MediaPipe to Recognise the Hand Gestures
Department of ECE, R L J I T, Doddaballapur Bengaluru, INDIA
Abstract:-Human Computer Interaction (HCI) can be improved drastically using the hand gesture based recognition
system. This system is designed to detect the gestures of the hands in the images captured in real time. There are certain
areas of intersect in the hands that are there for the classification. The gaming devices like Xbox, PS4 and smart phones
are also using this method to solve few problems. In this paper a smart method i9s developed to solve the problem.
Using Python 3.9 and MediaPipe, the hand gestures are recognised in the real-time images. The background subtraction
is the key method used to generate the results. The hand is detected and processed for the finding of the binary image
with the fixed number of pixels. The palm position, dimension and the gesture are recognised. In this experiment, the
finger count and the position of the fingers is considered as the gesture. The finger count can also be calculated after the
hand is recognised. The major areas of the Image Processing and the MediaPipe in Python are covered to solve this
Keywords: Mediapipe, Gesture Recognition, Python, Image processing
Received: March 19, 2021. Revised: April 15, 2022. Accepted: May 12, 2022. Published: July 2, 2022.
1. Introduction.
The gesture control applications have become widely
used as the Android applications are increasing in number.
We find several applications that are just based on the
gesture of images. Even in Instagram we find several
filters that change according to the gesture. The
recognition of the gesture in the real time images is a
major work of accuracy. the accuracy and the time of
recognition are the most important challenges, that needs
to be addressed in the real time. The main problem in the
analysis of image is that the perception of human and the
perception of computer on an image is not the same.
Humans can easily recognise the image and its intention.
Whereas the same image for a computer is just 3
dimensional matrices. The 3-dimensional Matrix does
consist of the pixels. And these pixels are made out of
RGB colour values. As the computer cannot analyse the
intention and the image, the problem remains as a
2. Existing system
To define a sign language, It can be expressed as a sign
that is made out of hands by the movement, including
facial expression, posture of the body. The sign language
is used by the deaf, dumbs and also sometimes in our daily
lives. Sign language can also be used to communicate
between two parties. In the paper [1], it is mentioned that
the gesture we make has meaning to understand, separate
gesture can be used for a different phrase. A simple and
efficient algorithm is proposed in this paper to recognise
the American Sign Language alphabets both in dynamic
gesture and also in static gesture. The mentioned
algorithm consists of 4 different types of techniques. The
4 key techniques to analyse the gesture are: The count of
white pixels at the edge of the images. A centroid point is
fixed in the image and the finger length from that point,
the angles between the fingers and the various angles
between various fingers or first and the last frame.
The recognition rate achieved in this experiment was 95%.
It was the highest rate of recognition and clearly it has an
accurate prediction of the gesture.
The paper [2], proposes a gesture control application that
is used for user interface in digital machine. As in this
method a low-cost motion sensor image capture
techniques are used. And also, the underperforms the low
lighting conditions of blurred images. This paper
proposes hand image resolution enhancement technique
based on multi scale decomposition and edge prevention
This paper DT-CWT and EPS algorithms that are used to
decompose into sub bands and interpolated values. Each
sub band that is being decomposed, is used to enhance the
images. As an experiment, a simple sign language has
been recorded using Kinect camera. And the results were
verified. As an experimental result, it is found that the
system was accurate about a 96%.
2.1 Motivation
Apart from the implementation of the gestures in the
current technology, still there is a lot of grey area where
the image processing can be further uplifted to recognise
the gesture efficiently. The gestures can be definitely used
to convey the information and to the control the desired
application or desired machine. Apart from this, the
gesture can also be used to communicate or to interact
with the computers. Machine learning models can be used
to recognise the hand gestures, that are made in the real
time. This is a paper where an attempt is made to explain
and to predict the exact gesture made by the user.
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2022.18.19
Lavanya Vaishnavi D. A.,
Anil Kumar C., Harish S., Divya M. L.
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Volume 18, 2022
2.2 Problem Statement
The two main technological boons that has been upgraded
in the recent years are the interaction approaches with
hand gestures based using OpenCV, mediapipe and
keyboard rather than believing on mouse and pen, that are
already existing. There is a lot of limitation in the usable
commands that are used in these devices. For better
interaction, direct usage of hands is prioritised. In this
approach we tried to implement a part of Python code that
users to extract the image and extract the hand from the
video sequence. The segmentation of the image is done
and star skeletonization and recognition is also performed
using the distance signature. As an experiment, few of the
basic gestures are recognised in this paper.
