Globally Linearizing Control for a Magnetic Microrobot Navigating
Within a Blood Vessel
1L2CSP Laboratory, Mouloud MAMMERI University, 15 000 Tizi-Ouzou, ALGERIA
2HEI Campus Centre, PRISME EA 4229, Chateauroux, FRANCE.
Abstract: - In this paper, the globally linearizing control scheme is employed to guide an endovascular magnetic
microrobot navigating within a blood vessel with the objective of reaching a desired target following a trajectory
generated via a joystick device. First, we derive the 1D nonlinear dynamical model for the magnetic microrobot.
Subsequently, a stabilizing state feedback is designed based on the relative degree from geometric control, result-
ing in a closed-loop linear system. To ensure the tracking of a time-varying trajectory and reject disturbances, an
external proportional-integral controller with a bias is used to define the external variable of the resulting linear
system. The performance of the GLC is evaluated via numerical simulations. The obtained results demonstrate
the output tracking and disturbance rejection capabilities of the GLC scheme.
Key-Words: - Magnetic microrobot, geometric control, relative order, globally linearizing control, output
Received: July 15, 2023. Revised: July 13, 2024. Accepted: August 12, 2024. Published: September 27, 2024.
1 Introduction
Due to their small size, wireless control, and power
capabilities, microrobots have successfully been ap-
plied in biomedical settings to perform tasks with re-
duced invasiveness, [1]. Among these applications,
one can cite targeted drug delivery, brachytherapy,
tissue reconstruction, diagnosis and hyperthermia, to
name a few, [2], [3], [4].
To achieve these tasks with high accuracy, partic-
ularly in complex environments, control techniques
play a key role. Indeed, to successfully reach the tar-
get in environments with bifurcations and to access
the most critical confined areas requiring treatment,
precise trajectory tracking is crucial. Thus, numer-
ous open-loop and closed-loop control strategies have
been developed in the literature; a comprehensive re-
view can be found in [2], [5], [6]. Nevertheless, due
to nonlinearities, internal and external disturbances,
uncertainties, and noise, the performance of open-
loop control is limited and may become unstable, [2].
Therefore, to achieve precise motion despite distur-
bances and uncertainties, the use of closed-loop con-
trol techniques is required.
Model-based techniques have been extensively
studied in the literature, using either a linear or a non-
linear model of the microrobot. When blood velocity
is assumed to be zero, a linear model can be used. In
this case, several well-established control strategies
have been employed. These include the use of a PID
controller, [7], a model predictive controller (MPC),
[8], a tolerant ISS-based control approach, [9], robust
control, [10], observer-based control, [11], and slid-
ing mode control, [12].
Actually, since blood velocity is variable, a non-
linear model is required to capture the dynamic be-
havior of the microrobot. However, designing easy-
to-implement controls using a nonlinear model that
achieve precise tracking trajectories despite distur-
bances and uncertainties is a complex task. Few ap-
proaches have been explored in the literature, includ-
ing backstepping control, [13], [14], and observer-
based control, [15], [16]. This observation motivates
the application of alternative techniques to improve
microrobot control performance in dynamic environ-
Globally linearizing control (GLC), [17], [18],
[19], is an interesting alternative control approach for
nonlinear systems with a relative degree equal to its
order, which applies to the microrobot. In this case, a
stabilizing state feedback can be designed within the
framework of geometric control, resulting in a closed-
loop linear system. Then, to address disturbances and
uncertainties, an external controller is used to define
the external input of the resulting linear system, [17],
[19]. Many successful applications of GLC for highly
nonlinear systems have been reported in the litera-
ture, [18], [19], [20], [21], [22].
