squares method. The square root cubature Kalman
filter algorithm has been developed to estimate the
state of charge of battery (Guarnieri Massimo, 2016),
where 2n points are calculated to give the same
weight, according to cubature transform to
approximate the mean of state variables. To improve
the accuracy and reliability of state of charge
estimation for battery, an improved adaptive
cubature Kalman filter is proposed in (Hong WC,
2015), where the battery model parameters are
online identified by the forgetting factor recursive
least squares algorithm. An adaptive forgetting
recursive least squares method is exploited to
optimize the estimation alertness and numerical
stability (Petchsingh C, 2016), so as to achieve
online adaptation of model parameters. To reduce
the iterative computational complexity, a two stage
recursive least squares approach is developed to
identify the model parameters (Li X, Xiong J, 2018),
then the measurement values of the open circuit
voltage at varying relaxation periods and three
temperatures are sampled to establish the
relationships between state of charge and open
circuit voltage. In (Ngamsai Kittima, 2015), a
multi-scale parameter adaptive method based on
dual Kalman filters is applied to estimate multiple
parameters. Based on battery circuit model and
battery model state equation, the real time recursive
least squares method with forgetting factor is used to
identify unknown battery parameters (Ressel S, Bill
F, 2018). After introducing the concept of state of
health, the average error of the obtained state of
charge estimation is less than one given value. A
novel state and parameter co-estimator is developed
to concurrently estimate the state and model
parameters of a Thevenin model for Liquid mental
battery (Chou YS, Hsu NY, 2016), where the
adaptive unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is
employed for state estimation, including a battery
state of charge. After performing Lithium-ion battery
modelling and off-line parameter identification, a
sensitivity analysis experiment is designed to verify
which model parameter has the greatest influence on
state of charge estimation (Zhong Q, Zhong F, 2016).
To improve the state of charge estimation accuracy
under uncertain measurement noise statistics, a
variational Bayesian approximation based adaptive
dual extended Kalman filter is proposed in (Xiong B,
Zhao J, 2017), and the measurement noise variances
are simultaneously estimated in the state of charge
estimation process. Actually to the best of our
knowledge, these state of charge estimation
methodologies can be roughly divided into
data-driven methods and model-based methods (Wei
Z, Tseng KJ, 2017). In the model-based methods, the
Kalman filter based state of charge estimation
methods have the merits of self-correction, online
computation, and the availability of dynamic state of
charge estimation (Wei Z, Tseng KJ, 2016). Kalman
filter was firstly proposed to estimate the state of
linear system, then in order to apply it into nonlinear
system, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and
unscented Kalman filter were developed. Meanwhile
the date-driven methods typically include the look
up table method, matching learning based method,
artificial neural networks and support vector
machine, etc (Wei Z, Bhattaraia A, 2018). the data
driven method means that in estimating the state
whatever in linear system or nonlinear system, no
mathematical model is needed, i.e. the state is
constructed only directly by observed data (Lin, C,
Mu, H, 2017), so a large number of training data
covering all of the operating conditions is collected
to improve the estimation accuracy of the considered
From above mentioned papers or other literatures,
we see that it is only Kalman filter that is used to
achieve the state estimation. Here we regard all
kinds of Kalman filter’s extended forms as the same
category. To the best of our knowledge that no other
new strategy is proposed to estimate the unknown
state, except Kalman filter or its extended forms.
Furthermore through understanding Kalman filter
for state estimation carefully, roughly speaking,
Kalman filter holds for state estimation in case that
the considered external noise must be a zero mean
random signal, i.e. white and normal noise. This
condition corresponds to the classical probabilistic
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2022.21.1
Wang Jianhong, Ricardo A. Ramirez-Mendoza