It has also been shown that the controller which
solves the problem (when exists) is composed of
µdecentralized LTI controllers each of which con-
sists of a servocompensator and a stabilizing com-
pensator. This structure, as well as the conditions
given in Theorem 1, are in fact, generalizations
of the structure and the conditions given in [11],
for LTI finite-dimensional systems with references
and the disturbance satisfying a LTI differential
equation. This structure and the conditions are also
generalizations of the structure and the conditions
given in [30], for neutral discrete-time-delay systems
with references and the disturbance satisfying a
LTI delay-differential equation of neutral type with
discrete time-delays and of the structure and the
conditions given in [31], for retarded distributed-
time-delay systems with references and the distur-
bance satisfying a LTI delay-differential equation of
retarded type with distributed and/or discrete time-
delays. Furthermore, when µ= 1, both the structure
of the controller and the conditions of Theorem 1
reduce to the structure and the conditions given in
[27], for the centralized case.
Finally. as explained in Remark 4, when the
conditions of Theorem 1 hold and the references
and the disturbance satisfy simple LTI differential
equations, rather than delay-differential equations
(which is the more common case as discussed in
Remark 2), the problem can be solved using LTI
finite-dimensional controllers.
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DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.31