1 Introduction
Consider the general linear regression model defined
in matrix form as:
, (1)
is a
vector of the response variable,
is a known
full-rank matrix of predictor
is a
vector of unknown regression
parameters to be estimated, and
vector of
random error such that E(
) = 0 and Cov (
) =
. Equation (1) can be written in a canonical form
and Q is the orthogonal
matrix whose columns constitute the eigenvectors of
. Then
> 0 are the ordered eigen
. The ordinary least square estimator
(OLSE) of
in (1) can be defined as:
is the design matrix.
The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimator is
considered the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator
(BLUE) when all assumptions of the classical linear
regression model remain intact and unviolated. This
characteristic has established the OLS estimator as
the most powerful and popular tool for estimating
regression models, [1]. To utilize the OLS estimator
for estimating model parameters in linear regression,
one essential assumption is the non-correlation of
explanatory variables. However, the problem of
multicollinearity arises when explanatory variables
exhibit strong correlations or linear relationships, [2].
Multicollinearity, if present, severely affects the OLS
estimator, leading to unstable and imprecise
parameter estimates, questionable predictions, and
invalid statistical inferences about model parameters.
It also results in regression coefficients with
exaggerated absolute values and signs that can
reverse with minor changes in the data, [3], [4]. It
also impacts t-tests, the extra sum of squares, fitted
values, predictions, and coefficient of determination,
[5]. To address the issue of multicollinearity, various
biased estimators have been developed. Some of
these one-parameter estimators include the Stein
estimator [6], principal component estimator [7],
ordinary ridge regression estimator by [8], modified
ridge regression by [9], contraction estimator [10],
Liu estimator [11], and KL [12]. Additionally, certain
authors have introduced two-parameter estimators to
combat multicollinearity, such as [13], [14], [15],
[16], [17], [18], [19] and [20]. The ordinary ridge
regression estimator (ORRE) is one of the most
widely used biased estimators. It intends to overcome
the multicollinearity problem by adding a positive
value, biasing or shrinkage parameter k, to the ill-
conditioned matrix's diagonal elements
. The
selection of k is a major problem of ORRE. This is
because the biasing parameter k plays a significant
role in controlling the regression's bias toward the
mean of the dependent variable, [8].
The Ordinary ridge regression estimator, as
proposed by [8], stands as one of the most widely
used among these estimators. It effectively addresses
the issue of multicollinearity by introducing a
positive value, denoted as k, to the diagonal elements
of the Z’Z matrix. This constant k serves as the
biasing parameter. However, a significant challenge
associated with ridge regression lies in selecting this
biasing parameter k, as it plays a crucial role in
controlling the regression's bias towards the mean of
the dependent variable. Various authors have put
forth proposals for the biasing parameter k. Some
notable contributors include, [21], [22], [23], [24],
[25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30] and numerous others.
[11], proposed another estimator with d as the biasing
parameter. The Liu Estimator gains preference due to
its capacity for appropriate d selection, being a linear
function of the biasing parameter d. However,
selecting a suitable k remains challenging because
the ordinary ridge regression estimator relies on a
nonlinear function of the biasing parameter k [8].
This paper aims to introduce new two-parameter
estimators for regression parameter estimation in
scenarios where independent variables exhibit
correlation. The performance of the proposed
estimators is compared with the OLSE, ridge
regression [8], Liu estimator [11], two-parameter
estimator (TP) [13], Modified Ridge Type (MRT)
[17], and Kibria-Lukman (KL) [12].
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.63
Idowu J. I., Owolabi A. T., Oladapo O. J.,
Ayinde K., Oshuoporu O. A., Alao A. N.