Sustainable supply chain management of electric grid power
consumption load for smart cities based on second-order exponential
smoothing algorithm
1Department of Business Administration
University of West Attica
Ancient Olive Grove Campus
250 Thivon & P. Ralli Str, Egaleo
Postal Code 12241, Athens
2School of Social Sciences
Hellenic Open University
Aristotelous 18, Patra 263 35
Abstract: - Electric grid power consumption load is one of the fundamental areas that need to be faced to
provide a sustainable and green ecosystem in smart cities. Consumption load as well as supply and availability
of electricity to suppliers and customers is a major issue to be faced to have a balanced smart city power grid
infrastructure. Balancing in this case is assumed as a well-designed supply chain management system to be
applied in the Smart City (SC) of Athens, Greece. Core of such a system is the knowledge of electric power
consumption load per weekly basis of a year, that is the granularity of the proposed system is one week of the
system’s operation. In this paper, focus is given on the electric load forecast component of an Energy
Management System (EMS) such as the Independent Power Transmission Operator (ITPO) of Greece.
Concretely, stochastic data of electric energy consumption load are used to predict the demand or offering of
electric power in the future. This is achieved by incorporating a machine learning second-order exponential
smoothing algorithm. Such an algorithm is able to speculate near or far in the future power consumption load
thus providing a promising parameter to predict smart city needs for electric power in the future. Adopted
system is evaluated by the evaluation metric of Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE), which assures
that the system can be used for future predictions of electric power consumption load in smart cities.
Key-Words: sustainable management, supply chain, electric grid, exponential smoothing, smart cities
Received: August 25, 2021. Revised: October 20, 2022. Accepted: November 17, 2022. Published: December 9, 2022.
1 Introduction
Sustainable and green energy is an area of great
importance in smart cities in modern societies
around the globe, [1]. Electric energy is one area of
such high importance that needs to be treated
rationally to become environmentally friendly, [2].
Electric grid is used to transfer electric energy in
every place of a smart city to provide advanced
wellbeing to citizens of the city, [3]. However,
electric power has a disadvantage, that it cannot be
stored in huge quantities, [4]. For this purpose, it is
fundamental that the city, such as the Smart City
(SC) of Athens in Greece, should produce that
amount of electric energy that covers its needs
without great variance in the produced energy, [5].
Specifically, production should be confronted
between two thresholds, that is production of less
electric power and production of more electric
power than that the population of the city can
consume, [6]. Less production leads to buying
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.27
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Faidon Komisopoulos,
Andreas Vlachos, Alkinoos Psarras,
Ioannis Salmon, Klimis Ntalianis
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
electric power quantity required from electric
energy suppliers, while high production of electric
energy leads to selling surplus to potential electric
power customers, [7]. Although it is important to
have exactly the amount of electric power needed it
is rare this balance holds, [8]. Concretely, it is about
a supply chain management system, which should
be at any time ready to balance surplus or deficit of
electric power incorporated by the smart city
electric demand infrastructure, [9]. Intuitively, an
Energy Management System (EMS) is a system
with certain computer applications, automation and
control for monitoring. Controlling, scheduling and
analysis of the energy power system operation at all
levels (production, grid, demand), [10]. Concretely,
an EMS comprises a variety of applications and
automation technologies, falling in the following
basic categories: (1) power system simulator, (2)
operation training, (3) state estimation and system
monitoring, (4) risk and contingency analysis, (5)
load forecast, (6) real time voltage control and grid
operation, (7) load shedding, (8) economic dispatch
and automatic generation control, and (9) Data
In this paper we focus on the green and
sustainable supply chain management technology of
electric energy produced and consumed by the smart
city of Athens, Greece. Proposed research effort
would not be feasible to operate without the
proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) and
artificial intelligence technologies, which provide a
safe and sound framework where upcoming
technologies can be invented, analyzed and applied
in the wider area of a SC. Specifically, we are
interested in the electric load forecast component of
an EMS such as in the Independent Power
Transmission Operator (ITPO) of Greece, [11].
