with convolution layer followed by batch
normalization, maxpooling and dropout layer is used
to classify the signs. The total data samples are
partitioned randomly where 70% of the total samples
were taken for training, 15% for testing and 15% for
validation. The training, testing and validation
accuracy is found 99.56%. 97.89% and 99.76%
respectively with validation loss 2.48%. The
precision, recall and F-score is 97.96%, 97.89% and
97.87% respectively on test data.
4 Conclusion
Traffic sign detection from street image is
challenging because of motion, blur, object size or
different lighting condition. Faster R-CNN based two
stage object detection method has been applied based
on different deep learning network structure. Faster
R-CNN based ResNet 50 FPN network shows the
improved result comparing with the other structure in
terms of confidence score and mAP. The losses are
higher for RetinaNet which is the one shot detector.
The two-stage detector Faster R-CNN performs
better for traffic sign detection despite motion, blur,
fog or lighting condition than the one-shot detector
which can be further implemented in real time
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DOI: 10.37394/232014.2022.18.1
Monira Islam, Md. Salah Udddin Yusuf