A Modified Siamese Network for Facial Assimilation
1School of Electronics and Control Engineering
2,3School of Information Engineering
1,3Chang’an University
2Xi'an Eurasia University
Xi’an, Shaanxi Province
Abstract: - We have proposed a face recognition model that uses modified Siamese Networks to give us a distance
value that indicates whether 2 images are the same or different. We have used a pre-trained Xception CNN model
based on InceptionV3 for Encoder. The Siamese networks take 3 input images (anchor, positive and negative),
and Encoder encodes images to their feature vectors. The main objective of this research is to propose a model
for face recognition with high accuracy and low classification process time, that is why we have implemented
the model using a custom training and testing loop and loss function to be able to compute the triplet loss using
three embeddings produced by Siamese Network. The model is trained using batches of triplets, and testing is
performed using test triplets. The performance of the proposed model shows high accuracy. Also, the custom
loop lowers the computational time during training and testing.
Key-Words: - Face Recognition, Siamese Network, Siamese Neural Network, Xception CNN, Neural Networks,
Siamese Model
Received: May 23, 2022. Revised: July 18, 2023. Accepted: August 19, 2023. Published: September 19, 2023.
1 Introduction
Face recognition is a highly effective biometric
technique utilized for verifying and confirming one's
identity. It finds extensive application across various
domains, including military operations, financial
matters, public security, and everyday activities.
"Face Verification" and "Face Identification" are two
separate categories for the tasks related to face
recognition. Each experimental scenario involves
documenting a group of previously taken pictures of
people in a certain gallery. The system is then shown
the probe image when experimenting. The face
verification technique involves computing an
individual similarity index between gallery and probe
photographs to evaluate whether these images belong
to the same person. Recently, Convolutional neural
networks (CNN) have become prevalent among
researchers in computer vision, specifically in tasks
like image classification [1], object detection [2], and
image retrieval [3]. This trend can be attributed to the
advancements in deep learning techniques, the
abundance of large-scale training datasets, and the
enhancements in hardware and computational
capacities. To enhance the efficiency of image
classification in public datasets and streamline the
training process of CNNs, it is imperative to ensure
an ample and diverse set of samples commensurate
with the number of classes or categories present.
Nevertheless, a limited number of samples can
facilitate precise face recognition in specific
scenarios. Conversely, the presence of numerous
classes poses a significant challenge, resulting in a
notable decrease in the efficiency of face recognition.
CNN possesses various applications across
diverse domains, encompassing image detection,
image recognition, and semantic segmentation. The
utilization of deep features has proven to be effective.
In this paper, we proposed a Siamese Neural Network
(SNN) based on a pre-trained Xception CNN model
used as an encoder using a custom loop for training
and testing. The dataset folders are created in the
form of sets, which are then used to create train and
test triplets for training and testing of the model.
This paper will be structured as follows. Section
II of the paper discusses the relevant literature and
previous research in the field. In this section, the
methodology employed in our study is elucidated.
The implementation and results are presented in
Section IV. Section V of the document encompasses
a comprehensive discussion, while Section VI serves
as the concluding section, encompassing the
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2023.19.7
Adil Hussain, Asad Ullah, Ayesha Aslam, Amna Khatoon
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Volume 19, 2023
presentation of results and outlining future research
2 Related Work
The field of face recognition encompasses the
processes of face identification and face
authentication/verification. Face identification refers
to the procedure of discerning an individual's identity
by utilizing an image of their facial features.
Face recognition systems are the subject of many
papers, like Duan, et al. [4], which suggested a local
binary feature learning method. Xu, et al. [5] compile
comprehensive reviews on sparse coding and
dictionary learning algorithms in facial recognition
software. When developing systems for mobile
devices. Hassan and Elgazzar [6] and Oravec, et al.
[7] concentrate on finding a solution while working
with limited resources. Alternative methods
gradually replace sparse coding, with CNN emerging
as the most well-known. Utilizing CNN for face
recognition [8] and [9]. To effectively train this
method, CNNs have a notable limitation that
demands many different images for each class.