Concretely, special focus is given on the ability to
predict the electric energy produced by the city in a
granularity of a weekly basis during one year. Such
a knowledge would provide us the advantage of
when to proactively trigger suppliers or customers
of electric power to balance the smart city electric
energy. Specifically, we use stochastic historic data
from the previous year and apply second-order
exponential smoothing machine learning algorithms
to speculate future values of electric power required
by the city, [12]. To achieve these certain
parameters are required, such as the number of the
past weekly used values, the prediction time sliding
window as well as the time distance in the future we
would like to make a prediction. Actually, the
adopted machine learning model provides us the
opportunity to choose several future values to make
a desired prediction. Our model is evaluated with
the Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE)
evaluation metric, where results indicate that the
adopted approach could be incorporated in actual
cases of electric power consuming prediction in the
next few years.
Proposed approach focuses on the significance of
the current research effort, which can be described
in the following list:
Electric load forecast component applied in the
SC of Athens, Greece.
Online and in real time prediction of electric
energy consumed by the city.
Granularity of the system is defined to be one
week, which results in a more robust
environment compared with granularities of less
time quantities.
Proposed algorithm is lightweight thus less
complex compared with Neural Networks
approaches incorporated by other studies in the
Data used in the proposed research are real and
provided by the ITPO of Greece.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2 related work is provided. Section 3
describes the proposed machine learning prediction
system algorithm. Section 4 presents the evaluation
metric used to assess the efficiency of the proposed
machine learning second-order exponential
smoothing algorithm. Section 5 analyzes adopted
system parameters. In Section 6 certain experiments
are based on real data. In addition, results are
presented based on the adopted system parameters
and the proposed machine learning algorithm.
Section 7 performs detailed discussion of the results
observed to understand the behavior of the proposed
algorithm and its application in the smart city of
Athens, Greece. Finally, Section 8 concludes the
paper presenting the main aspects of the proposed
machine learning algorithm as well as proposes
specific research parameters eligible to be
performed by certain future work.
2 Related Work
Contemporary research in the area of electric power
grid consumption load focuses on efficient
prediction schemas, which are able to predict
electric energy load in smart cities. Research
approaches are sorted based on the parameters of the
energy management functions they provide.
Concretely, certain groups of research efforts
emerged based on prediction spatial scope,
granularity and time horizon values incorporated.
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.27
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Faidon Komisopoulos,
Andreas Vlachos, Alkinoos Psarras,
Ioannis Salmon, Klimis Ntalianis
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
2.1 Spatial Scope
According to spatial scope (i.e., the grid area
covered) systems are divided in efforts, which cover
the whole area of a SC and systems which cover a
limited area of the city.
2.1.1 Whole Area of a Smart City
Specifically, a scheduling framework using dynamic
optimal electric power flow of electric energy
consumption load for battery energy storage systems
is proposed, which focuses on mitigating the
predicted limits of renewable electric power
generation for the smart city infrastructure, [13]. An
energy management system, which is designed
incorporating fuzzy logic control for relaxing the
electric grid power profile of a residential electro-
thermal microgrid is proposed for predicting electric
consumption load in smart cities, [14]. Such a
system aims to design an energy management model
to reduce the impact of grid power in cases of
2.1.2 Limited Area of a Smart City
A hybrid robust system, which considers outliers on
real time for electric consumption load series
prediction is introduced in, [15]. Specifically,
electric consumption load prediction is treated as an
important operation of electric power grids, where
cost reduction in the production of power is of
increased managerial significance. A multi-model
fusion short-term electric energy consumption load
forecasting system, which is based on random forest
feature selection to input a hybrid neural network
exploiting sliding window technique, proposed in
the literature, [16]. Such a system is able to
distinguish the non-linear relationship between
various input features.
2.2 Granularity
Research efforts in this category are divided
according to the granularity of the designed system
(i.e., the single time unit), which might be a single
hour, a week or a month ahead of electric load
forecast component operation.
2.2.1 Single Hour Ahead Operation
An electric consumption load prediction based on
artificial intelligence deep learning model is used to
optimize power grid behavior in smart cities, [17].
Proposed system is enhanced by the execution of a
heuristic algorithm able to balance electric load in
an occupied smart grid. Specifically, the system
supports decision making of a smart electric power
grid incorporating a feature selection algorithm to
mitigate the curse of dimensionality of the input
parameters. Adopted system was tested on hourly
load data and proved to have an effective accuracy.