In this work, the GLC is applied to solve the out-
put tracking of a microrobot navigating within a blood
vessel. The control objective is to steer the micro-
robot from its initial position to the desired target po-
sition following a time-varying trajectory generated
by an operator via a joystick, despite environmental
disturbances. The control design is achieved using
a nonlinear model. A modified GLC that combines
an external controller and a reference differentiator is
adopted to achieve precise trajectory tracking. This
study introduces the application of a modified GLC,
marking a first in the field. By utilizing GLC with
a nonlinear model, our work advances nonlinear con-
trol strategies for microrobots, demonstrating not only
the efficacy but also the significant potential of GLC
in enhancing microrobot navigation.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2024.19.27
Nacera Icheddadene, Meziane Larbi,
Ahmed Maidi, Karim Belharet
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 19, 2024
The manuscript is outlined as follows: Section 2
focuses on the modeling of the microrobot, presenting
a comprehensive 1D nonlinear dynamic model that
captures its behavior within a blood vessel environ-
ment. In Section 3, the paper delves into the design of
the GLC for the microrobot, aiming to achieve precise
and robust trajectory tracking despite environmental
disturbances. Section 4 presents the simulation re-
sults, showcasing the effectiveness and performance
of the GLC approach in terms of trajectory track-
ing accuracy and robustness against disturbances. Fi-
nally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
2 Microrobot modeling
Consider a spherical magnetic microrobot of mass
mand a radius Rthat navigates within a cylindrical
blood vessel along the i-axis (Figure 1). In this sec-
tion, a one-dimensional (1D) state-space model de-
scribing the behavior of the microrobot is presented.
Thus, the position and velocity along the i-axis are
denoted by prand vr, respectively. It is assumed that
the microrobot is affected by the drag force Fdand the
magnetic force Fm. The magnetic force Fmis used to
move the microrobot by manipulating the magnetic
field gradient B, [23].
2.1 Magnetic and drag forces
2.1.1 Magnetic force Fm
The microrobot is propelled through the blood vessels
by the magnetic force Fm, induced by the magnetic
coils of the electromagnetic actuation system (EMA)
by manipulating the magnetic field gradient. The Fm
force is defined by [11]:
where Mand ρrrepresent the magnetization and the
density of the microrobot, respectively. The de-
notes the gradient operator, and Bstands for the mag-
netic field; hence, Bis the magnetic field gradient,
which is used as the control variable.
Figure 1: Forces acting on a microrobot navigating
through a blood vessel.
2.1.2 Drag force Fd
The microrobot moving in a static or fluid environ-
ment experiences a hydrodynamic drag force Fdthat
opposes its displacement. The drag force Fdacting on
a spherical microrobot with a frontal area Afis given
by [13]:
where ρfand vfare the density and velocity of the
fluid, respectively, and Dcrepresents the drag coeffi-
Assuming that the microrobot navigates in a dy-
namic fluid, in this case the drag coefficient Dcis de-
fined as [24]:
1 + Re
+ 0.4(3)
where the Reynolds number Rethat determines the
flow regime of the fluid is given by [13]:
where ηis the fluid viscosity.
Combining Equations (2), (3) and (4), it follows
Fd=6π R η (vrvf) + ρfπ R2(vrvf)2×
0.2 + 3
1 + 2ρf(vrvf)R
2.2 Microrobot model
Using Newton’s fundamental law of dynamics leads
to the ordinary differential equation, which describes
the dynamic behavior of the microrobot and is given
Substituting Fmand Fdwith their expressions
from Equations (1) and (5), Equation (5) reduces to
˙vr=α1(vrvf) + α2(vrvf)2
1 + α4(vrvf)+α5B(7)
, α2=0.15 ρf
R ρr
, α3=2.25 ρf
R ρr
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2024.19.27
Nacera Icheddadene, Meziane Larbi,
Ahmed Maidi, Karim Belharet
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 19, 2024
α4=2R ρf
η, α5=M
Defining the control variable u=Band the
state variables as the position and the velocity of the
microrobot, i.e., x1=prand x2=vr(vr= ˙pr),
the state-space model of the microrobot obtained from
Equation (7) is
˙x(t) = f(x(t)) + g(x(t)) u(t)(8)
y(t) = h(x(t)) (9)
where tis the time variable, x= [x1x2]Tis the state
vector, and the vector functions f,g, and hare defined
as follows:
f(x(t)) =
α1w(t) + w2(t)(α2+α3
1 + α4w(t))
g(x(t)) = 0
h(x(t)) = x1(t)(12)
with w(t) = x2(t)vf.
3 Globally linearizing control design
The objective consists in designing a control law u
(magnetic field gradient) that moves the microrobot
from a known initial position yito a desired target yf
in the blood vessel following a time-variable desired
trajectory yd. For this purpose, it is proposed to use
the GLC strategy, [17], [18], [19], to solve this output
tracking problem.