Melekhov, et al. [10] and Khalil-Hani and Sung [11]
proposed using CNN with a Siamese architecture to
address this issue. The amalgamation of two parallel
networks is typically achieved by utilizing a cost
function, which primarily functions to classify
features derived from said networks. The Borghi, et
al. [12] presented an advanced Siamese architecture
known as JanusNet, which integrates depth, RGB,
and hybrid Siamese networks through fusion. Fan
and Guan [13] devised two CNN architectures that
were explicitly designed to cater to different
scenarios. The models underwent rigorous training
on a comprehensive dataset of facial images and were
subsequently enhanced through the application of
embedding triplet techniques.
Ameur, et al. [14] have utilized the Weighted
PCA-EFMNet deep learning feature extraction
method to address issues about expression, position,
illumination, and occlusion changes. Majumdar, et al.
[15] introduce a new method (Auto-Encoder) for face
verification called class sparsity supervised encoding
(CSSE). This method uses supervised training data to
teach feature representation. Xiong, et al. [16] have
proposed a part-based learning method for face
verification in which a convolutional fusion network
(CFN) is used to extract feature representation.
Chong, et al. [17] suggest a double layer block
(DLB)-based metric learning method for better
resolution of a pair of face images and a faster general
process in face verification.
Zhang, et al. [18] presented a method for
developing a new CNN and implementing it in
Siamese architecture to achieve 94.8% accuracy in
face recognition by training their model on a small-
sample dataset LFW. To achieve facial recognition.
Heidari and Fouladi-Ghaleh [19] use transfer
learning in a Siamese network structure comprising
two identical CNNs. The findings imply that the
suggested model performs on par with sophisticated
models that have been trained on substantial datasets.
Furthermore, compared to techniques that are trained
using datasets with a limited number of samples, it
increases the accuracy of facial recognition.
According to evaluations using the Labeled Faces in
the Wild (LFW) dataset, the precision is 95.62%.
Wu, et al. [20] present a novel convolutional
Siamese network architecture for the purpose of face
recognition. Like many conventional face
recognition systems, face detection is employed to
determine the precise location of the face within an
image. Deep learning techniques are employed to
leverage facial characteristics. The process of
comparing the detected faces with those stored in the
database is completed. Lai and Lam [21] present a
novel approach utilizing a deep Siamese network to
effectively tackle the challenge of low-resolution
face recognition (LRFR). The approach employed in
our study involves utilizing a Siamese network to
extract profound characteristics from facial images at
varying resolutions. Additionally, a shared classifier
is employed to facilitate the comparison of deep
features from different resolutions with identical
class center vectors.
3 Methodology
A facial recognition system compares a human face
captured in a digital image or video frame with a pre-
existing database of faces. This system is commonly
utilized for the purpose of verifying user identities
through ID verification services. It involves
identifying and measuring specific facial
characteristics extracted from a provided image.
Transfer learning is a widely adopted methodology in
the field of machine learning, particularly in the
domain of deep learning. It involves leveraging pre-
existing models to address various computer vision
tasks. This approach is primarily employed in
situations where there is a limited quantity of data
accessible for the purpose of modeling a novel
problem. Hence, it is possible to employ deep
learning models that have been pre-trained on large
datasets and possess established principles to
construct a transfer learning model that leverages the
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2023.19.7
Adil Hussain, Asad Ullah, Ayesha Aslam, Amna Khatoon
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
knowledge acquired from the prior model to address
the current problem.
We present a face recognition model utilizing
Siamese Networks using a pre-trained Xception
convolutional neural network (CNN) as an Encoder
model, with the addition of Fully Connected layers.
To create the model, we use a custom training loop
and a loss function that calculates the triplet loss from
the three embeddings generated by the Siamese
network. The model is trained to utilize batches of
triplets. The Encoder encodes the images and
employs the feature vectors to calculate the distance
between the images. To determine the distance
between the encodings of the images, the distance
formula is used to determine whether the distance
exceeds a specific threshold, in which case it is
considered "different," or if it falls below the
threshold, in which case it is considered "same."
3.1 Siamese Network Model
In contrast to a traditional CNN, the Siamese
Network does not classify images based on
predefined categories or labels. However, it solely
calculates the distance between two specified images.
