Robust Tracking and Disturbance Rejection for Decentralized
Neutral Distributed-Time-Delay Systems
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Eskis¸ehir Technical University
26555 Eskis¸ehir, TURKEY
Abstract: - An important problem in control engineering is to design a controller to achieve robust asymptotic
tracking of certain reference signals despite certain disturbance inputs. In the present work, this problem,
which is known as the robust servomechanism problem, is considered for decentralized linear time-invariant
(LTI) neutral systems with distributed time-delay. However, the system is also allowed to have discrete
time-delays besides distributed time-delays. The reference signals and the disturbance input are assumed to
satisfy a LTI neutral delay-differential equation with distributed and/or discrete time-delays. The necessary
and sufficient conditions for the existence of a controller which solves this problem are derived. The structure
of this controller (when it exists) is also presented.
Key-Words: - Servomechanism problem, Decentralized control, Neutral time-delay systems, Distributed
time-delay, Robust control, Tracking, Disturbance rejection
Received: December 12, 2022. Revised: August 18, 2023. Accepted: September 24, 2023. Published: October 17, 2023.
1 Introduction
Controller design has, in general, two aims: stability
and performance. One of the most common per-
formance requirements is to track given reference
signals in the presence of certain disturbance inputs.
The conroller design problem to achieve robust
tracking and disturbance rejection, besides stability,
is known as the robust servomechanism problem.
This problem has been studied extensively for linear
time-invariant (LTI) finite-dimensional systems (e.g.,
see, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]; a system is said to be
finite-dimensional if its state can be represented by
a finite-dimensional vector). This problem has also
been studied for finite-dimensional nonlinear, [6],
[7], [8], and discrete-event, [9], systems.
For many systems, generally known as large-
scale systems, it is not feasible, if not impossible,
to collect all the measured outputs in a centralized
place, calculate the control inputs centrally and then
let various actuators apply these inputs. Thus, one
has to use a decentralized control structure in such
a case, [10]. When such a structure is imposed,
the robust servomechanism problem is known as
the decentralized robust servomechanism problem,
which has also been extensively studied for finite-
dimensional LTI systems (e.g., [11], [12], [13], [14],
Many systems, especially large-scale systems,
however, may involve time-delays which must be
taken into account during controller design. Such
systems are generally called as time-delay systems.
The state of a time-delay system can not be rep-
resented by a finite-dimensional vector. Thus, these
systems are in the class of infinite-dimensional sys-
tems, [16]. The dynamics of time-delay systems
can, in general, be described by delay-differential
equations, [17]. If these equations do not involve
the delayed derivative of the state vector, then
the corresponding time-delay system is said to be
retarded. Otherwise, it is said to be neutral. It is
known that a retarded LTI time-delay system can
have only finitely many modes in any right-half
complex-plane, [18]. However, a neutral time-delay
system can have chains of infinitely many modes
going to infinity along a vertical axis. Thus, in
general, it is more difficult to control a neutral
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.31
Altug Iftar
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
system, compared to a retarded system.
The time-delays in a system can be discrete or
distributed, [19]. In fact, many systems may involve
both types of time-delays at the same time, [20].
However, it is possible to represent both discrete
and distributed time-delays together using Dirac-
delta functions in a distributed-time-delay formula-
tion (see Section 2 below). Thus, distributed-time-
delay systems are more general than discrete-time-
delay systems.
Robust servomechanism problem has recently
been considered for time-delay systems in [21], [22],
[23], among others. The necessary and sufficient
conditions for the solvability of the (centralized)
robust servomechanism problem for LTI time-delay
systems, has first been presented in [24]. In [24],
however, only retarded discrete-time-delay systems
were considered. Retarded systems with distributed
time-delay were later considered in [25]. Neutral
systems with discrete and distributed time-delays
were respectively considered in [26], [27]. Results of
[26], were then extended to descriptor-type systems
in [28] (a time-delay system described by delay-
algebraic-differential equations, rather than delay-
differential equations, is said to be of descriptor-
Robust servomechanism problem for decentral-
ized time-delay systems was first considered in [29]
for retarded and in [30], for neutral systems. In
[29], [30], however, only systems with discrete time-
delays were considered. Retarded distributed-time-
delay systems were recently considered in [31]. In
the present work, we extend the results of [31], to
neutral systems with distributed time-delay. How-
ever, we use a formulation in which we can represent
discrete and distributed time-delays together. We
consider references and disturbances which satisfy a
LTI delay-differential equation of neutral type with
distributed and/or discrete time-delays. As special
cases, this formulation also allows references and
disturbances which satisfy a LTI delay-differential
equation of retarded type and/or a simple LTI dif-
ferential equation. We first present the necessary and
sufficient conditions for the existence of a controller
which solves this problem. We then present the
structure of this controller when it exists.
