can be reviewed in the Result section of this paper.
The objective of this research was to investigate if
the sound generated by the servers caused
discomfort for the users that maintain and use those
data center and also to analyze the characteristics of
The purpose of this study was to find out how
much did the servers generate of sound (power and
frequency) in a specific area, and then evaluate
whether the sound levels at gamma frequency need
to be reduced to avoid health hazard or issues
related to the productivity for the users. The
preferred way to address occupational exposure is
through engineering methods, preferably in the
design process. If the room or equipment can be
configured in a manner that eliminates or reduces
occupational exposures to the workers in the
workplace, then this could be the first approach by
ergonomic engineer supposing that it is
economically feasible. Engineering solutions (i.e.,
workplace design to reduce or avoid workers
exposure to risk condition) do not necessitate
administrative controls such as reduction of the
work hours of employees exposed to a certain
contaminant (in this case, sound), rotation of
employees in a specific job position, or mandate
annual medical test for hearing and compliance by
wearing equipment for safety purposes. The
preferred approach for reduction of noise impact
should always involve engineering solution first,
then administrative controls and finally resort
protective personal equipment.
The personal usage of protective equipment may
require the documentation for hearing capabilities of
each employee, and an investigation of the sound
reduction required amount that is defined by OSHA
29CFR1910.95 Hearing Conservation to ensure
compliance with regulation [3]. Annually, the cost
of conducting tests in order to determine employees’
hearing capabilities to choose convenient personal
equipment for hearing protectively can be expensive
in the long run.
Acoustics can be achieved or reduced in several
different ways depending on room configurations,
equipment placed in rooms, floor/wall construction
restrictions, and sound reduction materials. As an
engineering solution, noise encapsulation potentially
reduces the sound by isolating the device that emit
the sound from the user by enclosing it, completely.
Sound reduction methods may still allow the
equipment to be accessed by the user easily and
keep the sound below harmful levels. Sound
reduction involves the usage of appropriate personal
protective equipment (ear muffs, ear plugs, etc.) if
the pressure levels of the sound exceed the values
defined by OSHA. From engineering perspective,
noise cancellation is considered as another method
of sound reduction and it is more effective in work
environment. Noise cancellation method is
consisting of devices that use a technology of signal
processing to reduce the noise by capturing the
noise signal and then emitting an inverting version
of the sound wave, it is thereby canceling some of
the noise waves. Other forms of sound reduction are
accomplished by utilizing acoustic materials on
floor, ceilings, or walls, and that reduce the pressure
of the noise that emitted by the devices [5]. Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) is typically employed
by organizations when engineering and
administrative solutions do not minimize sound to
an acceptable level to comply with federal
regulations [1]. Administrative solutions to protect
the hearing of employees include rotating
employees reducing employee exposure to noise.
These solutions create challenges in the scheduling
for organizations and are therefore not as desirable
as reducing or eliminating the sound exposure.
Lastly, the use of earmuffs, earplugs or any other
similar PPE may adversely impact the workers
ability to communicate while they are in a server
room and cause errors during the work due to poor
communication [5].
2 Tinnitus
Tinnitus is hearing impairment that is typically
associated with damage that occurs due to noise
trauma or chronically noise exposure [4]. Such
damage can hurt the central auditory system,
specifically the neural synchrony within the central
auditory system. These changes have been reported
in various studies conducted for animals and
humans and could be the cause of various
pathologies [4]. These damages have been reported
to be specifically tied to the gamma range (30 Hz –
80 Hz) of sound frequency [4]. Tinnitus has been
characterized as one of the common auditory
disorders in the population. The anatomical
substrates and disease associations still continue to
be defined. However, Semantic Dementia (SemD)
patients are frequently reporting Tinnitus as one of
the symptoms [6]. Therefore, it may be possible to
report significantly the potential onslaught or
prevalence of Tinnitus as a serious issue in SemD.
SemD evidence can support previous work
implicating of limbic network and a distributed
cortico-subcortical auditory in the pathogenesis of
these abnormal auditory percepts [6].
In general, Tinnitus is caused by peripheral and
central mechanisms such as peripheral injury, a
reorganization of central auditory pathways, or
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2022.18.7
Ahmed N. H. Alnuaimy,
Rasha Hashem, Michael Johnson