3. Image Processing Using MediaPipe
Image processing is a wide area where there are lot of
challenges and tasks to be accomplished. There are
numerous models to address the same problem. This is an
approach where open CV and MediaPipe are used for
your time applications of image processing. MediaPipe is
a framework that is built for the performance interface
over the arbitrary sensor data. With the help of Media
Piper, the perception of the hand graph can be modulated.
This model is used to recognise the angles between the
fingers and the position of fingers. The angles and the
position define what is the gesture made. A camera of
more than 2 megapixel is use to capture the image. Fig
one shows a different hand gestures and different
positions of the fingers and the angles between them.
Fig 1: Image Processing Using MediaPipe
4. Methodology
A simple rule classifier is used to recognise the hand and
the gestures that are done. The angles between the fingers
and the position of the fingers is defined the gesture.
Based on the number of finger count and the position of
the fingers, the rule classifier will detect the gesture. The
rule classifier is an effective and efficient algorithm that
is used to detect the hand gestures.
4.1 Proposed Block Diagram & Explanation
Fig 2: Block Diagram of Hand Gesture based Recognition
Fig 2 implements the block diagram of hand gesture
recognition system. This system is used to identify the
alphabets are the characters that is provided using the
gesture. The basic steps that is involved in the conversion
of image to identification is shown in the above block
Input Image:
The input images captured via the laptop camera or the
web camera that is provided. The image processing takes
the input of the Image. The image provided by the user
consists of any of the American Sign Language alphabet.
The images, taken with a 2-megapixel web camera.
Image Pre-processing:
Image pre-processing, this is a term used for the lowest
level of abstraction. Before using the image in the
interference or model training, this is the previous step
taken to process the image. To resize, Orient and for the
colour collection we make use of image preprocessing.
The aim of this method is to improve the quality of the
image, so that it becomes easy to analyse in a better way.
Sometimes undesired distortions can also be surprised
using this method.
Noise Removal:
The presence of reducing the noise from the image, all to
remove the noise from the image is called as loss removal.
The process removes the visible noise and smoothens the
entire image area, leaving the areas that have contrast
boundaries. This is one of the major steps of for getting
better quality in the image processing.
Background Subtraction:
From a static camera, the moving objects and the
sequences can be detected, using the method of
background subtraction. The difference between the
reference frame and the current frame is the major idea to
implement this. This is also called as background image
or background model. This image extract even the edge
details using the background image.
Digital images are cut into several subgroups, called
image segments. Using this technique, we can reduce the
complexity of the image. This also enables further
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2022.18.19
Lavanya Vaishnavi D. A.,
Anil Kumar C., Harish S., Divya M. L.
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Volume 18, 2022
processing, easier and simpler. We can also locate the
boundaries and the objects in the images.
Contour Extraction:
Contour can be defined as the line joining all the points in
the boundary of the image. It joins the point that have
same intensity. Contour extraction is an algorithm that is
basically joins the lines of same intensity which are
neighbor to each other. This is used to trace basic
boundary lines of the image.
ASL Data Base:
American Sign Language consists of 26 6 different
gestures that represents the English alphabets from A to
Z. This is one of the widely used method for a deaf and
dumb people to convey the information. In this prototype,
the image which is considered as an import is analyse as
American Sign Language.
In this is prototype support vector machine classifier is
used to classify the American Sign Language. This is one
of the mostly used supervised learning algorithm. It is
used for both classification and also regression problems,
in machine learning. The best boundary, which is called
as hyperplane is created using the SVM algorithm. This is
done via segregation of dimension spaces. The extreme
points or the extreme vectors are used to create the
hyperlink. The support vectors are nothing but the
extreme cases in the algorithm. Hence the name support
vector machine.
4.3 Flowchart & Explanation
Fig 3: The Overview of the proposed Method for Hand gesture
Based Recognition System.