An improved Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
spatial-temporal forecasting method is proposed in
the literature, which covers electric power grid
consumption load needs based on effective Internet
of Things (IoT) analysis, [18]. Such a system is
implemented based on an efficient machine learning
model and compared with other intelligent
algorithms in different electric power energy
datasets with regards to prediction accuracy
evaluation metric. Proposed system achieved higher
prediction accuracy than the other machine learning
algorithms. Electric consumption load prediction
scheme under false data injection attacks is able to
be faced using an artificial intelligence deep
learning model, [19]. Such a system is able to
forecast electric load at different time horizons
balancing the needs of producers and customers of a
smart city. A cyber-secure deep learning model is
constructed, which is able to predict effectively
electric consumption load in power grids for a
sliding time spanning from an hour up to a week of
continuous operation.
2.2.2 A Week Ahead Operation
A demand response visualization system, which is
applied for electric power consumption load systems
is proposed, [20]. Such a system is refers to
activities designed to manage and control electric
loads in a smart city. Proposed system also provides
visualization capabilities to utilize electric power
distribution networks to enable efficient network
operation. Short-term electric power consumption
load forecasting, which is based on gate recurrent
unit networks exploiting cloud computing platform
flexibility is proposed, [21]. Such a system has an
important role in the entire smart grid infrastructure
due to its impact on the scheduling and production
of electric power units located in smart cities’
2.2.3 A Month Ahead Operation
Electric power system load prediction analysis
incorporating computer neural network technology
is proposed, which focuses on economic
development of electric power stations in smart
cities, [22]. Such a system is related to sustainable
industrial economic development to balance electric
power consumption needs in smart cities. An
electric power load prediction model applied to an
electric power substation, which incorporates an
efficient artificial neural network is analyzed in,
[23]. Such a model is able to estimate, with effective
prediction accuracy, the electric power of
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.27
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Faidon Komisopoulos,
Andreas Vlachos, Alkinoos Psarras,
Ioannis Salmon, Klimis Ntalianis
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
consumption load produced by a power grid
substation. Adopted model incorporates a system
operator to assure a reliable and optimal behavior.
2.3 Time Horizon
Time horizon parameter is divided with regards to
size of available history as well as size of future
prediction. According to this definition there are
systems, which use massive information of available
history and limited future to be prediction sizes as
well as systems that use limited information of
available history and also limited future prediction
2.3.1 Massive Information of Available History
A detailed analysis on Cyber-Physical Power
System (CPPS) environments for enabling safe as
well as sustainable electric power grids for active
consumption load is proposed in the literature, [24].
Examined research effort focuses on the stochastic
analysis of cyberattacks in the energy sector of a
smart city. Such analyses incorporate the
heterogeneous nature of the CPPS to evaluate
possible emerging vulnerabilities and threats in the
smart city energy infrastructure. A multi-step ahead
prediction for electric power consumption load
incorporating an ensemble machine learning model
is proposed in, [25]. Specifically, the model is based
on a two-layer robust structure, which enables
experiments to be conducted with different
prediction horizons in the future to assess its
2.3.2 Limited Information of Available History
Pricing information in smart electric energy grids
focusing on a quality-based data valuation paradigm
is proposed, which exploits important assets for the
optimal operation and planning of electric power
consumption load systems, [26]. A smart electric
power grid for forecasting electric consumption load
in a smart city network is analyzed, [27]. Such a
system aims to frame the deployment of a smart grid
based on smart technologies assessment towards an
efficient electric energy source for smart grid
integration. A mean shift densification of certain
data sources feeding short-term electric power load
prediction for special days within a year is studied,
[28]. Such short-term forecasting has a significant
role regarding the operation of electric systems and
planning maintenance decision support operation
processes within a smart city infrastructure.
Current research efforts focus on accurate supply
chain prediction of electric consumption load
required by smart cities’ power grid infrastructure.
There are effective artificial intelligence and
machine learning models, which are able to support
suppliers and customer balance for electric power
during a period stemming from one hour up to one
week of operation. However, such proposed
solutions are computational inefficient, since they
use complex forecasting algorithms, thus burdening
the whole smart city electric energy infrastructure.
In this paper there is an intention to design a
computationally lightweight machine learning
algorithm to provide a less complex prediction
schema for smart cities’ operation. Specifically, we
propose to use a supply chain second-order
exponential smoothing algorithm, which is able to
predict electric consumption load required by smart
city power grid operation. Such an algorithm is
simple to be designed and applied in the existing
infrastructure as well as is also able to predict with
efficient prediction accuracy the consumption of
electric load required on a weekly basis for a smart
city’s electric energy operational behavior.