Throughout the paper, Rand Crespectively
denote the sets of real and complex numbers. For
sC,Re(s)denotes the real part of s. For positive
integers kand l,Rkand Rk×lrespectively denote
the spaces of kdimensional real vectors and k×l
dimensional real matrices. Ikand 0k×lrespectively
denote the k×kdimensional identity matrix and the
k×ldimensional zero matrix. When the dimensions
are apparent, Iand 0are used to denote, respectively,
the identity and the zero matrices of appropriate
dimensions. For ξ:I Rk, where Iis an interval
of the real line, ˙
ξ, and ξ(l)respectively denote the
first, the second, and the lth derivative of ξ.det(·)
and rank(·)respectively denote the determinant and
the rank of the indicated matrix. bdiag(· · ·)denotes
a block diagonal matrix with indicated matrices on
the main diagonal, denotes the Kronecker product,
and ·Tdenotes the transpose.
2 Problem Statement
Consider a decentralized LTI neutral distributed-
time-delay system with µcontrol agents, which is
described by:
˙x(t) + Z0
F(τ) ˙x(t+τ)
¯τ"A(τ)x(t+τ) +
+E(τ)w(t+τ)# (1)
zk(t) = Z0
+Gk(τ)w(t+τ)i , k = 1, . . . , µ (2)
yk(t) = Z0
+Lk(τ)w(t+τ)i , k = 1, . . . , µ (3)
Here x(t)Rnis the state vector and w(t)Rris
the disturbance input at time t. Furthermore, uk(t)
Rpkis the control input,zk(t)Rqkis the output,
and yk(t)Rmkis the measurement at time t, for
the kth control agent, k= 1, . . . , µ. Finally, ¯τ > 0
is the maximum time-delay in the system. Moreover,
A: [¯τ, 0] Rn×n,F: [¯τ, 0] Rn×n,
Bk: [¯τ, 0] Rn×pk,Ck: [¯τ, 0] Rqk×n,
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.31
Altug Iftar
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
Dk,l : [¯τ , 0] Rqk×pl,Hk: [¯τ , 0] Rmk×n,
and Jk,l : [¯τ , 0] Rmk×pl(k, l = 1, . . . , µ) are
matrix functions which are known nominally, and
E: [¯τ, 0] Rn×r,Gk: [¯τ, 0] Rqk×r, and
Lk: [¯τ, 0] Rmk×r(k= 1, . . . , µ) are arbitrary
matrix functions, which are not necessarily known.
It is assumed that all of these matrix functions are
bounded, except that they may involve Dirac-delta
functions, δ(τ+hi), in order to represent finitely
many discrete time-delays hi[0,¯τ](i= 1, . . . , l,
for some positive integer l; including zero delay
when hi= 0). However, it is assumed that F(τ)
does not involve δ(τ+hi)for hi= 0, but may
involve δ(τ+hi)for hi>0. This assumption
guarantees that the given system is not of descriptor-
type. Otherwise, however, it does not impose any
restrictions, since the system dynamics (1) already
includes ˙x(t).
Here, δ(τ+hi)is defined as
δ(τ+hi)χ(t+τ) =χ(thi)(4)
for any χ: [¯τ, )R.
Also consider a LTI delay-differential operator of
neutral type with differential degree ν, defined as
Dχ(t) := dν
dtνχ(t) +
where χ: [¯τ, )Ris any at least νtimes
differentiable function. Here, αl: [¯τ , 0] R,
l= 0, . . . , ν, are bounded functions, except that
they may involve Dirac-delta functions δ(τ+γi)for
finitely many γi[0,¯τ], which represent discrete
time-delays. It is assumed, however, that αν(0) is
bounded, i.e., αν(τ)does not involve δ(τ), but may
involve δ(τ+γi), for γi>0.
