The scenarios studied in this article allow us to
draw the conclusion that both large and small
businesses are implementing the concept of digital
twinning, while there are important distinctions
between the issues they encounter and the strategies
and tools they employ to address them. The creation
of standardized procedures and architectures that
would permit integration into their R&D processes
and current ERP and MES solutions is a problem for
major research companies. SMEs are more focused
on using affordable, off-the-shelf simulation
modeling tools and commercially available sensors to
build proprietary automation that would allow them
to implement some of the concepts of energy
efficiency than on the purchase or development of
automation technologies, likely because of the
abundance of resources available.
The only method that could construct the
manufacturing process model for a given set of orders
in a reasonable amount of time was automated data-
driven model development.
Industry 4.0 techniques are currently underutilized in
production settings. On the one hand, contemporary
publications are addressing the issue of inconsistent
definitions of Industry 4.0. On the other hand, there
are widespread issues such as a lack of standards and
uncertainty over the economic rewards while dealing
with the need for often sizable investments.
Aspects of simulation-based engineering and
decision support systems can be developed using
unique solutions made possible by the research
reported in this paper. These methods automate
model development and solution identification. The
techniques and solutions made available allow for the
development of Industry 4.0 automation solutions
using the Digital Twin concept and generally
accessible sensor technologies, as well as the
automation of general-purpose simulation modeling
tools using data and standards from ERP/MES.
The process of moving from design to production is
one that involves many business considerations. The
research findings that have been presented here help
this process by allowing designers to understand how
their decisions will affect production considerably
earlier in the scheduled design cycle than is now
The multilevel model still faces difficulties with
model validation, which can be difficult for
automatically constructed models, particularly for
multilevel models. The effects of both inherent and
extrinsic uncertainty must be taken into account
when validating each simulation model.
All physics-based process models must have their
application areas established and be evaluated against
actual machine operations. As a result of the multi-
level model's stacking of validity concerns over
multiple levels, one level of this type of model
depends on the outcomes of another. Before the
virtual factory and other multi-resolution models can
be utilized to help industrial decision-making, the
impact of the stacking of uncertainty must be
recognized and measured.
In order to create integrated multi-level system
models, the adoption of a new simulation modeling
paradigm in the research environment necessitates
tighter collaboration with industrial partners and
diversification of researchers' knowledge. The
examples given illustrate that there are sufficient
integration choices in the current generation of
general-purpose simulation modeling tools, therefore
the lack of tools is not a problem. Additionally, a
variety of approaches have been developed for the
automatic development of simulation models that
correlate to industrial systems. Barlas and Heavey
provide a comprehensive summary of these
approaches (2016). The ideas of Industry 4.0 and
Digital Twin provide academics with a new incentive
for greater collaboration and knowledge transfer
between study fields, as multi-level modeling
necessitates the integration of models created using
various approaches and tools.
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DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.17
Agouzzal Kawtar, Abbou Ahmed