Intuitively, proposed research focuses on a
prediction spatial scope (i.e., the grid area covered)
of the whole area of the SC of Athens, Greece. In
addition, granularity of the designed system (i.e., the
single time unit) is defined to be one week of
operation. Concretely, time horizon follows the
limited information size of available history (e.g.,
five prior weeks), while size of future to be
predicted is experimentally defined to be one week
Prediction spatial scope is defined to be the
whole area of the SC of Athens since real data
provided by the Independent Power Transmission
Operator (ITPO) of Greece, [11], cover the actual
needs of electric load consumption for the city of
Athens. Concretely, the proposed system algorithm
is based on the provided data to exploit electric load
consumption of large-scale performance such as the
case of the capital city of Athens, Greece.
Intuitively, granularity of input data to the proposed
system is defined to be a week since less time period
would not have practical interest. Actually, provided
data are describing hourly electric load consumption
for the city of Athens. However, such detailed
information would cause latencies and delays in the
proposed system algorithm execution, thus it is
performed aggregation of the provided data into
weekly basis. Subsequently, the time horizon size of
available history is defined to be five weeks so as to
be one whole month of the system’s operation plus
the consecutive week of the provided data. This
experimental setup provides the algorithm with
more robust historic data thus leading to an efficient
system behavior. Concretely, the size of the future is
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.27
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Faidon Komisopoulos,
Andreas Vlachos, Alkinoos Psarras,
Ioannis Salmon, Klimis Ntalianis
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
defined to be one week because prediction in a more
extended time horizon would lead to loss of precise
results, which might result in failure of the system
algorithm to provide effective predictions.
Fig. 1. Visualization of the proposed second-order
exponential smoothing algorithm.
3 System Algorithm
Proposed system algorithm is based on the second-
order exponential smoothing for the current research
effort, which exploits stochastic historical electric
data values to predict the next electric consumption
load value in the future horizon of a weekly smart
city operation, [12]. Such a system is based on the
input of continuous weekly electric consumption
load measurements the model from up to .
Specifically, is a period of electric values in
the past from where the algorithm takes input, while
electric measurement value of is the current
electric consumption measurement. Concretely, a
sliding window, which contains the last values is
used to input such values to the algorithm. Since the
considered values are constrained by the length of
the algorithm is characterized as local, thus in a
certain instant it is only processing the input
values. Subsequently, the local second-order
exponential smoothing algorithm function, ,
performs at time instant a prediction of the next
electric consumption value. However, prediction at
time instant is possible to be done in a time
horizon of weekly measurement steps in the
future, thus prediction can be performed in a weekly
horizon of electric values. Intuitively, the
proposed algorithm should be evaluated with
regards to the quality of its prediction based on a
threshold , which is a threshold used to assess the
value of the Normalized Root Mean Square Error
(NRMSE), , observed by the algorithm. A
predicted electric consumption value is considered
as successful if it is less or equal to, in the
opposite case the value is considered as a failure of
the adopted algorithm. A visualization of the
proposed second-order exponential smoothing
algorithm is presented in Fig. 1.
Technically second-order exponential smoothing
algorithm, as customized for current research effort,
is input by continuous weekly electric values, where
the examined actual value is denoted with , which
beginning at time instant [12]. Concretely, it
is used in the notation to represent the smoothed
weekly electric consumption value for time .
Subsequently, notation is used to characterize the
optimal estimate of the algorithm’s trend at time .
Intuitively, at this stage it is presented as the output
of the second-order exponential smoothing
algorithm, which is denoted as , which is an
estimate of the value  at time instance
according to the historical weekly electric values
from the sliding window formed between the past
time instances from up to time . is defined
by the following equation:
Concretely, given certain input to the machine
learning system algorithm specific output is
expected to observe a computed electric power
weekly consumption load prediction. Second-order
exponential smoothing algorithm is presented in
Table 1.
4 Evaluation Metric
Assessing the efficiency of an algorithm implies the
existence of an evaluation metric. In case of the
proposed second-order exponential smoothing
algorithm it is adopted the Normalized Root Mean
Square Error (NRMSE), , which takes values
within the interval, 󰇟 󰇠. Concretely, is
defined in the following equation:
Where, , are the dependent predicted
electric consumption load values, , are the actual
values, and , is the average of the actual values of
the dependent variable. A low value of means an
efficient exponential smoothing algorithm, while a
high value of means a weak system algorithm. A
threshold of  indicates that the adopted
algorithm has an acceptable prediction behavior,
while a value of  indicates that the mean of
the dependent variable distribution cannot be
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.27
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Faidon Komisopoulos,
Andreas Vlachos, Alkinoos Psarras,
Ioannis Salmon, Klimis Ntalianis
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
predicted, which means that the algorithm is very
weak [29].
