confidence interval of 95% (p<0.05) and the results
are given in Table 3.
Table 3. Wilcoxon sum-rank test results (p<0.05)
As seen from the Wilcoxon rank sum-test results,
HGS produces more statistically significant results
when compared to RSA.
5 Conclusion
In this work, HGS and RSA which are among the
most novel metaheuristic algorithms are improved
as clustering-based and then applied to retinal vessel
segmentation. It has been observed that HGS and
RSA algorithms can successfully distinguish the
vessel pixels and background pixels which have
close pixel values. The convergence analysis results
show that the HGS algorithm requires 15 cycles to
reach its optimal MSE value while the RSA requires
25 cycles. Furthermore, the HGS algorithm
produces similar but a bit better results in terms of
Se, Sp, and Acc metrics when compared to RSA.
Similarly, the performance of the HGS algorithm in
terms of the minimum MSE value reached and CPU
time seems a bit better according to the RSA
algorithm. Finally, the higher standard deviation
value of HGS proves that it is statistically more
stable than the RSA algorithm. In future works, the
HGS and RSA algorithms will be improved as
clustering-based for the analysis of different
biomedical images and then their performances will
be compared with other novel metaheuristic
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Mehmet Bahadir Çeti
nkaya, Hakan Duran