [17],
which is a freely available LP and ILP solver.
Figure 1. Network A.
The experiments were run on a PC equipped with a
Pentium III 638 MHz CPU and 448 MB RAM. Note that
the solution of the optimisation problems and the heuristic
algorithms is both CPU and memory intensive.
The objective of the tests was to find the blocking ratios
of trunks in two typical networks. Specifically, for each
method the ratio of the number of admitted primary routes
to the number of expected primary routes for the QoS
trunks, the ratio of the number of admitted backup routes to
the number of expected backup routes for the survivability-
supported QoS trunks and also the ratio of the number of
admitted routes to the number of expected routes for the BE
trunks must be obtained.
For the tests the network A (Figure 1) with 20 nodes and
40 links and the network B (Figure 2) with 15 nodes and 40
links were used. Each link of A was assigned a capacity
equal to 8 Mbps and each link of B was assigned a capacity
equal to 4 Mbps. In network A two sets of 10 tests each
were executed. The first test involved 1520 and the second
one 1140 demands for primary QoS trunks, backup paths
for the survivability-supported QoS trunks and BE trunks.
Here, these demands are characterised as commodities. In
network B two sets of 10 tests each were performed with
1260 and 840 commodities respectively. Note that the
primary and the corresponding backup path must be node
disjoint. 1-and-1 protection was used for the tests. Also the
following assumptions were made: Wpt = 2 for all QoS
classes, Zt = Zb = 1 for all demands, U = 1, pσs = 1 for all
High class demands, dσs = 1 for all BE demands, RevS = 1,
H = 6 for all candidate paths for the High class, H = 10 for
all candidate paths for the other QoS classes and cbs = 0.95.
Figure 2. Network B.
In order to find a number of candidate admissible routes
[1] for each QoS trunk, a special algorithm called Path
Finding Algorithm (PFA), was initially utilised. For more
on PFA see Appendix B. PFA found totally 561 and 1264
candidate admissible paths for networks A and B
The experimental results obtained from the solution of
the Exact and the LP-relaxed optimisation models as well
as from the heuristic algorithms are presented in Figures 3 -
6. However, due to the large number of results only average
blocking ratios from each set of tests are illustrated in this
4. Simulations and Results
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.32
Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
paper. Note that in the 1st set of tests (Figure 3) no results
were acquired from Method 1 because the SARQOSBE
sub-problem was infeasible, probably due to the huge
number of variables involved (34280). Besides, in the 3rd
set of tests (Figure 5) no results were obtained from Method
3 because the pp-SARQOS sub-problem was infeasible.
From the tests, it was obtained that Method 2 out-
performed all other optimisation methods as regards both
QoS trunk admissibility and backup path establishment. On
the other hand Method 1 out-performed all other
optimisation models regarding BE trunk admissibility.
However, Method 5 performed the best among all methods
regarding QoS and BE trunk admissibility. On the contrary,
Method 4 performed the best among all methods regarding
backup path establishment. The Exact models performed
better than the LP-relaxed models but the solution time for
the LP-relaxed models was less. Also, the solution time for
Methods 4 and 5 was much less than for the optimisation
methods in all cases.
Figure 3. Results from the first set of tests for Network A.
Considerable literature exists on off-line TE techniques
for use in multi-service networks. However, survivability-
supported off-line TE methods have not yet studied
thoroughly. This paper focuses on the formulation of novel
optimisation models and heuristic algorithms for the
solution of the survivability-supported off-line TE problem
in multi-service backbone networks where demands with
different QoS and survivability requirements inhere.
Extensive experimental work supports the theoretical
work providing evidence on the performance of the
proposed optimisation models and heuristic algorithms.
Basically, the selection of the best optimisation model
depends mainly on the required efficiency that the QoS and
BE traffic admission control/routing and the backup path
planning should have, always according to the employed
network management strategy (e.g. find as many backup
paths as possible) or TE policy (e.g. give priority to QoS
traffic over BE traffic). However, STE_2 (Method 5)
showed the best performance among all approaches in
terms of both QoS and BE traffic admissibility and total
solution time but not in terms of backup path planning
where the STE_1 algorithm (Method 4) outperformed all
other approaches. In every case the solution time for the
greedy heuristics (STE_1 and STE_2) was much less than
for the optimisation methods.
