since the actual expanded system includes the actual
original system, this implies the robust stability of
the actual original closed-loop system [20].
Note that, once the robustness bound (30) is ob-
tained, (35) is in fact a local requirement. This means
that each local controller Ki(s)can be designed
independently of others based on the local nominal
model (20)–(21). For this, any centralized controller
design approach developed for descriptor-type LTI
time-delay systems (e.g., [28], [29]) can be used.
6 Conclusions
Robust decentralized controller design has been con-
sidered for large-scale LTI descriptor-type systems
with distributed time delay which are composed
of overlapping subsystems. Using overlapping de-
compositions and expansions, a frequency dependent
robustness bound, (30), has been derived. A robust
decentralized controller design approach using this
bound has then been proposed. Once the robustness
bound is derived, the proposed approach is decou-
pled for each subsystem and, for each subsystem, it
is based on a local nominal model. Satisfying a sim-
ple condition, (35), however, guarantees the robust
stability of the overall actual closed-loop system.
Since the derived bound is frequency dependent,
the approach is, in general, less conservative than
an approach in which a constant bound is used.
Furthermore, it also allows frequency shaping [30].
Although, for simplicity of presentation, we have
considered only the case of two overlapping subsys-
tems, the proposed approach can be extended to such
cases as Nsubsystems with a common overlapping
part or a string of Noverlapping subsystems.
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