Table 1. Second-order exponential smoothing
Second-order exponential smoothing algorithm
Output: 
For 󰇛 󰇜 Do
󰇛 󰇜󰇛 󰇜 // Where 󰇛 󰇜,
// data smoothing factor
󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 // Where 󰇛 󰇜,
//trend smoothing factor
End For
 // To predict beyond
Return ()
Table 2. Adopted system parameters.
Electric load value (Megawatt hour)
[24.29, 78.89]
 Sliding window size (Week)
[1, 52]
 Future prediction horizon (Week)
[1, 5]
NRMSE evaluation metric (Net number)
[0, 1]
 NRMSE threshold value (Net number)
5 System Parameters
Proposed system was tested on real data, which
were provided by the Independent Power
Transmission Operator (ITPO) of Greece, [11].
Specifically, input data feed the proposed algorithm
are numerical values measured in Megawatt hour.
Such electric load is used by the smart city of
Athens, Greece supply chain infrastructure to
provide the adequate electric consumption energy to
balance demand and supply between its citizens
needs as well as the interested suppliers and
customers. Electric values are aggregated to weekly
consumption by ITPO to provide a stable electric
flow in the power grid of the city. Megawatt hour in
the city for a weekly basis is within the following
numeric interval 󰇟󰇠. Sliding
window size required by the proposed algorithm to
operate is within the following interval, 󰇟 󰇠,
since working weeks of a year are approximately 52
weeks. Future prediction horizon of a forecasted
electric consumption load value is defined to be
within the interval, 󰇟 󰇠. Normalized Root
Mean Square Error (NRMSE), , is defined to have
the following threshold value , which is net
number. Adopted system parameters are presented
in Table 2.
Table 3. Experimental benchmark dataset values in
Megawatt hour per week granularity.
6 Experiments and Results
We experimented with the proposed second-order
exponential smoothing algorithm based on the
adopted evaluation metric NRMSE, , and defined
system parameters. Experimental smart city is the
capital city of Greece, which is Athens. Data used
for the experiments are denoting electric energy
load consumption per week of electric power grid
operation by the smart city of Athens as provided by
the system parameter, . Experiments are performed
to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
algorithm with further scope to adopt such a system
in real life scenarios, which may emerge and need
treatment by the load forecast component of the
ITPO. Such a benchmark dataset is consisting of
real data for the year 2021, which are available
online by the ITPO [11]. Concretely, experimental
data are processed in a granularity of a week
operation, which input the load forecast component
of the SC of Athens, Greece ITPO. Detailed values
of the available real data per week for a total period
of 52 weeks, which cover the period of a working
year are presented in Table 3.
Proposed machine learning algorithm is
implemented in Python release version 3.9.10, while
experiments were performed on a HP ProBook
455R G6 computer with 8.00 GB memory. We
performed 1000 experimental iterations invoking
adopted second-order exponential smoothing, where
the observed results were visualized. Specifically,
experiments focused on defining the optimal value
of defined evaluation metric NRMSE, , for sliding
window size, , while simultaneously fine tuning
the optimum value for future prediction horizon, ,
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.27
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Faidon Komisopoulos,
Andreas Vlachos, Alkinoos Psarras,
Ioannis Salmon, Klimis Ntalianis
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
according to certain error threshold, . Experimental
results are presented in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Visualization of the NRMSE, , values for
certain sliding window size, , values and adopted
future prediction horizon, , values.
Fig. 3. Visualization of actual and predicted values
for certain sliding window size, , value and
adopted future prediction horizon, , value.
It can be noted that optimal predicted values are
observed for sliding window size value, , and
future prediction horizon, . Concretely,
NRMSE observed values are within range
󰇟 󰇠. Predicted observations along with
actual data values, for such parameter settings, are
presented in Fig. 3.
7 Discussion
Proposed second-order exponential smoothing
algorithm is a lightweight solution to the electric
load prediction problem since it can provide
relatively accurate predictions online and in real
time. Concretely, the adopted algorithm is able to
quantify in its analytical formulae the quantities of
input data and their trend towards an output
prediction. However, an extension of this algorithm
would take into consideration the quantity of
seasonal change smoothing factor, which might
affect positively and improve the effectiveness of
the algorithm. This is an open issue the authors have
scheduled to study in the future work.