Figure 4. Results from the second set of tests for Network A.
Nevertheless, some characteristics of the off-line TE
methods, especially regarding load balancing, are currently
under study. In addition, more protection schemes, such as
M+N/M:N and shared path protection, are investigated. A
framework for off-line TE and on-line routing in survivable
ratio (%)
M1 M1LP M2 M2LP M3 M3LP M4 M5
Network A -1520 commodities
QoS Primary QoS Backup BE
blocking ratio (%)
M1 M1LP M2 M2LP M3 M3LP M4 M5
Network A - 1140 commodities
QoS Primary QoS Backup BE
5. Conclusions
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.32
Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
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ratio (%)
M1 M1LP M2 M2LP M3 M3LP M4 M5
Network B - 1260 commodities
QoS Primary QoS Backup BE
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.32
Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
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Considering the aforementioned terminology, the total
path cost Kr is given by the relation:
lr =
The value of the link cost Kl depends on the QoS class of
the traffic demand that is to be routed.
For constant-bit-rate services, such as voice, the main
consideration regarding routing is to minimize total service
delay and delay variation (jitter), while preserving specific
end-to-end delay and jitter bounds. Note that the total
service delay consists of propagation, queuing and node
processing delays. Therefore, service paths with bounded
minimum end-to-end total delay and jitter must be selected.
For this kind of services the following link cost metrics can
be used:
Considering the M/M/1 queue type model for links, it
is: Kl = (Cl/(Vl)2) + Dl + Dpl (20)
, where Vl is the residual bandwidth on link l L.
If Vl = cbsCl, it is: Kl = (1/(cb2Cl)) + Dl + Dpl (21)
The link length could be used for the link cost
definition. Long paths introduce large propagation
The next hop-based link metric can be used:
Kl = 1 (22)
The less hops a path has the less delay it introduces (see
Appendix B).
For the variable-bit-rate services all the above link costs
can be used, provided that the average traffic rate does not
exceed specific bounds. However, especially for variable-
bit-rate services with QoS guarantees, like real-time video,
either the link cost in (20)/(21) or the link length would be
adequate. Besides, considering Weighted Fair Queuing
(WFQ) scheduling [18] in the network, it is:
- Kl = (yso/Tσt) + (Pmax/Tσt) + (Pmax/Vl) + Dl + Dpl, if the
link is adjacent to the traffic source
- Kl = (Pmax/Tσt) + (Pmax/Vl) + Dl + Dpl, otherwise (23)
, where yso is the bucket size corresponding to the traffic
source and Pmax is the maximum packet size in the
For the traffic classes resembling to the BE service class
the link cost Kl = (1/Vl) and the link costs in (22) and (23)
can be used. For more details on link costs, taking into
account QoS, see [19] and [20].
PFA finds a set of candidate admissible routes with or
without QoS guarantees for each QoS traffic trunk. It is a
step-by-step procedure based on the iterative execution of a
modified version of the Floyd-Warshall (FW) all-pairs
shortest path algorithm [21]. FW finds the shortest path
between each source and destination in a network. PFA is
described below.
1. Execute FW to the initial network topology.
2. Exclude a node or a link from the standard topology (as
if it has failed) and execute the FW algorithm for the
new topology.
3. Store the established source-destination paths by the
FW algorithm.
4. Compare the established paths with the paths already
included to the current set of candidate paths (if any
5. The paths not previously established are included to the
set of candidate paths.
M1 M1LP M2 M2LP M3 M3LP M4 M5
Av erage
blocking ratio (% )
Network B - 840 commodities
QoS Primary QoS Backup BE
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.32
Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5, each time excluding a different
node or link from the network, for a specified number
of iterations.
FW estimates the total path delay summing together
the link propagation delays along the path or equivalently
the total path length, summing together the link lengths
along the path, since basically link length accounts for link
propagation delay. It also estimates the number of
intermediate hops a candidate path has. Each hop is
associated with a node and consequently with additional
processing delay and jitter. Therefore, the smaller the
number of hops of a path is, the less jitter and delay the
traffic trunk(s) that use this path will experience. Besides,
using a smaller number of hops increases the transmission
reliability of the traffic trunk(s), since the probability of a
failure on the path decreases.
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This article is published under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.32
Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022