The GLC scheme consists of two control loops,
[18]. The inner loop uses state feedback that yields in
the closed loop a linear system vy. Then, for ro-
bustness and disturbance rejection purposes, an outer
loop is used to define the external variable vby means
of the external controller.
The GLC design involves the following two steps,
[17], [18], [19]:
1. Design of the linearizing state feedback in the
framework of geometric control,
2. Design of the external control using the resulting
linear system vy.
3.1 Design of the state feedback
The design of the state feedback is carried out in the
frame work of geometric control based on the con-
cept of the relative degree, [25], [26]. The relative
order σrefers to the minimum number of times that
the output yneeds to be differentiated to directly re-
late it to the input u. Thus, using the Lie deriva-
tive, [19], [25], [26], the time derivatives of the output
ycan be expressed as follows:
˙y(t) = Lfh(x)
¨y(t) = L2
fh(x) + LgLfh(x)u(t)
=α1w(t) + w2(t)φ(w(t)) + α5u(t)(14)
φ(w(t)) = α2+α3
1 + α4w(t)(15)
From (14), it can be seen that the control uappears
linearly in the second time derivative of the output
y, that is, LgLfh(x)= 0, hence the relative degree
σ= 2. As σis the same as the order n= 2 of the mi-
crorobot, the microrobot can be fully linearized, and
the GLC can be successfully applied. Consequently,
an output stabilizing state feedback can be designed
that achieves in closed loop the stable linear system
vygiven by
τ2¨y(t) + τ1˙y(t) + y(t) = v(t)(16)
where vis an external input, and τ1and τ2are tuning
parameters. Therefore, using Equations (13) and (14),
the linear system (16) reduces to
Then, solving Equation (17) with respect to the
control uyields the following output stabilizing state
u(t) = 1
3.2 Design of the external controller
The state feedback (18) is designed by assuming that
there are no disturbances. Consequently, this control
law will be incapable of rejecting the disturbance. To
overcome this problem, the external input v(t)must
be defined by an external controller.
Assumption 1 The desired trajectory yd(t)is a
known twice differentiable function, i.e., yd(t) C2
(Cbeing the space of twice differentiable functions).
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2024.19.27
Nacera Icheddadene, Meziane Larbi,
Ahmed Maidi, Karim Belharet
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 19, 2024
To achieve disturbance rejection and robustness
against modeling errors, the solution consists of defin-
ing the external variable vby means of an external
controller of the general form [18]
v(t) = b(t) + t
c(tτ)yd(τ)y(τ) (19)
where cis the inverse of a given transfer function, and
b(t)is the external controller bias given by
b(t) = Dyd(t)(20)
where Dis the differential operator defined as fol-
D(.) = τ2
dt + (.)(21)
In this work, a PI controller is used to define the
external variable, i.e.,
v(t) = Dyd(t) + Kce(t) + 1
e(ξ) (22)
where Kcand Tiare the tuning parameters of the PI
controller, and e(t) = yd(t)y(t)is the tracking
error. The GLC scheme is depicted in Figure 2.
Remark 1 For a constant set-point yd(t), the exter-
nal controller bias b(t) = yd(t)since d2yd(t)/dt2=
dyd(t)/dt = 0, i.e., D= 1.
For the tuning of the PI controller, the internal
model control-based tuning method is used, [27]. The
transfer function of the linear closed loop system (16)
is given by
G(s) = Y(s)
τ2s2+τ1s+ 1 (23)
where Yand Vare the Laplace transforms of yand v,
respectively, and sis the Laplace variable. Thus, by
choosing the tuning parameters τ1and τ2as follows:
b(t)Linear system vy
Figure 2: GLC scheme for the microrobot.
The transfer function (23) takes the following form:
(γ1s+ 1) (γ2s+ 1) (26)
and using the IMC-based tuning method yields the
following PI controller tuning parameters, [27]
where τis the desired closed loop time constant.