Hand Detection:
The Fig 3 shows the methodology how the hand detection
is made. The normal web camera is used to capture the
image in the laptop. The hand images are considered at
similar conditions for a long time. For the proper working
of disc algorithm, clean background is considered and the
same background is taken for all the different gesture
recognition. Only in few cases for the experimental
purpose, few objects were added within the frame. The
background subtraction help to remove the unnecessary
detailing in the images. The moving objects and the hand
is differentiated by the skin colour. The HSB model is
used to measure the skin colour. 315, 94, and 37 are the
coordinate values of skin colour in HSV model.
Fig 4: The Procedure of Hand Detection.
Fig 4 represent the procedure of hand detection in the
algorithm. This shows the finger and palm segmentation.
Initially, the value of the skin colour in HSV algorithm is
shown in Fig 4. That is nothing but the pixel value of hand
region. Now the same image has been converted into
black and white by removing the background. The
following is the procedure that shows how the finger and
the palm are segmented from the binary image. And this
is shown in Fig 5.
Fig 5: The Detected Hand Region.
Fingers Recognition:
The labelling algorithm is used to mark the segmentation
of fingers in the images. This algorithm is used to mark
fingers region on the image. The noisy region is also
considered where the number of pixels are too small. And
this region is discarded. Only the finger region that has
enough size is regraded as finger and the remaining as the
unwanted region. For each of the remaining region, the
minimum boundary box is found and it is enclosed.
Initially a red rectangle is used to mark the hand area
where this condition is found.
The gesture recognition:
The simple rule classifier is used to detect the gesture after
the fingers are detected and recognised. According to the
number or and the content of finger, the hand gesture is
predicted. This is showed in Fig 6. The image shows
where the thumb, fore finger, middle finger, ring finger
and the little fingers are recognised using the simple rule
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2022.18.19
Lavanya Vaishnavi D. A.,
Anil Kumar C., Harish S., Divya M. L.
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Volume 18, 2022
Fig 6: Recognition of the Fingers.
Fig 7: The image of hand gestures used in the experiments.
From top to bottom these gestures are labeled as
Fig 7, are the images that has been captured during the
implementation of the algorithm. Different symbols and
gestures were made to analyse and and has been used as
an input for the algorithm. Efforts were made to
recognise and to analyse the symbols.
5. Implementation
The implementation of this algorithm had a lot of
challenges in the initial time. Python was selected as the
best language to implement the algorithm. Support vector
machine is one of the major algorithms that is used to.
Train the input data and to make the algorithm intelligent
to understand what gesture has been displayed. Support
vector Machine place an important role in analysing the
Gesture. This is one of the mostly used supervised
learning algorithm. It is used for both classification and
also regression problems, in machine learning. The best
boundary, which is called as hyperplane is created using
the SVM algorithm. This is done via segregation of
dimension spaces. The extreme points or the extreme
vectors are used to create the hyperlink. The support
vectors are nothing but the extreme cases in the algorithm.
Hence the name support vector machine.
The first step is to take the input image. The images,
captured using 2 megapixel camera in the laptop which is
also called as web camera. The images taken are reduced
to resolution of 256 x 256. This image is further fed for
image preprocessing. In the preprocessing stage, the
image is resized. In the next stage, the noise is removed
Using the algorithms. Once the noise has been removed,
a better quality image has been produced. In the next step,
the background subtraction is done. Only the hand image
is extracted. In the next step, segmentation is carried out.
Where the image is differentiated into subgroups and
hence it will be simpler for the further processing. Next is
an important step of extracting the hand image. And this
is called Contour extraction. In this Do points that are
having the same intensity are joined and made the
structure of hand. To perform all the above operation,
different functions and different libraries are used in the
Python. Open CV and MediaPipe are the 2 important
libraries that are being used here. Several functions that
are used to accumulate the data and to process the data for
the analysis purpose.
The number of frames has been counted using a counter.
An infinite loop is made to read the frames from the web
camera continuously. The aspect ratio of the frame is
maintained properly. The octane image is flipped to get a
mirror view of the image which resembles the original
image. In the next step, the region of interest is being
analysed using Numpy slicing. Then the image is
converted to grayscale and also minimises the high
frequency component. Up to 30 frames are collected and
30 frames are run. An average update to the model. These
30 frames are analysed using the SVM. And finally, SPM
recognises what gesture has been made and that is
displayed on the screen.
5.1 Software Interface
The following is the software interface that is used to
execute the Prototype. Few of the basic requirements are
mentioned in the software interface.
