F2= [g6,−g3, g1] = [1447.5,−3345 ,2932.5]
In order to avoid cumbersome calculations by
hand, a numerical software package can be used to
verify that the closed-loop system (5) has the follow-
ing poles:
Note that whatever the starting guess for the approx-
imation of the eigenvalues, the error |λi−˜
λi|, for
i= 1, . . . , 6, is always smaller than 10−9.
5 Conclusion
An efficient algorithmic framework has been pro-
posed for the solution of the pole-assignment problem
of symmetric quadratic systems. This involves the
computation of a reduced set of quadratic Plucker
relations describing completely the Grassmann
variety of the corresponding projective space. The
extraction of this reduced set has been achieved by
the use of a simple criterion based on the correspon-
dence between the coordinates of a decomposable
vector and lexicographical orderings. The minimum
number of the linear independent quadratic Plucker
relations which describe completely the Grassmann
variety is given in equation (22). Each equation of
this reduced set is homogeneous and contains only
three terms. We have to emphasize that the proposed
algorithm is free from numerical errors because it
does not contain any numerical calculation.This fact
has beneficial influence on the overall complexity of
the solution of the problem which is mainly due to
its non-linearity. The redundant Plucker relations can
be expressed as linear combinations of the remaining
minimal set, and hence can be completely ignored
in the subsequent steps of the algorithm, which
reduces the complexity of the solution significantly.
An advantage of the proposed method relative to
existing ones is that it generates the whole family of
feedback matrices with the specified pole-placement
properties; this family can be subsequently used for
further optimization purposes if additional design
objectives are desirable or further constraints are
imposed. Another advantage of the approach is that
it can be extended to more general classes of models,
including descriptor (implicit) systems and matrix
higher-order models (only quadratic matrix models
have been considered in this paper). Descriptor
systems are widely employed in systems and con-
trol engineering to model and simulate dynamical
systems with algebraic constraints, i.e. systems de-
scribed by mixed differential and algebraic equations.
They have a wide range of applications, such as in
mechanical multi-body systems, electrical circuits,
chemical (process) engineering, fluid dynamics and
many others. The methods can be extended also to
non-linear systems and can be used to solve a wide
range of related initial-value and boundary value
problems. The method can also be extended to the
solution of other problems of control theory hav-
ing a similar multi-linear nature, [15], [16], [17], [18].
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DOI: 10.37394/23203.2024.19.24
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G. Kalogeropoulos, G. Halikias