associative classifier in [7] scored these datasets at
96% and 99.8% accuracy respectively. It looks like
some accuracy may be lost when moving from
pixel-related associations to larger shapes. The
system in [3], for example, only scored about 55%
accuracy for the Chars74K dataset, but that was for
all of the symbols and not just the numbers.
5 Conclusions
This paper describes a new image-processing
algorithm that is very human-like. It processes and
stores images individually, but these can then be
clustered into exemplars. The process uses
something resembling an eye-scan which moves in
angular directions. It is conjectured that the image
parts are more ‘intelligent,’ because they are more
explainable. The process can even include
information about the relative positions of each part.
The method is shown to be very quick for small
image sets, but it requires an exhaustive search over
all saved exemplars, which might require some sort
of heuristic search, if the database was to grow very
large. However, if it cannot be as accurate as cell-
based or neural networks, for example, then part of
the human learning process must be missing, or
maybe some refinement is still required. A second
distributed test did not fare quite as well as using
exemplars and so the conclusion here is that the
holistic view is still more important, but that finer
details are also required.
The advantage of the method is the fact that it is
explainable. The image parts can be used at a
symbolic level, for example, where they could be
integrated with other types of data. This might be a
false goal, if an AI system ultimately needs to
process at a neural level, and the parts are not
always the most meaningful. But it would at least
allow the symbolic processes to be studied, across
data types. The system is deterministic and always
returns the same result, which might be an
interesting property of a symbolic system over a
neural one, in that it can add some stability.
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DOI: 10.37394/232014.2023.19.9