In our problem, the kth control input, uk(t), is
to be determined by the kth control agent based on
the kth measurement, yk(t), and the kth reference,
rk(t)(k= 1, . . . , µ), so that the overall closed-loop
system is asymptotically stable and the kth tracking
ek(t) := zk(t)rk(t)(6)
ek(t)=0, k = 1, . . . , µ (7)
None of the references is necessarily known in
advance, however, it is assumed that they satisfy
Drk(t)=0, k = 1, . . . , µ (8)
The disturbance input, w(t), which is not generally
available, is also assumed to satisfy
Dw(t)=0 (9)
Remark 1: It is of course possible that the distur-
bance input w(t)and each reference rk(t)satisfy
different delay-differential equations. That is, there
may exist µ+ 1 different LTI delay-differential
operators of neutral type, D0,D1,. . .,Dµ, such that
D0w(t)=0,D1r1(t)=0,. . ., and Dµrµ(t)=0. In
such a case, however, it is possible to find LTI delay-
differential operators, D0,D1,...,Dµ, such that (8)
and (9) are satisfied, where D:= D0D0=D1D1=
. . . =DµDµ. It is also possible that the maximum
time-delay in the system and in Dare different. In
such a case, however, maximum of the two delays
can be taken as ¯τand the functions in (5) can be
extended by zero functions (in case the system has
a larger maximum delay) or the matrix functions in
(1)–(3) can be extended by zero matrix functions (in
case the operator (5) has a larger maximum delay).
Remark 2: In (5) we assumed the most general form
of LTI neutral delay-differential operators. However,
as special cases, this operator also includes LTI
retarded delay-differential operators (in which case
αν(τ)=0,τ[¯τ , 0]), as well as simple LTI
differential operators. In fact, simple LTI differential
operators may be more common in practice. As an
example, if the the references and the disturbance are
constant signals, then we should have D=d
dt . This,
however, can be written as in (5) with ν= 1 and
α0(τ) = α1(τ)=0,τ[¯τ, 0]. If any one of these
signals also involve a sinusoidal signal of frequency
fo, then D=d3
dt , which can be written as in
(5) with ν= 3,α0(τ) = α2(τ) = α3(τ) = 0, and
α1(τ) = ω2
0δ(τ),τ[¯τ, 0], where ω0= 2πfo.
Our problem can now be stated as follows:
Problem P: Find µdecentralized LTI feedback
controllers (from ykto uk,k= 1, . . . , µ) for the
system (1)–(3), such that the closed-loop system is
asymtotically stable and, for all initial condtions of
the system (1), for all disturbances w(t)satisfying
(9), for all references rk(t), satisfying (8), and for
all non-destabilizing matrix functions appearing in
(1)–(3), (7) is satisfied.
3 Preliminaries
Let ¯
F(s) := I+R0
¯τF(τ)e and
A(s) := R0
¯τA(τ)e . The function
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.31
Altug Iftar
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
φ(s) := det s¯
A(s)is then known as
the characteristic function of (1). A mode of (1) is
any λCwhich satisfies φ(λ) = 0. If Re(λ)0,
then such a mode is known as an unstable mode
of (1). Asymptotic stability of (1) is equivalent to
the condition that (1) has no unstable modes, [32].
In general, there exist infinitely many modes of
(1). However, there exist only finitely many modes
(if any) λof (1) with Re(λ)> γf, for some finite
γfR, [32].
Next, suppose that the following decentralized
LTI static feedbacks:
uk(t) = Kkyk(t), k = 1, . . . , µ (10)
are applied to the system (1,3). Here
KkRpk×mkare arbitrary, except that
they satisfy det (IKJ0)6= 0, where
K:= bdiag(K1, . . . , Kµ)and J0:= lims→∞ ¯
where the limit is taken along the positive real axis
J(s) :=
J1,1(s)· · · ¯
Jµ,1(s)· · · ¯
where ¯
Jk,l(s) := R0
¯τJk,l(τ)e . This condi-
tion guarantees the well-posedness of the closed-
loop system, [33]. A mode of (1) which remains
a mode of the closed-loop system under all con-
trols of the form (10) is known as a decentralized
fixed mode (DFM) of (1,3), [34]. A necessary and
sufficient condition for λCto be a DFM
of (1,3) is that for some κ {0, . . . , µ}and
{k1, . . . , kκ}⊂{1, . . . , µ}, where k1, . . . , kκare
distinct ({k1, . . . , kκ}=if κ= 0),
Bk1(λ)· · · ¯
Hkκ+1 (λ)¯
Jkκ+1,k1(λ)· · · ¯
Jkµ,k1(λ)· · · ¯
< n (11)
where {kκ+1, . . . , kµ}:= {1, . . . , µ} \ {k1, . . . , kκ},
Bk(s) := R0
¯τBk(τ)e , and ¯
Hk(s) :=
¯τHk(τ)e , [33]. A necessary and sufficient
condition for the existence of a (possibly dynamic)
decentralized LTI feedback controller which asymp-
totically stabilizes (1,3) is that (1,3) must not have
any unstable DFMs, [33].
