non-local means filter algorithms to remove salt
and pepper noise from MR images. Salt and pepper
noise with a variance ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 was
added to ground-truth MR images prior to
denoising. The PSNR values of the denoised
images for median, adaptive median as well as the
adaptive median-based non-local means filters, at a
noise variance equal to 0.9 were 54.12 dB,
56.80 dB and 58.70 dB respectively[5].
Therefore, a combination of the adaptive median
filter and the non-local means filter performed
better than both the median filter and adaptive
median filters. The main limitation of this
combined filters denoising technique is the long
processing time required because it is a two-stage
method that involves a large number of
computations [5].
These related works reveal two challenges. On one
hand, the filters perform well at low noise densities
and poorly at higher noise densities. On the other
hand, the combination of adaptive median filter and
non-local means filter algorithm proved to be good
for both low and high noise densities but its
operation takes a long processing time. To address
these gaps, fusion of the outputs of a Modified
Discrete Fast Fourier Transform (MDFFT) filter
algorithm and a Non-Local Means Filter (NLMF)
was employed in the method proposed in this paper.
The MDFFT algorithm denoises the low frequency
components of the MR images while the NLMF
was used to denoise the high frequency components
of the same image. In order to reconstruct the
denoised MR image, the outputs of the two filter
algorithms were fused in the Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) domain. The main contribution of
this research work is a proposed frequency domain-
based image fusion technique that yields better
quality images than conventional image fusion
methods. The image fusion used in this paper
selects the high frequency components from the
high pass filtered image and discards the still noisy
low frequency components of high pass filtered
image. From the output of the low pass filter, the
low frequency components are selected while
completely removing the high frequency ones. This
is followed by combining the selected high and low
frequency components to reconstruct the denoised
image in frequency domain. This proposed fusion
procedure results in a better output quality than the
conventional image fusion techniques that are
based on combining scaled versions of the inputs
and therefore retaining significant amounts of noise
power in their fused images. The rest of this paper
is organized as follows: section 2 presents some
background theory on MRI principles, image
denoising techniques and image quality measures.
Section 3 gives a presentation of the proposed
methodology. Simulation test results and their
discussions are presented in section 4 while section
5 gives the conclusion and suggestions for future
2 Theoretical Background
This section summarizes the principles of the MRI
process. Some types of the noises and artifacts that
corrupt the MR images are discussed. Also,
objective measures that are commonly used to
assess the quality of MR images are presented here.
2.1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) technique
is based on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic
resonance of the hydrogen nuclei contained in the
human body in form of water, fat and other
chemical components [6]. It is a powerful tool for
imaging the structure and the function of soft tissues
in the human body because of its high image
contrast and resolution capabilities as well the
absence of ionizing radiations and the ability of
arbitrary spatial encoding [7]. The abundance of
hydrogen in the human body coupled with its
solitary proton per atom leads to the generation of
large values of net magnetization in the body.
When nuclei of certain elements are placed in a
magnetic field, they absorb energy in the Radio
Frequency (RF) range of electromagnetic waves
and emit that energy while returning to their initial
state [8]. In the absence of an external magnetic
field, the magnetic moments (μ) of the hydrogen
protons in a body tissue are oriented randomly in all
directions. Consequently, the net magnetic
moment (magnetization) is equal to zero as shown
in the following equation [9].
is the net magnetization.
In the presence of an external static magnetic field
, the magnetic moments are oriented in the
longitudinal direction of
and rotate (precess)
at the Larmor frequency f0 given by;
where is the gyromagnetic ratio of the precessing
nucleus [10]. During the precession, the longitudinal
component of the magnetization (Mz) remains
constant whereas its transverse component (
) is
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2022.18.22
Christian Rudahunga, Henry Kiragu, Mary Ahuna