Operating system- Microsoft Windows 7 SP 1 or
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
MinGW and Visual C++ compilers (for Windows)
Supporting Webcam Drivers
Anaconda Spyder
5.2 Hardware Interface:
All the physical equipment’s i.e., input devices, processor,
and output device & inter connecting processor of the
computer s called as hardware.
Hard Disk minimum of 40 GB.
RAM minimum of 2 GB.
Dual Core and up ,15” Monitor.
Integrated webcam or external webcam (15 -20 fps).
6. Results and Outputs
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2022.18.19
Lavanya Vaishnavi D. A.,
Anil Kumar C., Harish S., Divya M. L.
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Volume 18, 2022
Fig 8: Identifications of the Handgestures. (a) Gesture of
Number “One”, (b) Gesture of Number “Two”, (c) Gesture of
Number “Three”, (d) Gesture of Number “Four”, (e) Gesture of
Number Five”, (f) Gesture of Number “Six”, (g) Gesture of
Number “Seven”, (h) Gesture of Number “Eight”, (i) Gesture
of Number “Nine”
The algorithm is executed on the previously mentioned
computer with the specified hardware. Using the web
camera, the images were captured and the same have been
taken as the input for the algorithm. The Fig 8, shows the
different gestures, and the results displayed on the
computer screen recognising the gesture as 1,2,3 and
6.1 Advantages and Applications of Proposed
Hand gesture is one of the basic recruitments in
communication, even a for a normal human being.
Implementing the hand gesture monitoring system into
the computer might reduce several tasks and peripherals.
The flexibility of usage of the machine can also be
improved by using the hand gestures. The usage of mouse
and keyboard can also be avoided if this technique is
implemented in a smart way.
Gesture recognition can also be used in several other
purposes also. Several machines can be automize just by
the gesture recognition. For instance, we can just make a
gesture to open the door instead of using IR sensors that
often opens for a simple obstacle. Nodding head can also
be implemented to turn on a machinery or a device. Like
this each and every gesture of human being can be
analysed and can be automated using these machine
learning algorithms.
The touchless and contactless system can also be
developed using this. This can also have an application in
virtual environment to control the robots remotely. Or to
develop a music just by waving hands. And also, to
translate the sign language that is being used by the
freedom people to the normal human being.
6.2 Challenges of Proposed System
In the previous section, the implementation is being
discussed. In each and every stage of the implementation,
there were few challenges that has to overcome to get a
better result. First challenge was the image size reduction
of the image size was a tedious task at the initial stages.
As the images captured directly through the web camera.
Handling such big image also reduced and hence increase
the processing speed. This segmented image was then
directly passed to the feature extraction stage. Initially
features of only Statistical parameters and Orientation
Histogram were extracted. Also, from the images it can
be seen that the orientation data due to the wrist of the
hand, gets added to the actual original information and
dilute the information content. These are the few
problems and challenges that were faced during the
6.4 Future Scope
The recognition rate can also be improved by adding other
features in the feature extraction techniques. This can
make the system more robust and accurate. Support
vector machine is the algorithm used to recognise The
gesture. Other algorithms can be used and made
experiment to analyse the robustness also. This complete
exercise was done taking the background plane. So fuzzy
background can be used to recognise the same. We have
implemented only the American Sign Language and the
numbers. There are several other gestures present, so each
of them a can be used to analyse and check. The algorithm
that is developed is on Windows platform. The same can
also be extended towards Android OS. If it is
implemented on Android, it will be more user friendly and
more commonly used by the user.
7. Conclusion
The gesture recognition is successfully implemented
using the algorithm. By the improvement of the human
machine, interaction can be improved robustly. The
complete exercise gave the expected result with a good
speed. Different numbers from 0 to 9 was recognised
using the gestures. Have it was implemented using
support vector machine algorithm. The model was tested
and a trend for the accurate result. The plain background
was considered to examine the prototype. The images
were captured using the web camera and the results was
displayed on the monitor screen of the laptop. Robust and
accurate system was developed by using MediaPipe and
the Python coding.
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DOI: 10.37394/232014.2022.18.19
Lavanya Vaishnavi D. A.,
Anil Kumar C., Harish S., Divya M. L.
E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Volume 18, 2022