4 Main Results
In this section we will present the necessary and
sufficient conditions for the existence of a controller
which solves Problem P. We will then present the
structure of this controller when these conditions are
satisfied. For this purpose, we first define
A(τ) :=
0 0 · · · 0α0(τ)
δ(τ) 0 α1(τ)
F(τ) := 0ν1×ν10ν1×1
where αl(·),l= 0, . . . , ν, are the functions appear-
ing in (5).
Next, let us define a fictitious system:
˙p(t) + Z0
F(τ) ˙p(t+τ) =Z0
Then, we can write any rk(t)and any w(t), respec-
tively satisfying (8) and (9), as
rk(t) = Cr
kp(t), k = 1, . . . , µ, w(t) = Cwp(t)
for some arbitrary constant matrices Cr
1, . . . , µ, and Cw. These matrices are arbitrary, since,
apart from the fact that they respectively satisfy (8)
and (9), rk(t)and w(t)are assumed to be unknown.
Because of the same reason, the initial condition of
the system (12) is also arbitrary.
Next, let us state the following assumptions:
Assumption 1: System (12) together with the output
where Cr:=
, is observable.
Assumption 2:
χ= 0,τ[¯τ, 0],
where χis a constant vector, implies that χ= 0,
where G(·) :=
and L(·) :=
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.31
Altug Iftar
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
Assumption 3: For any solution p(t)of (12),
limt→∞ p(t)=0, only if p(τ)=0,τ[ˆτ, 0],
where ˆτ0is the maximum time-delay in D
(which may be smaller than ¯τ- see Remark 1).
Assumption 4: B(τ)χ= 0,τ[¯τ, 0], where
χis a constant vector, implies that χ= 0, where
B(·) := B1(·)· · · Bµ(·).
Assumption 5: χTC(τ) = 0,τ[¯τ , 0], where
χis a constant vector, implies that χ= 0, where
C(·) :=
Remark 3: Assumptions 1–5 can be made without
loss of generality. They are made only to avoid
triviality. Assumption 1 implies that the fictitious
system does not include any dynamics whose ef-
fect do not appear in both the reference and the
disturbance. If so, these dynamics can be deleted.
Assumption 2 implies that the shown matrix function
does not have any linearly dependent columns. If it
does, these columns, as well as the corresponding
elements of w, can be deleted. Assumption 3 implies
that the fictitious system does not include any stable
dynamics. Since our problem is asymptotic tracking,
stable dynamics are irrelevant and can be deleted.
Assumption 4 implies that B(·)does not have
any linearly dependent columns. If it does, these
columns, together with the corresponding elements
of u:=
can be deleted. Finally, Assump-
tion 5 implies that C(·)does not have any linearly
dependent rows. If it does, these rows, together with
the corresponding elements of z:=
can be
Next, let ˆ
A(·) := A(·)Iq,ˆ
F(·) := F(·)
Iq, and B:= Iq
0ˆq×q, where q:= Pµ
k=1 qkand
ˆq:= (ν1)q. Also, for k= 1, . . . , µ, let Dk(·) :=
and Ck:= 0qk×q
where q
k:= Pk1
l=1 qk(q
k= 0 if k= 1) and q+
l=k+1 qk(q+
k= 0 if k=µ). Finally, let ˆ
Iν Ck.
Now, we can present the necessary and sufficient
conditions for the existence of a controller which
solves Problem P:
Theorem 1: Under Assumptions 1–5, there exists a
controller which solves Problem P if and only if the
following hold:
1) For k= 1, . . . , µ, the output zk, given in (2),
is contained in the measurement yk, given in
(3). That is zk(t) = Tkyk(t),t0, for some
2) The system
ξ(t) + Z0
¯τF(τ) 0
¯τ A(τ) 0
k=1 Bk(τ)
BDk(τ)˜uk(t+τ))! (15)
˜vk(t) = Z0
¯τ Hk(τ) 0
l=1 Jk,l(τ)
k= 1, . . . , µ (16)
has no unstable DFMs.
Proof: Let us first prove the only if part. Since the
problem requires robust tracking (i.e., (7) must be
satisfied robustly), ek(t)must be available to the
kth control agent for each k= 1, . . . , µ. However,
since the kth control agent can only access rk(t)and
yk(t), in order to calculate ek(t)from (6), zk(t)must
be contained in yk(t). This implies the necessity of
Condition 1.
