By algorithm of equation (32) is:
Finally, the solution of equation (31) is
Table 3. illustrates the results passed from PNM and
ADM solutions.
Table 3. Absolute Error at (t=1)
We used two methods to solve FDEs, each
method has an advantage over the other. If the
solution is needed in a narrow interval, ADM is
preferred to be used, as it gives a more accurate
solution but if the solution is needed in a wide
interval, PNM is preferred to be used (see the result
in Table 3). We see that after we overcome the
disadvantage of the numerical method it gives a
more accurate solution than the numerical methods.
6 Conclusion
We used the ADM for solving the non-linear
fractional differential equations, we introduced
some new theorems are give the existence,
uniqueness, convergence, and maximum absolute
truncation error to the Adomian decomposition
method series solution when applied to these
equations. Some numerical examples are discussed
and solved by using the Adomian decomposition
We see from the results that the exact error
coincides with the approximate error obtained from
using the theorems, see for example.
We use a numerical method for comparison, we
see that after we overcome the disadvantage of this
method. In the two methods that we used to solve
fractional differential equations (ADM with
numerical method), each method has an advantage
over the other.
The method is still open for investigation,
especially in fractional differential equations with
higher orders.
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DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.33
Marwa Mohamed Ismaeel, Wasan Ajeel Ahmood