an algorithm was proposed for MISs to estimate
reheat cycle count class by using the physical
characteristics of the Coconut oil. The proposed
work introduced the transmittance configuration of
the MIS to acquire images of translucent liquid
specimens. This system gives a positive result to
both the market demand and the industrial use to
detect the reheat cycles of the oil we use. This can
be used by the food service providers and food
authorities for the adherence to health and safety
protocols regarding the safe reheating of coconut
oil. This could be used by the food authorities to
check the use of reheated oil which is under use in
the food establishments. The vendors also use the
MIS as a visual assistance for the reheating and to
detect the significant changes to the oil quality to
help them conclude that the used oil is suitable for
further use or is deemed unfit for consumption. The
datasets and the case study used in this system are
only based on coconut oil. Hence, we can also
expand the proposed system for other oils like palm
oil, groundnut oil, sunflower oil, and much more.
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DOI: 10.37394/232014.2023.19.21
S. A. Arunmozhi, S. Rengalaxmi