Design and Performance Analysis of RNS-Based Reconfigurable FIR
Filter for Noise Removal in Speech Signals Applications
1Department of Electronics and Tele Communication Engineering, BMSCE, Bangalore, INDIA
2Department of ECE, Government SKSJTI, K R Circle, Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA
3Department of ECE, Govt. S.K.S.J. Technology Institute, Bangalore, INDIA
4RVR&JC College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: - In DSP solutions, the Residual Number System with Two's Complement systems is the most
commonly utilized system for building low-power and high-throughput programmable Finite Impulse Response
filters. It would be done by creating FIR filters in the Residual Number organization and 2's Enhance scheme
by comparing the results to the current assert. The RNS based on FIR filter architecture reduces power
consumption while allowing the device to operate at 150 MHz without increasing its size significantly. In case
of memory and latency reduction, the implementations of the Residual Number System and 2's Complement
System must be able to obtain and decode signals with fewer physical servers for every clock signal. The
principal idea of this proposed model is to provide data bits with larger sizes for RNS-based multiplier and
delayed wavelet LMS (DWLMS) that operates at speed high with premised reconfigurable FIR via forward and
reverse conversions that don't produce as much power output and size as reflective thinking. The Application
Specific Integrated Circuit will be designed and integrated for 32 nm technology. The proposed design
addresses the four essential parameter optimization, such as power, area, and timing, using the Residual
Number System, which is superior to Two's Complement System. According to the findings, there is a 13
percent reduction in power, a 21 % enhancement in area, and a 13 % enhance in throughput.
Key-Words: - FIR, RNS, DWLMS, Signal processing, FPGA, and Noise removal
Received: November 15, 2022. Revised: April 22, 2023. Accepted: May 16, 2023. Published: June 16, 2023.
1 Introduction
The output voltage is one of the most crucial
limiting elements in designing future Application
Specific Integrated Circuits. Low power
consumption improves the ASIC's flexibility by
decreasing the device's price, complexity, and bulk.
DSP blocks are a significant source of output power
in today's ASICs. In digital signal processing
applications, the excess information has long been
recommended as an energy alternative to the
traditional 2's Enhance scheme line, [1]. Using FIR
separators in the RNS, the 2's Enhance scheme has
been shown to minimize power usage in some tests.
FIR filters are one of the most basic DSP
components. A basic overview of how Residual
Number System simulations can be carried out, [2].
The Chinese scientist Sun Tzu, who existed in the
third century AD, used the residue number system
for the first time in his Arithmetic Classic of Sun
Tzu. A finite impulse response filter is a form of a
digital filter capable of simulating almost any
frequency response, [3]. The study, [4], presents a
couple of additional sequential algorithms, whereas
these algorithms do not produce a single result every
clock cycle, thus, they won't be investigated further.
The output of a finite impulse response filter is often
created using a succession of latencies, multipliers,
and adders. FIR filters are one of the most
significant structure fragments of many digital
signal transmission algorithms, [5]. Demand for
reconfigurable data transmission that may function
in various standards has recently increased due to
software-defined radio applications, [6]. Digital
filters are typically implemented using a DSP;
however, Digital Signal Processing-based solutions
cannot meet the high-speed demands in some
scenarios, [7]. Since of their serial construction and
programmable logic, Field Programmable Gate
Array-based systems can attain high speed, giving
them additional flexibility and dependability
throughout establishment and growth. The digital
filters that are available in [8], are FIR as well as IIR
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
filters. Many digital signal processing applications
use FIR filters, as these filters can offer regular
periods and design implementation, [9].
2 Problem Formulation
The Finite Impulse Response architecture comprises
a series of multiplication addition and units that
utilize pricey N Field Programmable Gate Arrays
multiply-and-accumulate blocks. Distributed
Arithmetic, when compared to traditional direct
arithmetic, can save you a lot of money on hardware
by replacing MAC units with a Look-Up Table,
[10]. Compared to standard RNS (where the
synthesis tool decides the adders and multipliers to
use), specific TCS adders and multipliers demand
more excellent hardware resources in terms of
LUTs, FFs, and memory, [11]. The research focuses
on RNS-specific approaches rather than low-power
TCS or FIR filter techniques, [12]. The RNS adders
and multipliers concentrate on the design rather than
the actual design of the standard binary adders and
binary multipliers utilized in the design. RNS-based
R-FIR is suggested to reduce the number of
computing processes, and the constructed R-FIR
filter is tested using noisy EEG data for noise
reduction, [13].