Intuitively, the proposed algorithm incorporates
several parameters, which should be explained in
more depth to understand how the algorithm infers a
prediction in the future. Input values are the
sequential values of the electric load data stream,
which actually has a vital impact on the overall
performance of the adopted algorithm. Concretely,
an electric energy value data stream may be
accessed as a data signal and as that a safe and
sound input flow is more possible to lead to valid
output predictions than that in case of a random like
data stream. Subsequently, data smoothing factor, ,
is better understood as a factor which unlocks the
potentiality of arithmetic electric load data values,
which can then be exploited better by the algorithm.
Intuitively, trend smoothing factor,, can contribute
in making the algorithm to understand the current
positive or negative arithmetic trend the
manipulated data have while time is passing and
prediction is required as soon as possible. However,
there is no golden ratio or default known values for
the computed and values since they both depend
on the quality and inherent noise of the input
electric load data stream values. Actually, this is the
existing issue in machine learning since there is
nothing to be taken for granted. Instead, every single
parameter of the selected algorithm should undergo
a certain number of iterations to converge in an
acceptable efficiency level where the parameters are
considered stable and able to provide valid
A challenging issue the proposed model has to
deal with in real-life environments is the balance of
the SC’s electricity grid. Such a problem is crucial
to maintain an operational electricity grid in SCs.
Specifically, the amount of electricity load input to
the electricity grid should in any case be equal to the
amount of electric load consumed. If this is not
feasible there is a high possibility of a black-out in
the city’s infrastructure. Subsequently, the
contemporary increase of renewable electric
production that can significantly vary depending on
the weather conditions has a more complicated
impact to the existing electric balance issue. In
addition, existing power plants should be able to
compensate for these constant fluctuations, since
there is not the feasibility to store electricity in vast
quantities over a long period of time [30]. Since the
proposed algorithm is part of the load forecast
component of the adopted EMS for the SC of
Athens, Greece it is able to predict the future
electric consumption values required by the SC.
Such knowledge enhances the EMS to achieve
electricity balance proactively, that is before this
situation will actually happen. Intuitively, this
possible proactiveness is a strategic managerial tool,
which is feasible due to the adopted algorithm.
Concretely, results of the proposed machine
algorithm are promising to provide efficient supply
chain sustainable management services by the smart
city of Athens, Greece. Specifically, experiments
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.27
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Faidon Komisopoulos,
Andreas Vlachos, Alkinoos Psarras,
Ioannis Salmon, Klimis Ntalianis
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
performed for a period of a year containing electric
energy consumption load for 52 weeks of system
operation provide a robust power grid infrastructure.
As it can be observed by the obtained NRMSE, ,
values, proposed system algorithm is able to predict
future electric power consumption load for the smart
city for certain values of sliding window size, , per
certain values of future prediction horizon, .
NRMSE, , efficiency increases, thus values of
NRMSE, , are decreased since these are error
values and the smaller they are the better the
adopted second-order exponential smoothing
algorithm performance is achieved.
We can observe that NRMSE, , decreases as
sliding window size , increases from one week of
operation up to five weeks of power grid operation
for all values of future prediction horizon .
However, we can observe there is a global minimum
at the sliding window size, , for value of ,
while increased values of lead to higher values of
, thus performance of the system is decreasing.
This is explained since the system learns from
incremental experience for 󰇟 󰇠. When
algorithm has learned the behavior of electric
energy consumption load in the smart city for a
month and a new week, i.e., the 5th week of
operation. Since with the system is more
robust due to the completion of a whole circle of
temporal training plus a new unseen instance, which
is the first week of the next month, is now ready to
perform its first extrapolation attempt with values of
󰇟 󰇠.
It can be observed that the proposed
algorithm can predict well with almost all future
prediction horizons , values. However, if we need
more insight into future need for electric power
consumption by the smart city we would feed the
algorithm with more increasing values of sliding
window size, thus 󰇟 󰇠. It is obvious that as
increases external noise is entered to the algorithm,
which has a negative impact to its . So, the more
the input values the worse values observed.
