Reducing the size of a waiting line optimally
Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering
Polytechnique Montréal
2500, chemin de Polytechnique, Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J4
Abstract: The problem of reducing the number of customers waiting for service in a modified M/G/kqueueing
model is considered. We assume that the optimizer can decide how many servers are working at any time instant.
The optimization problem ends as soon as the objective has been achieved or a time limit has been reached.
Cases when dynamic programming can be used to determine the optimal control even if the service time is not
exponentially distributed are presented.
Key-Words: M/G/kmodel, first-passage time, homing problem, dynamic programming.
Received: December 23, 2022. Revised: August 29, 2023. Accepted: October 5, 2023. Published: October 27, 2023.
1 Introduction
Assume that customers arrive in a queueing system
according to a Poisson process with rate λand are
served one at a time. Then, the time Abetween two
customers has an exponential distribution with pa-
rameter λ. If there are kservers and if the service
time Shas an exponential distribution with parameter
µfor any server, then the queueing system is denoted
by M/M/k. It is also assumed that the service times
are independent random variables, and are also inde-
pendent of the times between successive customers.
The system capacity ccan be finite or infinite. Fi-
nally, the service policy is First in First out (FIFO).
When the queueing system is in equilibrium, or
steady state, customers leave according to a Poisson
process. As this is a Markovian stochastic process,
the notation Mis used to denote the model.
When the service time Shas a general distribution,
the notation becomes M/G/k. Important particular
cases are when Sis a constant, when it is uniformly
distributed, and when it has a gamma distribution.
Next, suppose that at the initial time t0the total
number X(t0)of customers in the system is equal to
k+l, where l1. Moreover, they are all waiting for
service. The time t0could be the opening time of a
In, [1], the following stochastic optimal control
problem was considered: assuming that the optimizer
can choose the number n(t)of servers who are work-
ing at any time instant t, find how many servers must
be used in order to minimize the expected value of the
cost (or reward) function
J(t0, l) := ZT(t0,l)
t0{q0n(t)m[n(t)]}dt. (1)
In the cost function, q0is a positive constant,
m[n(t)] is the money earned by the system, per unit
time, when n(t) {1, . . . , k}servers are working,
and T(t0, l)is a first-passage time defined by
T(t0, l) = inf{t > t0:X(t) = k+ror t=t1},
where 0r < l and t1> t0.
The above problem, which is an extended homing
problem, was treated in, [1], in the case of the (modi-
fied) M/M/k/cqueueing system.
Homing problems, in which a stochastic process is
controlled until a given event occurs, were studied for
n-dimensional diffusion processes in, [2]. The author
also considered the case when the cost criterion takes
the risk-sensitivity of the optimizer into account in,
The author has written many papers on homing
problems; see, for instance, [4]. See also, [5], [6],
and, [7].
In, [1], the authors used dynamic programming to
prove the following proposition, in which the function
F(t0, l)is defined by
F(t0, l) := inf
t[t0, T )
E[J(t0, l)].(3)
The function F(t0, l)(called the value function) is
such that it satisfies the condition F(t0, l)=0if
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.35
Mario Lefebvre
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
lr. Moreover, the authors assumed that a cost
F1is incurred if the objective has not been achieved
by time t1:
F(t0, l) = F1>0if T(t0, l) = t1. (4)
Proposition 1.1. Let η=n(t0). The value function
F(t0, l)satisfies the dynamic programming equation
F(t0, l) = inf
η{q0ηm(η) + F(t0, l + 1)λ
+F(t0, l 1)η µ F(t0, l)(λ+η µ)}.(5)
In the current paper, we suppose that the service
time Sis not exponentially distributed. In, [8], the
author assumed that the random variable Sis actually
a constant. Here, in particular, the case when Shas a
uniform distribution will be considered.
Optimal control of queuing systems has been the
subject of numerous research papers. See, for exam-
ple, [9], [10], and, [11], for very recent ones. Here,
contrary to other articles found in the literature, the
final time is a random variable.
2 Non-exponential service times
Let Wbe an exponentially distributed random vari-
able with parameter α. We have
P[Wt] = 1 eαt =αt +o(t).(6)
Moreover, if W1, . . . , Wjare independent random
variables distributed as W, then, as is well known,
min{W1, . . . , Wj}has an exponential distribution
with parameter j α.
It follows that in the case of the modified
M/M/k/cmodel considered in, [1], we can write
P[At] = λt+o(∆t)(7)
P[Dt] = η µt+o(∆t),(8)
where Ais the time taken for a new customer to arrive
in the system after time t0and Dis the time taken for
a customer to leave the system if there are ηservers
working at time t0.
Both Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) are needed to derive the
dynamic programming equation (5). Unfortunately,
in the case of an M/G/kqueueing system, the equa-
P[Dt] = κt+o(∆t),(9)
where κis a positive constant, is generally not valid.
Assuming that the service time is exponentially
distributed is a simplifying assumption. Indeed, this
hypothesis is often made because then it is not neces-
sary to consider what happened since the initial time.
One only needs to observe the state of the system at a
given time instant to determine the future.
In practice, the service time Scannot be exactly
exponentially distributed. More realistic cases in-
clude the ones when Sis deterministic, or uniformly
distributed, etc.