3 Proposed Methodology
The transmission of speech signals with a lot of
noise required more bandwidth and more power
consumption in 5G communications. Therefore, in
this work, we are concentrating on the following:
i. Optimization of power consumption
ii. Minimization of noise to save bandwidth
iii. Improvement of throughput and speed
Based on the literature survey, power, and area
consumption mainly depend on multipliers and
adders due to more partial product generation. We
have proposed an RNS-based multiplier and parallel
prefix adder (PPA) to minimize power and area. For
the noise removal in signals, the proposed 64-tap
FIR filter has been used by incorporating an RNS
multiplier and PPA adder, and the results are
validated on real-time FPGA. An equalizer is a real-
time computer that tries to explain the relationship
between two signals. The proposed work is a
reconfigurable FIR filter with NLMS; here,
reconfigurable means parameterization of step size
and input sample size; these can be 8bit, 16bit, and
32bits. The single tap FIR filter is shown in Fig.1. It
contains (+) as an adder, (x) as a multiplier, step
size, and delay elements. By changing parameter
values, the entire design can reconfigure to any 8bit,
16bit, or 32bits. As a result, we'll concentrate on the
scientific methods of adaptive filters rather than
their specific implementations in hardware and
software. The adaptive filter model uses a number
and determines the type of characteristics to be
Fig. 1: Architectural diagram of 1-tap Coefficients
used in FIR filter
The proposed technique for updating the system's
parameter values can take a variety of shapes. Still,
it's usually created as an optimization strategy that
minimizes an illusionistic ally parameter. This
section introduces the general adaptive filtering
issue and the mathematical language for describing
the adaptive filter's shape and operation. Then we'll
go through a few distinct structures demonstrated to
be beneficial in real-world situations. The LMS
method uses a predefined step-size parameter for
each iteration, which is one of its significant flaws.
Before beginning the adaptive filtering procedure,
you must first grasp the statistics of the input signal.
In practice, this is quite unusual. Even if we assume
that the adaptive echo cancellation system would
receive voice as input, various parameters of
sensory supply, for example, strength and
amplitude, will influence its presentation. The
normalized LMS algorithm is an extension of the
least mean square method that avoids the issue by
choosing a new step size value indicated by (n) for
every progression, as shown in equation (1). The
reciprocal of the entire estimated signals and their
energy (E) estimated coefficients at every
instantaneous value for any given input signal x can
determine the step size (n). An auto-correlation
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
matrix (R) between the input vector dot product
with itself, as well as input vectors, is analogous to
the addition of energies that are expected for the
input signal (x).
3.1 Employment of the Normalized LMS
The LMS algorithms use normalized concepts to
implement and design using Verilog HDL and it’s
synthesized in the Xilinx ISE design suite their
results and shown in Table 1. The step size has been
derived from present inputs and previous output
values and the LMS method is substantially more
stable along with unknown signals. The proposed
LMS is more suitable for real-time adaptive echo
cancellations due to its convergence speed and its
simplicity in design. Its process is completely
iterative as per equation (2).
Variable step size used in NLMS: As per equation
(2), in every iteration for each tap, the weight is
processed with input signals and a predetermined
step size value. The step size for each iteration is
given as a vector in the Least Mean Square (NLMS)
method for every sample (x). Each vector member
and size are corresponding to a particular step size
value in the filter tap weight vector w(n). Upper and
lower values limit the allowed values for each
element in the step size to avoid the step size
parameters from becoming extremely large, leading
to instability, or extremely small, resulting in
delayed responsiveness to changes in the intended
impulse response. As with the traditional LMS
method, previous knowledge of signal statistics is
required to ensure that the adaptive filter performs
4 Delayed Wavelet MPLMS
Under correlated input circumstances, wavelet
domain LMS is projected for scant adapting filters.