4 Numerical simulation
In this section, the output tracking performance of the
GLC is assessed through numerical simulation. Ta-
ble 1 and Table 2 provide the microrobot parameters
and the tuning parameter of GLC, respectively. It
is assumed that the velocity of the blood vfis time-
varying, indicating an internal disturbance. The ex-
pression of vfis [13]:
vf(t) = 0.035 (1 + 1.15 sin(2 π t)) (29)
Parameter Value
Microrobot radius R= 250 ×106[m]
Fluid density ρf= 1060 [Kg/m3]
Fluid viscosity η= 16 ×103[Pa.s]
Microrobot density ρr= 7500 [Kg/m3]
Microrobot Magnetization M= 1.23 ×106[A/m]
Table 1: Microrobot parameters, [15].
State feedback PI controller
γ1= 0.7692 sKc= 3.01
γ2= 5.2631 sTi= 6.03 s
Table 2: GLC tuning parameters.
Evaluations of the performance of the GLC are
conducted both with and without disturbance.
The desired reference ydis generated by an oper-
ator using a joystick. The whole control scheme is
summarized by Figure 3.
4.1 Results
For the first simulation run, the control objective con-
sists of moving the microrobot from its initial posi-
tion to a desired target following the generated trajec-
tory ydwhile the disturbance vfis maintained con-
stant. The obtained results are given by Figure 4. In
the second simulation run, the microrobot is tasked
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2024.19.27
Nacera Icheddadene, Meziane Larbi,
Ahmed Maidi, Karim Belharet
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 19, 2024
PI Controller
NOVINT falcon
Posion data
state feedback
Reference trajectory
Desktop PC +
𝐉𝐨𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤+ Operator
Figure 3: GLC scheme based on a joystick for a microrobot.
with reaching the desired target following the trajec-
tory provided by the joystick, even with the sudden
variation of the fluid velocity. To evaluate the per-
formance in this situation, the following variation is
assumed for the blood velocity:
vf(t) =
0.035 (1 + 1.15 sin(2 π t)) t < 12 s
2t12 s
Figure 5 gives the obtained results.
4.2 Discussion
From Figure 4, it can be observed that despite
the time-varying internal disturbance vf, the GLC
scheme allows the microrobot to reach the desired tar-
get following the trajectory generated by the joystick.
This good tracking is supported by the position track-
ing error given in Figure 4-c. Additionally, Figure 4-d
clearly shows reasonable moves of the magnetic field
gradient, i.e., the control variable does not exceed the
authorized value of 102T/m.
From Figure 5, it can be seen that the GLC suc-
cessfully rejects the disturbance and forces the micro-
robot to regain its imposed trajectory. This result is
corroborated by the evolution of the position track-
ing error (Fig. 5-c). Additionally, the magnetic field
gradient remains within physically acceptable limits
(Fig. 5-d).
The simulation results clearly demonstrate the ef-
fectiveness of the GLC in achieving precise output
tracking for the microrobot, both in the absence and
presence of disturbances.
5 Conclusion
In the present work, the GLC scheme is adopted to
guide a microrobot navigating in a blood vessel to
reach a desired target following a trajectory generated
by an operator via a joystick. First, the 1D nonlin-
ear dynamical model of the magnetic microrobot is
derived using Newton’s fundamental law of dynam-
ics. Then, as the relative degree is equal to the or-
der of the microrobot, a stabilizing state feedback is
designed within the framework of geometric control.
This state feedback yields a linear system in a closed
loop. Hence, for robustness and disturbance rejection,
the external variable involved in the state feedback is
defined by an external PI controller. To address the
tracking problem even in the case of a time-varying
desired trajectory, the external variable is adjusted by
adding a bias that represents the differentiation of the
desired trajectory.
The output tracking and disturbance rejection per-
formance of the GLC are evaluated through numerical
simulation. The obtained results demonstrate the ef-
fectiveness of the GLC in achieving precise trajectory
tracking for the microrobot.
Based on the findings of this study, we recommend
extending the GLC method to more complex nonlin-
ear models in 2D and 3D environments, developing
an observer to estimate the microrobot velocity for
practical implementation, and conducting real-world
testing to validate the simulation results.
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The authors equally contributed in the present re-
search, at all stages from the formulation of the prob-
lem to the final findings and solution.
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No funding was received for conducting this study.
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DOI: 10.37394/23203.2024.19.27
Nacera Icheddadene, Meziane Larbi,
Ahmed Maidi, Karim Belharet
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 19, 2024