We next show some simulation results to verify the above
MNS extrapolation for BT-limited signals. For simplicity, in
this simulation we use Ω = πand T= 1. A BT-limited signal
f(t)is generated by randomly generating q(t)∈L2[−T, T ]in
(5). Its noisy observation fǫ(t)is obtained by adding a random
error with uniform distribution to f(t)so that the maximum
error magnitude not above ǫ.
We sample a noisy analog BT-limited signal fǫ(t)in [−1,1]
with sampling rate 100 Hz, i.e., 201 samples of fǫ(t)in [−1,1]
are used in the MNS in (10)-(11). In Fig. 1, the case of ǫ=
0.0125 is simulated, where Fig. 1(a) shows the true data of a
BT-limited signal f(t)and its noisy data fǫ(t)on [−1,1], and
Fig. 1(b) shows the true signal f(t)and its extrapolation ˜
in (11) using the noisy data fǫ(t)shown in Fig. 1(a). Fig. 2
shows the results when ǫ= 0.0031, where one can see that the
error in the extrapolated signal is clearly reduced, comparing
to that in Fig. 1.
Fig. 3 shows the curve (dashed) of the maximum error
magnitude between the true and the extrapolated signals, i.e.,
f(t)|, vs. the maximum error magnitude ǫin the
noisy data over [−1,1], and the curve (dashdot) of the ratio
vs. ǫ:
R(ǫ) = maxt|f(t)−˜
The curves are obtained by using 20 independent trials. From
this figure, one can see that the ratio R(ǫ)is less than a
constant as ǫgets smaller, which verifies the result (12) in
Theorem 2. Note that in Fig. 3, the signal magnitudes are
similar to those in Figs. 1 and 2.
The above definition of a BT-limited signal can be easily
generalized as follows. Let BL[A,B]denote the space of all
finite energy signals f(t)whose Fourier transforms are sup-
ported in the interval [A, B], i.e., ˆ
f(ω) = 0 when ω /∈[A, B].
For real numbers A, B, a, b with −∞ < A < B < ∞
and −∞ < a < b < ∞, if signal f(t)∈ BL[A,B]and
f(ω) = g(ω)when ω∈[A, B]for some g(ω)∈ BL[a,b],
then signal f(t)is called BT-limited. The signal space of all
the above BT-limited signals is denoted as BLA,B,a,b. Clearly,
when A=−Ω,B= Ω,a=−T, and b=T, the above
definition for a BT-limited signal returns to that in Section III
and BLA,B,a,b =BL0
Let Ω = (B−A)/2and T= (b−a)/2, by some shifts
in frequency and time domains, the representation for a BT-
limited signal in (5) becomes as follows: f∈ BLA,B,a,b if
and only if
f(t) = ej(A+Ω)tZT
sin Ω(t+a+T−s)
π(t+a+T−s)q(s)ds (14)
for any t∈(−∞,∞), for some q(t)∈L2[−T, T ].
Since any bandlimited signal is an entire function when
tis extended to the complex plane [10], it cannot be 0in
any segment of time domain unless it is all 0valued. This
implies that a bandlimited signal fwhose Fourier transform
is supported in two separate bands, for example, ˆ
f(ω)6= 0
for Ai< ω < Bi,i= 1,2, and ˆ
f(ω) = 0 for other ω, where
−∞ < A1< B1< A2< B2<∞, then, signal fis not
BT-limited, i.e., f /∈ BLA1,B2,a,b for any −∞ < a < b <
∞, although in this case, signal fcould be a sum of two
BT-limited signals whose Fourier transforms are supported in
[A1, B1]and [A2, B2], respectively, such that, the non-zero
supports of the two Fourier transforms are the pieces of two
bandlimited signals.
Theorem 3: For two non-zero BT-limited signals fi∈
BLAi,Bi,ai,biwith −∞ < Ai< Bi<∞and −∞ < ai<
bi<∞for i= 1,2, their linear combination f=α1f1+α2f2
with two non-zero complex coefficients α1and α2is BT-
limited if and only if A1=A2and B1=B2.
The “if” part is easy to see by setting A=A1=A2,
B=B1=B2,a= min{a1, a2}, and b= max{b1, b2}.
Then, f∈ BLA,B,a,b, i.e., fis BT-limited.
We next prove the “only if” part. Without loss of gen-
erality, we assume A1< A2and fis BT-limited. Then,
f∈ BLA1,max{B1,B2},a,b for some real numbers a, b with
−∞ < a < b < ∞. From the above definition of BT-limited
signals, there exist bandlimited signals gi∈ BLai,bisuch
that ˆ
fi(ω) = gi(ω)for ω∈[Ai, Bi],i= 1,2, and there
exists a bandlimited signal g∈ BLa,b such that ˆ
f(ω) = g(ω)
for ω∈[A1,max{B1, B2}]. On the other hand, we have
f2. This means that ˆ
f(ω) = α1ˆ
f1(ω) = g(ω) =
α1g1(ω)for ω∈[A1,min{A2, B1}]. Since all g, g1, g2are
bandlimited and therefore, entire functions, we must have
f(ω) = α1ˆ
f1(ω) = g(ω) = α1g1(ω)for all ω. In other words,
f(ω) = α1ˆ
f2(ω) = α1ˆ
f1(ω)for all ω. This implies
f2(ω) = 0 for all ω, i.e., f2is the 0signal, which contradicts
with the non-zero signal assumption. This proves the necessity.
In general, for pBT-limited signals fi∈ BLAi,Bi,ai,bi, with
−∞ < Ai< Bi<∞and −∞ < ai< bi<∞,i=
1,2, ..., p, their non-zero linear combination f=Pp
i=1 αifi
for non-zero complex coefficients αiis not BT-limited, unless
Ai=Bifor all i= 1,2, ..., p. It is easy to see that if Ai=Bi
for all i= 1,2, ..., p, then the above linear combination f
is indeed BT-limited and f∈ BLA,B,a,b, where A=Ai,
B=Bi,a= min{a1, a2, ..., ap}and b= max{b1, b2, ..., bp}.
Although the above linear combination fof pBT-limited
signals is generally not BT-limited, from (14), we have
f(t) =
sin Ωi(t+ai+Ti−s)
for any t∈(−∞,∞), where Ωi= (Bi−Ai)/2,Ti= (bi−
ai)/2, and qi∈L2[−Ti, Ti]for i= 1,2, ..., p.
In this paper, BT-limited signal space was introduced and
characterized. It is a subspace of bandlimited signals where the
non-zero parts of their Fourier transforms are also pieces of
bandlimited signals. Some new properties about and applying
BT-limited signals were also presented. For BT-limited signals,
an extrapolation from inaccurate data with an analytic error
estimate in the whole time domain exists. Some simulations
5. Simulations
6. More Properties of B7-limited Signals
7. Conclusion
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2023.19.2