±90 degrees. Xand Zare limited to ±180 degrees.
Therefore, independent distributions are applied for
each Euler angle respecting the limits previously dis-
cussed in order to define the initial attitudes (3-2-1, Z-
Y-X, nonclassical Euler angles, which are converted
in quaternions) in a given Monte Carlo perturbation
Regarding initial angular velocities, they are de-
fined by independent distributions based on the max-
imum angular velocity of the satellite that is con-
trollable by the reaction wheels. Using Section 3.2
and Table 1, the maximum angular momentum of
the set of reactions wheels was computed (
hwmax =
Iw. ωwmax ) and then the corresponding maximum an-
gular velocity of the satellite was found solving a ma-
trix equation (
hwmax =
I. ωmax). The result in radians
per second was ωmax ={0.0385,0.0332,0.0225},
the norm (L2) was 0.0556, and the infinity norm was
0.0385, which is the value used as parameter in Ta-
ble 2.
In summary, the approach for the evaluation of the
region of attraction can be summarized as:
• Compute initial conditions for the Monte Carlo
perturbation model
Using independent distributions, compute
the 3-2-1 Euler angles (Z-Y-X, nonclassical Eu-
ler angles) in the range (±180,±90,±180)
Using independent distributions, compute
the angular velocities based on the maximum an-
gular velocity of satellite that is controllable by
the reaction wheels
• Perform the time-domain simulation until the
predefined tf
• Compute ROAs
The results are based on the satellite Amazonia-
1, which is characterized by Table 1, furthermore, the
simulations were conducted with the full Monte Carlo
perturbation model tuned with the parameters shared
in Table 2.
The initial conditions uniformly distributed com-
puted using such parameters by the Monte Carlo per-
turbation model are depicted using a two-dimensional
space, in which the norm of Euler angles is along the
X-axis and the norm of angular velocities is along the
Y-axis for each initial condition. This space has its
bounds constrained by the norm of Euler Angles rang-
ing from 0 to 270 degrees and the norm of angular ve-
locities ranging from 0 to 0.066 radians per second,
following the parameters presented in Table 2. How-
ever, as there is no mechanism to desaturate the re-
actions wheels, the limit expected for the norm of the
angular velocities of the initial conditions inside any
ROA is the previously shared 0.0556 radians per sec-
ond (in the presence of the nonlinearities). The same
two-dimensional space is used to depict ROAs.
Figure 1 shows the initial conditions uniformly
distributed by such a Monte Carlo perturbation model
execution (400 simulations, two different control laws
for each initial condition).
Taking into account the applied nonlinearities in
the reaction wheels (maximum torque, and maximum
angular velocity), for any step of a given maneuver
the actual control torque generated by the reaction
wheels could be smaller than the computed control.
Indeed, with such nonlinearities, the actual control
was smaller than the computed control in the simu-
lations as shown in Figure 2. Note points are close to
the X-axis in the sense that actual control was much
smaller than the bisectrix (where actual equals com-
puted control).
The result of such a “lack of control” is depicted
in Figure 3 that shows the ROA of LQR (in blue, leg-
end ProportionalLinearQuatuernionPartialLQRCon-
troller), and SDRE (in red, legend ProportionalNon-
The number of samples that converged by Equa-
tion (15) is less than the initial conditions, therefore,
the global asymptotic stability property is not present
in LQR or SDRE. Nonetheless, the ROA of the SDRE
is larger since more initial conditions converged for
tf. Moreover, both control laws are able to control
the whole range of Euler angles, consequently, the
angular velocities are the critical aspects to be con-
strained in the initial conditions. Such the fact corrob-
orates ω-stability [16] as the major concern in accor-
dance with Equation (15). Furthermore, it confirms
the common sense the controlling of angular veloc-
ities is constrained by nonlinearities in the actuators
leading to saturation.
6 Conclusion
As the results are based on analysis through simula-
tions, they are neither valid for general cases nor for
scenarios out of the range of the Monte Carlo pertur-
bation models due to the underlining nonlinear dy-
Although the results provide empirical evidence
that SDRE has a larger ROA than LQR in the case of
Amazonia-1, the major contribution of the paper is the
approach for the evaluation of the ROAs since such
the approach provides a tractable numerical algorithm
to compare control techniques. Moreover, confidence
turns to be a matter of computational power.
[1] J. D. Pearson, “Approximation methods in op-
timal control i. sub-optimal control,” Journal of
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.9
Alessandro Gerlinger Romero, Luiz Carlos Gadelha De Souza