If the images possess identical labels, the neural
network is expected to acquire parameter knowledge,
specifically the weights and biases, to minimize the
distance between the two images. The magnitude of
the distance should be more significant when the data
points belong to distinct labels. Fig 1 illustrates the
architectural design of the Siamese network.
Fig. 1: Siamese Network Architecture
The network consists of six convolutional layers,
each utilizing kernels of sizes 11x11, 5x5, and 3x3,
respectively. Each convolutional layer in the network
is associated with a Max-Pooling layer that utilizes a
2x2 pooling kernel, followed by dropout. The neural
networks consist of two fully connected layers, each
containing 1024 and 128 neurons, respectively. The
convolutional and fully connected layers employ the
Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) as their activation
function. Relu demonstrates efficacy in two distinct
dimensions: There are two main objectives in the
field of deep learning: (1) addressing the challenge of
the vanishing gradient problem and (2) enhancing the
efficiency of the training process. These two aspects
are mutually reinforcing as they address the issue of
gradient disappearance, resulting in improved
training efficiency.
The Siamese Network utilizes three input images:
anchor input, positive input, and negative input.
These images are encoded using the aforementioned
encoder to obtain their respective feature vectors. The
aforementioned characteristics are transmitted to a
distance layer, which calculates the distance between
pairs consisting of an anchor and a positive sample
and pairs consisting of an anchor and a negative
sample. A custom layer is defined to compute the
distance. Fig. 2 shows the Siamese model
Fig. 2: Siamese Model Architecture
The distance formula used in the distance layer to
compute the distance is generated using Equation 1
and Equation 2:
3.2 Encoder
Encoders are responsible for transforming input
images into feature vectors. The utilization of a pre-
trained Xception model has been employed in our
study. This model is derived from the Inception V3
model. Transfer learning allows us to cut training
time and dataset size significantly. The Model is
linked to Fully Connected (Dense) layers, with the
final layer applying L2 Normalization to normalize
the data. L2 Normalisation is a technique that
modifies the dataset values so that the sum of the
squares will always be up to 1 in each row. Fig. 3
shows the architecture of the Encoder.
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2023.19.7
Adil Hussain, Asad Ullah, Ayesha Aslam, Amna Khatoon
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Fig. 3: Encoder Model Architecture
3.3 Dataset
The dataset consists of extracted faces obtained from
the face-recognition dataset derived from the LFW
Dataset. The Extracted Faces comprise facial images
that have been extracted from the original images by
utilizing the Haar-Cascade Face-Detection algorithm
implemented in the CV2 library. Fig. 4 displays a
collection of sample images.
The dataset comprises a total of 1324
individuals, each of whom is associated with a
varying number of images ranging from 2 to 50.
The dimensions of the images are (128, 128, 3)
and are encoded using the RGB color model.
Each folder and image is assigned a numerical
name, such as 0.jpg, 1.jpg.
Fig. 4: Sample Images of the Dataset
4 Implementation and Results
A facial recognition system compares a human face
captured in a digital image or video frame with a pre-
existing database of faces. This system is commonly
utilized for the purpose of verifying user identities
through ID verification services. It involves
identifying and measuring specific facial
characteristics extracted from a provided image.
This section includes implementing the Siamese
model, including the loss function, model training,
and testing. The model results are shown in graphical
form in the results sub-section.
4.1 Implementation
Implementing the Siamese model involves utilizing a
customized training loop and loss function to
compute the triplet loss. This loss is calculated based
on the three embeddings generated by the Siamese
network. A metric instance with a negative
connotation is established to monitor the magnitude
of the loss function throughout the training process.
Training and Test sets of folders(lists) are created
at the start from the dataset images. The length of the
training list is 1191, whereas the length of the testing
list is 133. The sample of the test list is shown in Fig.
5. The train and test lists are then used to create the
training and testing triplets of (anchor, positive,
negative) face data. Where positive is the same
person, and negative is a different person. Fig. 6
shows the test triplets.
Fig. 5: Test List
Fig. 6: Test Triplets
4.1.1 Triplet Loss Function:
The triplet loss function used to compute loss value
is shown in the Equation 3.
