Formal Verification of Dynamical Control Systems (Addressing
Integral Windup Phenomena Using Model-Checking)
Dept. Computer Architecture and System Programming
University of Kassel
Wilhelmshöher Allee 71, 34121 Kassel
Abstract: This paper investigates the utilization of model-checking as a potent method for verifying system
designs, emphasizing its early error detection capabilities, reducing failures, increasing safety, and saving costs.
The study explores the application of the UPPAAL tool and model-checking techniques within control systems.
A case study in the paper concentrates on formally verifying Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers,
emphasizing integral windup issues. A model is constructed in UPPAAL for a control system that includes the
system dynamics and the actuator limitations. The model's accuracy is validated against the
MATLAB/Simulink® model. Formal requirements addressing integral windup are formulated, and a practical
model-checking example using UPPAAL illustrates its utility in control system verification.
Key-Words: Model-based Verification, Formal Verification, Model-checking, UPPAAL, Safety-critical
Systems, Control Systems Verification, Integral Windup, PID Controller.
Received: January 12, 2023. Revised: September 14, 2023. Accepted: October 17, 2023. Published: November 15, 2023.
1 Introduction
In today's world, the escalating reliance on complex
computers, communication networks, and control
systems is conspicuous. These multifaceted systems
have pervaded diverse spheres of human existence,
spanning from handheld devices to nuclear facilities.
They constitute the bedrock of modern civilization,
underpinning critical functions encompassing power
generation, water distribution, transportation systems
...etc. Consequently, the imperative of guaranteeing
the accuracy, dependability, and safety of these
intricate systems is paramount, [1].
Over the preceding half-century, a procession of
accidents and calamities has unfolded due to control
systems malfunctioning such as the Three Mile
Island Nuclear Accident (1979), the Chernobyl
Nuclear Disaster (1986), the Therac-25 Radiation
Therapy Accidents (1985-1987), the Ariane 5 Rocket
Failure (1996), and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
(2010), among others, [1], [2], [3]. Insights from
these disasters have to be an integral part of planning
new systems, and more measures have to be taken to
prevent the repetition of such disasters.
Insights from Health and Safety Executive- Great
Britain's study titled " Out of control: Why controls
system go wrong and how to prevent failure", [4],
reveal that a notable 44% of control system failures
can be ascribed to inadequate specifications. This
percentage can be disaggregated into two segments:
specifically, 12% originates from inadequacies in the
specification of functional requirements, while a
substantial 32% is linked to shortcomings in
articulating safety integrity requirements. This
observation underscores the compelling reality that a
significant portion of control system failures
necessitate attention during the initial phases of
Addressing this challenge has prompted a shift in
the systematic development processes, transitioning
away from conventional methodologies like the
waterfall model and the widely adopted V-model
towards an approach known as model-based
development, [5], where the majority of bug and
design flaw detection occurs post-product
development or prototype creation. For example,
under the V-model approach, over 30% of identified
errors emerge after unit testing, and more than 40%
manifest after system testing, [1].
The approach of model-based development hinges
upon the construction of a system model during the
developmental process, followed by iterative cycles
of simulation and testing across various stages. This
contains key phases like Model-In-the-Loop (MIL),
Software-In-the-Loop (SIL), and Hardware-In-the-
Loop (HIL) testing. By adopting this methodology,
there is potential to reduce development
expenditures, primarily through early detection of
faults, which in turn reduces the expenditures
associated with their resolution, [5]. However, it is
imperative to acknowledge that this methodology
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.41
Mohammed Tloul, Michael H. Schwarz, Josef Börcsök