Sentinels for the Identification of Pollution in Domains with Missing Data
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Oum El Bouaghi,
Laboratory of Dynamics systems and control,
Abstract: Sentinel method introduced in the study of problems with incomplete data, particularly in the context
of distributed systems where pollution terms may arise at the boundary. The idea of sentinel likely involves
constructing a surrogate or placeholder value that helps account for missing data or uncertainties in the system.
Weakly sentinel appears to be a modification or extension of the concept of a sentinel specifically tailored for
estimating pollution terms in distributed systems with missing data. The term weakly might suggest that this
sentinel is not as robust or precise as the ideal sentinel, but it serves a similar purpose in providing estimates or
approximations in situations where complete data is not available.
Key-Words: Distributed system ; Controllability ; Optimal control ; Pollution term ; Missing term ; Sentinel
Received: April 19, 2023. Revised: December 21, 2023. Accepted: December 28, 2023. Published: December 31, 2023.
Several domains are modeled by dynamic systems. A
dynamic system refers to a system that changes over
time, where the behavior of the system is determined
by its current state as well as its history. These sys-
tems are pervasive in various fields including physics,
engineering, biology, economics, and social sciences.
Characteristics of dynamic systems include :
Change over Time, State Variables, Feedback Loops,
Nonlinearity, Complex Behavior [1], [2], [3], [4], [5].
Examples of dynamic systems include : Mechan-
ical Systems, Electrical Circuits, Biological Systems,
Economic Systems, Social Systems [6], [7], [8], [9],
Analyzing dynamic systems often involves mathe-
matical modeling, simulation, and numerical methods
to understand their behavior and predict future states.
Control theory is a branch of engineering and mathe-
matics that deals specifically with the control and reg-
ulation of dynamic systems [11], [12], [13], [14].
Bellow we Present the organization of our work.
In the first section, we present the notion of sen-
tinel and optimal control theory :
The Sentinel Method introduced by Lions pro-
vides a powerful framework for solving complex
boundary value problems, especially when traditional
methods based on fixed boundary conditions may not
be applicable or effective. It offers flexibility in han-
dling uncertain or evolving boundary conditions and
has found applications in various fields, including
fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, heat transfer, and
electromagnetic [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21],
It’s important to note that the Sentinel Method
is a sophisticated mathematical technique and may
require advanced knowledge of partial differential
equations, numerical analysis, and functional analysis
for its implementation and understanding [23], [24],
[25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30].
Optimal control theory finds applications in a
wide range of fields, including aerospace engineer-
ing, robotics, economics, finance, manufacturing, and
process control. It provides a powerful framework
for designing control strategies that optimize perfor-
mance, efficiency, and resource utilization in com-
plex dynamical systems [31], [32], [33], [34], [35],
[36], [37], [38], [39].
While these two concepts might seem unrelated
at first glance, there could be scenarios where opti-
mal control theory could be applied to design con-
trol strategies for processes or systems that are being
monitored using the sentinel method. For example, in
a manufacturing setting, optimal control techniques
could be used to adjust process parameters in real-
time based on feedback from sentinel units to opti-
mize some performance criterion, such as minimizing
defects or maximizing throughput .
In the second section, we introduced the approxi-
mate controllability :
Approximate controllability provides a more re-
laxed notion of controllability that is often more feasi-
ble to achieve in practice, especially for systems with
inherent uncertainties or limitations. It allows for
practical control strategies that can effectively steer
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.68
Rezzoug Imad, Achab Fatma