turns out to be unstable and there exists a unique en-
demic equilibrium. This means that herd immunity
cannot be achieved under these assumptions on the
vaccination strategy.
However, in the case that the vaccination rates are
constant, independent on I, the picture turns out to be
different. We give a necessaray condition for stabil-
ity of the disease-free equilibrium which can be ful-
filled also if R0>1, if the vaccination rates are suffi-
ciently high and the immunity decay rates sufficiently
low. We proved that this condition is also sufficient
in the cases m= 2 and m= 3, which correspond
to the classes ’no immunity’, ’partial immunity’, ’full
immunity’ and ’no immunity’, ’low immunity’, ’high
immunity’, ’full immunity’, respectively. Moreover,
if the necessary condition for this trivial equilibrium is
fulfilled, then in turns out that that there exists no en-
demic equilibrium. That is, if stability is given, which
in our paper is shown for m≤3, then one can ar-
rive at herd immunity and therefore the disease can
be eradicated.
Nevertheless, this theoretical result has some prac-
tical limitations. The immunity decay rates are ba-
sically given, so they can not be changed, while the
vaccination rates cannot be increased arbitrarily, due
to medical and logistic reasons. So, depending on the
particular parameters of the model which correspond
to a given disease and on the values of the vaccina-
tion rates that can be assumed as realistic, in prac-
tice both outcomes are possible: either herd immu-
nity is achieved, according to the theoretical result,
or one arrives at an endemic equilibrium. This out-
come appears if the necessary condition for stability
of the disease-free equilibrium is not fulfilled, due to
fast decay of immunity and low vaccination rates, the
last fact being possible due to several reasons, also of
practical nature.
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