Concretely, the future horizon of prediction is going
worse for all values of . However, it is interesting
to observe that in this condition lower values of
achieve lower values of , thus overall performance
for is marginally better for other values, i.e.,
󰇟 󰇠. By this point of view future work in this
research area should focus on computationally
lightweight machine learning algorithms, as the
proposed second-order exponential smoothing
algorithm, which should exploit the dynamics of
such prediction property, (i.e., better future
prediction outcomes for ), of the examined
electric power weekly grid supply.
Intuitively, in Fig. 3 it can be observed the actual
input values to the model and the output predicted
values, which are provided to the load forecast
component of the examined system. Specifically, in
Fig. 3 it is presented the actual and predicted electric
consumption load values for a period of the year
2021 aggregated per working week, thus a total of
52 weeks of a year. Note that the output predicted
values’ plotted line marginally well aligned with the
actual input values’ plotted line, respectively.
Subsequently, it can be inferred that the NRMSE
error range is within, 󰇟󰇠, which
indicates that the proposed algorithm is efficiently
accurate and can be proposed for adoption to the SC
of Athens, Greece ITPO. Such a concrete
framework can face daily emerging situations,
which may occur in the electric energy grid of the
city in the next years of online and in real time
8 Conclusions and Future Work
A sustainable supply chain technology is analyzed
in this paper, which incorporates a second-order
exponential smoothing machine learning algorithm
to balance electric power dynamics between
suppliers and customers of the smart city of Athens,
Greece. Such an algorithm is part of the load
forecast component of the SC’s EMS, which is
responsible to maintain electricity balance in the
city. This is highly important since an unbalanced
electric grid is prone to an unexpected black-out.
Electric power consumption load is treated as a
machine learning data source, which inputs the
proposed algorithm to provide a green ecosystem
based on existing electric power grid infrastructure.
Balancing the needs or surplus of electric energy is
feasible due to continuous operation of the adopted
machine learning algorithm. Core of the system
algorithm is the knowledge of electric power
consumption load per weekly basis of a year.
Concretely, stochastic data of electric energy
consumption load are used to predict the demand or
offering of electric power in the future. Such a
prediction is feasible by using the proposed second-
order exponential smoothing algorithm, aiming to
speculate near or far in the future power
consumption load thus providing a promising
parameter to predict smart city needs for electric
power consumption load in the future. Main
parameters of the algorithm are data, , and trend,
, smoothing factors, which exploit the nature of the
input data as well as their positive or negative trend.
Adopted system is evaluated by the evaluation
metric of Normalized Root Mean Square Error
(NRMSE), which assures that the system can be
used for future predictions of electric power
consumption load in smart cities. Subsequently,
predicted electric consumption load values observed
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.27
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Faidon Komisopoulos,
Andreas Vlachos, Alkinoos Psarras,
Ioannis Salmon, Klimis Ntalianis
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022
are marginally well aligned to the input actual
values, which is an indicator of the proposed
system’s efficiency. Future work should focus on
exploiting the quantity of the seasonal change
smoothing factor, which might affect the
effectiveness of the proposed model. However, there
is no golden ratio or default known values for the
computed and values since they both depend on
the quality and inherent noise of the input electric
load data stream values. Actually, this is the existing
issue in machine learning since there is nothing to
be taken for granted. Instead, every single parameter
of the selected algorithm should undergo a certain
number of iterations to converge in an acceptable
efficiency level where the parameters are considered
stable and able to provide valid predictions.
Intuitively, since the proposed system is lightweight
it should be compared with other approaches in the
literature to compare its effectiveness with more
complex algorithms in consecutive future work.
Subsequently, such comparison should be done with
regards to certain experimental parameters that are
the variety of prediction spatial scope, granularity
and time horizon values as defined in the current
research effort. Focus will be on the principle of
equal treatment for all of the compared electric grid
consumption load solutions applied in a green and
sustainable SC infrastructure.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos has contributed in
conceptualization, methodology, software, and
writing original draft.
Faidon Komisopoulos has contributed in validation
and resources.
Andreas Vlachos has contributed in investigation
and visualization.
Alkinoos Psarras has contributed in formal analysis,
writing review and editing.
Ioannis Salmon has contributed in data curation and
funding acquisition.
Klimis Ntalianis has contributed in supervision and
project administration.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This research was funded by the course of
Advanced Quantitative Statistics of the Master of
Business Administration, at the Department of
Business Administration, at the University of West
Attica, Greece.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.27
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Faidon Komisopoulos,
Andreas Vlachos, Alkinoos Psarras,
Ioannis Salmon, Klimis Ntalianis
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 21, 2022