 󰇼
 (3)
4.1.2 Training the Model
The Siamese model is trained using batches of
triplets. The training loss and additional metrics from
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2023.19.7
Adil Hussain, Asad Ullah, Ayesha Aslam, Amna Khatoon
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
testing are noted at each epoch. The model weights
are saved when it outperforms the previous
maximum accuracy value. More metrics must be
collected to evaluate the model and increase the
model's accuracy. We have used only 30 epochs to
avoid going over time constraints.
4.1.3 Test Function
The test function is responsible for testing the model
using test triplets. Metrics, including Accuracy, are
Mean, collected by the test function using prediction
for train data. The test function also computes the
model accuracy after testing.
4.1.4. Using the Model
After finishing the model's training, the encoder is
extracted to encode the images and then get the
feature vectors to compute the distance among
4.1.5 Classify Images
A distance formula is used to compute the distance
between the encodings of the images. The distance
over a certain threshold is considered “different,” and
below that threshold is considered “same”. Two lists
of images are passed to encoders twice to compute
the distance value, and then the prediction value is
calculated using the distance formula, considering
the threshold.
4.2. Results
The Training loss of the model during the
implementation is shown in Fig. 7. The training loss
at the start of the training was very high, which
decreased during the process. The loss value after ten
epochs is better, which continues to fall and is very
Fig. 7: Training Loss
Fig. 8 shows the test accuracy of the model, which is
computed using test triplets. The model accuracy at
the start of the process was a little low, which
improved with time and the number of epochs. The
model's accuracy enhanced at the end of the process,
as shown in the graph.
Fig. 8: Test Accuracy
The computational time for each epoch is also noted
and shown in Fig. 9. The computational time at the
first epoch was the highest, whereas the time was
reduced during the process.
Fig. 9: Epochs Time
5 Discussion
The model performance regarding training loss is
excellent because of shallow loss during training and
testing. The model accuracy is also improved slowly
during the implementation phase. The overall
computational time of the model on a given dataset at
each epoch is also good. The confusion metrics are
created based on the model performance for face
recognition. The metrics function calculates the
model metrics, including the model's accuracy. The
test accuracy achieved by the model is 95.65%, and
the confusion matrix, as shown in Fig. 10, is
computed to show the overall prediction accuracy of
the model. The confusion metric is plotted using
Predicted and Actual labels with Different and
Similar values. The confusion metrics show that the
model test performance for the given dataset, as the
True Similar value, is 47.10%, and False Similar is
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2023.19.7
Adil Hussain, Asad Ullah, Ayesha Aslam, Amna Khatoon
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
2.90%. The True Different value is 48.55%, and the
False Different value is 1.45%.
Fig. 10: Confusion Matrix
The comparison of our model with some of the existing
Siamese network models shows that our model
performs better than the existing Siamese network
models. The comparison of our model with the existing
model shows that our model performance for face
recognition is better, also as compared to the Siamese-
VGG model, which is based on pre-trained VGG16
Table 1: Comparison with Existing Methods
Accuracy %
DLB [19]
SiameseFace1 [21]
Weighted PCA-EFMNET [16]
Siamese-VGG [22]
Siamese-Xception (Our)
6 Conclusion
This study presents a modified facial recognition
algorithm that utilizes Siamese convolutional neural
networks trained through deep learning techniques.
Using a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) model, specifically Xception, serves as an
encoder for encoding images. The training process
involves utilizing batches of triplets, while the
evaluation is conducted on a separate test set
consisting of test triplets. The dataset utilized for
training and testing purposes consists of Extracted
Faces obtained from the face-recognition dataset
derived from the LFW Dataset. The computation of
the model's training loss and test accuracy is
performed. A threshold is employed to ascertain the
degree of similarity or dissimilarity between input
images. The training loss of the Siamese network
exhibits a limited depth, as does the corresponding
test accuracy, which demonstrates an upward trend
throughout the training process. The duration of each
epoch is also displayed. A small dataset is used for
training and testing. In the future, we will implement
our model using a significant dataset that is suitable
for implementation.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Adil Hussain, Dr Asad Ullah carried out the
implementation and the results.
Ayesha Aslam has worked on the introduction and
related work.
Amna Khatoon has worked on the methodology and
paper formatting.
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2023.19.7
Adil Hussain, Asad Ullah, Ayesha Aslam, Amna Khatoon
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
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Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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