8 Conclusion
The article discusses the further development of the
author’s procedure [22] for an even-odd partition of
the defining system of the Hermite wavelet expan-
sion for the practically important case of approximat-
ing that do not require specifying the values of the
derivatives of the functions, based on B-splines of the
seventh degree.
The advantage of the new algorithm is its simplic-
ity of realization because of a matrix possessing five
diagonals is solved at each step of decomposition.
The directions of our future research consist in the
extension of the proposed approach to obtaining the
seven-diagonal splitting method, possessing strict di-
agonal dominance, and to splines of a higher degree
and of a larger number of zero moments which can
provide new opportunities for the development of al-
gorithms for performing wavelet-based signal de- and
re-composition for Cartesian components of the geo-
data from laser scanning devices that issued in the
form of the array (”cloud”) of points, in which there
is no division into separate cross scans.
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DOI: 10.37394/232014.2022.18.4