To prove the necessity of Condition 2, let
˜e(t) :=
where e(t) :=
e1(t) := ˙e(t) + Z0
αν(τ) ˙e(t+τ)
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.31
Altug Iftar
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
e2(t) := ¨e(t) + d
dt Z0
αν(τ) ˙e(t+τ)
dt Z0
eν1(t) := e(ν1)(t) + dν2
αν(τ) ˙e(t+τ)
+. . . +Z0
Then, we obtain
˙e(t) + Z0
αν(τ) ˙e(t+τ) =e1(t)
αν1(τ)e(t+τ) , (18)
˙ek(t) = ek+1(t)Z0
ανk1(τ)e(t+τ) ,
k= 1, . . . , ν 2,(19)
˙eν1(t) = De(t)Z0
α0(τ)e(t+τ) (20)
Now, let ˜x(t) := Dx(t),˜uk(t) := Duk(t),k=
1, . . . , µ, and ξ(t) := ˜x(t)
˜e(t). Then, use (1), (2),
(6), (8), and (9) in (18)–(20) to obtain (15) and
ek(t) = 0qk×(n+ˆq)Ckξ(t), k = 1, . . . , µ
Therefore, in order to achieve (7), the part of
the system (15) which is observable through (21)
must be stabilized using inputs ˜uk(t). Since the
part of (15) which corresponds to ˜e(t), however,
is observable through (21) and the remaining part,
which corresponds to ˜x(t)(which is simply the
given system (1)) must also be stabilized as a
problem requirement, the whole system (15) must
be stabilized. Furthermore, this stabilization must be
achieved by decentralized LTI feedback, where the
kth control agent can access yk(t)and rk(t). By
Condition 1, however, using yk(t), the kth control
agent can obtain zk(t)and, using zk(t)and rk(t),
can also obtain ek(t). Thus, both ˜yk(t) := Dyk(t)
and ˜ek(t) := ˆ
Ck˜e(t)can be obtained by the kth
control agent. However, since ˜yk(t)
˜ek(t)= ˜vk(t),
given in (16), this means that the kth control agent,
which is to determine ˜uk(t), can access ˜vk(t). There-
fore, to solve Problem P under Assumptions 1–5,
a decentralized LTI controller which asymptotically
stabilizes the system (15,16) must exist. This, how-
ever, is equivalent to Condition 2. This proves the
only if part.
We will prove the if part constructively. As re-
marked above, due to Condition 1, the kth controller
can use
ek(t) = Tkyk(t)rk(t)(22)
Then, the kth control agent can build:
˙sk(t) + Z0
Fk(τ) ˙sk(t+τ)
Ak(τ)sk(t+τ) +Bkek(t)(23)
which is to be called as the kth servocompensator.
Here, ˆ
Ak(·) := A(·)Iqk,ˆ
Fk(·) := F(·)Iqk,
and Bk:= Iqk
0ˆqk×qk, where ˆqk:= (ν1)qk, and
sk(t)Rνqkis the state vector at time t.
Let s(t) :=
and ˆs(t) := M s(t), where
bdiag(M1,1, . . . , M1)
bdiag(Mν,1, . . . , Mν,µ)
where Mi,k := 0qk×qi
k, where
k:= (i1)qkand qi+
k:= (νi)qk,k= 1, . . . , µ,
i= 1, . . . , ν. Note that MRνq×νq is invertible.
Let η(t) := x(t)
ˆs(t). Then, we can describe the
augmented dynamics of the plant (1) and the µ
decentralized servocompensators (23) as:
˙η(t) + Z0
¯τF(τ) 0
¯τ A(τ) 0
k=1 Bk(τ)
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.31
Altug Iftar
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
BG(τ)w(t+τ) 0
where r(t) :=
From this augmented system, the kth control
agent, k= 1, . . . , µ, can measure
vk(t) := yk(t)
¯τ Hk(τ) 0
l=1 Jk,l(τ)
0w(t+τ) (25)
Note that the systems (24,25) and (15,16) are
equivalent except for the existence of external inputs
wand rin (24,25) (which stay outside the loop when
the control loop is closed). Therefore, by Condition
2, there exist µdecentralized controllers (to be called
as the stabilizing compensators) that asymptotically
stabilize the system (24,25). Furthermore, the same
controllers also asymptotically stabilize the system
(15,16). Thus, when these controllers are applied, we
obtain limt→∞ ξ(t)=0(this is because, (15)–(16)
has no external inputs). By (21), however, this means
(7). Thus, these controllers achieve both asymptotic
stability and tracking. This completes the proof.