In this section, we will present three distributions
for which Eq. (9) does hold. Let S1, . . . , Sjbe inde-
pendent random variables distributed as Sand M:=
min{S1, . . . , Sj}.
Case I. Assume first that the service time Sis uni-
formly distributed on the interval (0, L). We have
P[M > t] = Lt
for t(0, L).(10)
If follows that
P[Mt] = 1 Lt
= 1 1
= 1 1
LjLjj Lj1t+o(∆t)
as required.
Case II. Assume next that the probability density
function of the service time is given by
fS(s) = 1
ln(1 + L)
1 + sfor s(0, L).(12)
We calculate
FS(s) = ln(1 + s)
ln(1 + L)for s(0, L).(13)
Hence, making use of the formula
ln(1 + x) = xx2
3+. . . for |x|<1,(14)
we can write that
P[Mt] = 1 1ln(1 + t)
ln(1 + L)j
= 1 11
ln(1 + L)[∆t+o(∆t)]j
= 1 1j
ln(1 + L)t+o(∆t)
ln(1 + L)jt+o(∆t).(15)
Case III. Finally, we suppose that the probability den-
sity function of Sis
fS(s) = cos(s)
sin(L)for s(0, L),(16)
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.35
Mario Lefebvre
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
where Lπ/2. This time, we use the formula
sin(x) = xx3
3! +. . . for xR(17)
to write that
P[Mt] = 1 1sin(∆t)
= 1 11
= 1 1j
In the next section, we will present a case when
Eq. (9) does not hold, but the problem can be trans-
formed into the one considered in, [1].
3 Gamma distributed inter-arrival
and service times
As mentioned in the previous section, in practice, the
service time Scannot be exactly exponentially dis-
tributed. Similarly, the time Abetween arrivals can-
not exactly follow an exponential distribution either.
A distribution that generalizes the exponential distri-
bution and is more more likely to be a good (approxi-
mate) model for Sis the gamma distribution. Indeed,
because the gamma distribution has a shape param-
eter, there are many real-life situations for which S
could be well approximated by a gamma distribution.
Let Xbe a random variable having a gamma dis-
tribution with shape parameter αand inverse scale pa-
rameter β, which will be denoted by G(α, β). Assume
that α=2 and β=1, so that
fX(x) = xexfor x > 0.(19)
We have
FX(x) = 1 (x+ 1)exfor x > 0.(20)
P[Xx]=1(∆x+ 1)[1 x+o(∆x)]
Remark. The above result is also valid for a random
variable Yhaving a G(2, µ)distribution, for which
fY(y) = µ2y eµy for y > 0.(22)
Moreover, if M:= min{X1, . . . , Xj}, where
XnG(2, µ)for n= 1, . . . , j and X1, . . . , Xjare
independent, then we find that
P[Mt] = o(∆t).(23)
Assume next, for the sake of simplicity, that both
the inter-arrival time Aand the service time Shave
a G(2,1) distribution. Let us define Z=X2. We
fZ(z) = 1
2ezfor z > 0.(24)
It follows that
P[Zz]=1z+ 1ez
Similarly, proceeding as in the previous section,
we find that
P[min{Z1, . . . , Zj} t] = j
where the random variables Z1, . . . , Zjare indepen-
dent and distributed as Z.
Now, in order to obtain the dynamic programming
equation (5), we must also have
where γis a constant.
Suppose that the cost function J(t0, l)defined in
Eq. (1) is replaced by
C(t0, l) := ZT(t0,l)
t0{q0n(t)m[n(t)]}tdt. (28)
If we make the change of variable z=t2, we obtain
2(∆t)2+ 2t0t
From what precedes, we can state that if Aand S
have a G(2,1) distribution and the cost function is the
one defined in Eq. (28), then by making the change of
variable z=t2, the optimal control problem consid-
ered in this note (with t0>0) is transformed into a
problem for which the dynamic programming equa-
tion that corresponds to Eq. (5) can be derived.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.35
Mario Lefebvre
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
4 Conclusion
In this note, the problem of reducing the size of a wait-
ing line as quickly as possible, taking into account
control costs, has been extended to the case where the
inter-arrival and service times are not exponentially
In Section 2, we gave three probability density
functions for which Eq. (9) is valid. This equation is
necessary for the derivation of the dynamic program-
ming equation in Proposition 1.1.
Then, in Section 3, we presented a problem that,
although Eqs. (7) and (9) do not hold, we were able to
transform into a problem for which it is possible to use
dynamic programming to obtain the optimal solution.
Once the dynamic programming equation has been
derived, we need to solve difference equations in or-
der to determine the optimal control.
Finally, it would be interesting to try to solve prob-
lems for which only one of Eqs. (7) and (9 holds. As
we saw in Section 3, we must also define the cost
function appropriately. Moreover, in general one can-
not use dynamic programming to obtain the optimal
Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to the
anonymous reviewers of this paper for their construc-
tive comments.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The author did all the research work of this study.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This research was supported by the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Conflicts of Interest
The author has no conflict of interest to declare
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(Attribution 4.0 International , CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.35
Mario Lefebvre
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023