7 Conclusion
The experimental results obtained show that the
effectiveness of the proposed method of
segmentation by groups. The effectiveness of the
approach lies in the combination of two
approaches, the Otsu thresholding method and
fuzzy clustering.The application of the discrete
wavelet transform (DWT) and the GLCM co-
occurrence matrix ensured an improvement in the
analysis quality during the extraction of image
In comparison with other segmentation
methods, the new threshold used in the proposed
approach significantly increased the precision and
quality of medical image segmentation. Which will
subsequently contribute to improving the
diagnostic results of MRI images while detecting
breast tumors.
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DOI: 10.37394/232014.2023.19.23
El Fahssi Khalid, Ounasser Saida,
Mohamed Taj Bennani, Abenaou Abdenbi