From the if part of the above proof, it is evident
that each of the µthe decentralized controllers (when
they exist) which solve Problem P are composed of
two parts:
i) A servocompensator which is descried by (23)
with its input (22).
ii) A stabilizing compensator with inputs yk(t)and
sk(t)and output uk(t).
The servocompensators are responsible for
achieving the tracking and rejecting the disturbance.
The dynamics of these compensators are determined
by the delay-differential equation (5) (equivalently
by the fictitious system (12)) by which the references
and the disturbance is satisfied.
The stabilizing compensators, on the other hand,
are designed to asymptotically stabilize the aug-
mented system (24,25). These compensators can be
designed using any decentralized stabilizing con-
troller design method developed for time-delay sys-
tems (e.g., see, [35], [36], [37], [38], and references
therein). A recently developed software package,
[39], may in particular be useful for this purpose.
Remark 4: It was shown in [40], that a LTI
time-delay (centralized) system can be stabilized
by LTI time-delay controllers if and only if it can
be stabilized by LTI finite-dimensional controllers.
This result was extended to the decentralized case
in [33]. More specifically, it was shown in [33],
that, a decentralized LTI time-delay system can be
stabilized by LTI time-delay controllers if and only
if it can be stabilized by LTI finite-dimensional
controllers (however, time-delay controllers may be
advantageous in some cases - see, [37], [41], [42]).
Therefore, when a solution to Problem P exists, the
stabilizing compensators can be designed as finite-
dimensional systems. However, since the servocom-
pensators are determined by the delay-differential
operator (5), these compensators must be time-
delay systems if (5) in fact involves time-delays.
As stated in Remark 2, however, references and
disturbance usually satisfy simple LTI differential
equations, rather than delay-differential equations.
In this case, then, when conditions of Theorem 1
hold, Problem P can be solved using LTI finite-
dimensional controllers.
5 Conclusions
Robust tracking and disturbance rejection problem
has been considered for LTI neutral systems with
distributed-time-delay. The formulation, however, al-
lows the representation of discrete time-delays to-
gether with distributed time-delay. Thus, the present
results can also be used for systems with discrete
time-delays, and/or for systems which involve both
kinds of delays. The necessary and sufficient condi-
tions for the existence of a controller which solves
this problem have been derived. Although certain
assumptions (1–5) have been made, as discussed
in Remark 3, these assumptions were made only
to avoid triviality and can be made without loss
of generality. Furthermore, these assumptions are
needed only for the necessity of the conditions given
in Theorem 1. Thus, even if any one of these as-
sumptions do not hold, there still exist decentralized
LTI controllers which solve Problem P, as long as
the conditions given in Theorem 1 hold.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.31
Altug Iftar
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
It has also been shown that the controller which
solves the problem (when exists) is composed of
µdecentralized LTI controllers each of which con-
sists of a servocompensator and a stabilizing com-
pensator. This structure, as well as the conditions
given in Theorem 1, are in fact, generalizations
of the structure and the conditions given in [11],
for LTI finite-dimensional systems with references
and the disturbance satisfying a LTI differential
equation. This structure and the conditions are also
generalizations of the structure and the conditions
given in [30], for neutral discrete-time-delay systems
with references and the disturbance satisfying a
LTI delay-differential equation of neutral type with
discrete time-delays and of the structure and the
conditions given in [31], for retarded distributed-
time-delay systems with references and the distur-
bance satisfying a LTI delay-differential equation of
retarded type with distributed and/or discrete time-
delays. Furthermore, when µ= 1, both the structure
of the controller and the conditions of Theorem 1
reduce to the structure and the conditions given in
[27], for the centralized case.
Finally. as explained in Remark 4, when the
conditions of Theorem 1 hold and the references
and the disturbance satisfy simple LTI differential
equations, rather than delay-differential equations
(which is the more common case as discussed in
Remark 2), the problem can be solved using LTI
finite-dimensional controllers.
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Sources of Funding
This work has been supported by the Scientific
Research Projects Commission of Eskis¸ehir Techni-
cal University under grant numbers 22ADP301 and
Conflicts of Interest
The author has no conflicts of interest to declare that
are relevant to the content of this article.
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This article is published under the terms of the
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The author contributed in the present research, at all
stages from the formulation of the problem to the
final findings and solution.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.31
Altug Iftar
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023