However, unlike the techniques of PNLMS and
MPNLMS, there has been no challenge in building
WMPNLMS in hardware so far in the literature. To
develop WMPNLMS in hardware, we initially
encompass all reformulations to the wavelet domain
to construct DWMPLMS and also suggest
additional architectural improvements to lower the
computational difficulty of wavelet implementation,
as shown in Fig. 2. At every iterative of every tap it
explores the de-correlating features of several
wavelet transformations and their VLSI
implementation aspects.
4.1 Sliding Wavelet Transform
At each new iteration, the statistics path u(n) is well-
defined as 󰇛󰇜󰇟󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜󰇠
and T is made efficient by allowing a single
information model to first stay another to leave
󰇛󰇜 i.e., 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 signifies the
transformed input vector, where T signifies the
extraneous compress with sub-bands. The flowing
flora of the input may be utilized to take advantage
of severances in the computation of u(n) and u(n +
2) running wavelet transformations here u(n + 2) =
[u(n + 2), u(n + 1),..., u(n N + 3) T. Let T8 be an 8-
coefficients of Symlet of vanishing moment 4 with
four coefficients and four extremely high-
frequencies such as g0, g1, g2, and g3 coefficients.
This makes wavelet transform calculation more
complex, making it incompatible with the
DWMPLMS technique, which requires at least three
stages of decomposition to achieve acceptable de-
correlating qualities, [14]. The redundancies persist
across numerous stages of decay in the U-HAAR
ripple, and their constants are one’s complement and
may be exploited using a steady assembly. For
instance, consider an 8-point U-HAAR wavelet
matrix with two fading stages.
The elevated signal is routed and concludes a series
of records timed at clk/2. As indicated, this tapped
delay line yields L/2 elevated ripple
apparatuses, [15]. The moderate components
proceed over the second stage of breakdown, which
follows the same structure as the first. Valid outputs
are created once per four clocks for the second
level's high-frequency components. As a result, in
between legitimate outcomes, we'll need two
registers that run on clk/2. Also observed is that
intermediate results are lost when the design is run
at clk/4, therefore running at clk/2 is the best
suitable frequency and losses are very less. To
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
capture all of the intermediate outcomes at the 3rd
equal, we have essential 4 registers operating on
clk/2 between legitimate outputs. For the difference
in the 1st near, we'll require (L2)/2 registers.
Similarly, we'll require (L 4)/2 registers in the
second stage, then (L 8)/2 high-frequency registers
apparatus, and one more (L 8)/2 register for low-
frequency works in the final stage.
4.2 Design of RNS-Based Multiplier for LMS
and FIR Filters Design
The RNS, adders, and multipliers are used to
develop low latency and high throughput systems.
Certain adders and multipliers based on the Residual
Number System are compared to modified Residual
Number System-based multipliers and adders. This
study looks at how to use adders and integrators of
RNS and what all combinations consume low
power. RNS's main processes are frontward and
backward alterations, which multiply circuit source
and filter constants.
4.3 RNS Arithmetic
RNS arithmetic is based on the algebraic symmetry
connection. Assume, the integers, as well as b, are
proved to be consistent with modulo m if a-b is
accurately divisible by m. It is commonly written as
a b (mod m) in technical situations. The quantity
m is known as a modulus. The remainder of the
modulus m is indicated by r, the division of the
number, and q is the quotient a, a = q · m + r. From
the provided definition, we can derive the
accompanying congruence r (mod m). The
number r denotes a's residue around m, which is
represented as =. We assume that one of the
least non-negative residues modulo m, r {0, 1, 2,
..., m 1}. Consider { ,...,} as a series of
N non-negative, pair-wise approximation moduli. It
implies that for all I as well as j I ≠ j, the moduli mi,
and mj in the moduli set have no common divisor of
more than 1. The input impedance of the RNS
moduli set can now be specified as M. According to
the equation, the product of the moduli set can be
used to determine M (1).
 (3)
For each moduli set, an integer X < M has an
autonomous module consisting of N members. The
continuity equation can be used to calculate it: {xi =
|X|: 1 i N}. However, one representation is
that of (, , ..., ).
Example 1: Take the moduli-set {3, 5, 7}, then m1 =
3, m2 = 5 and m3 = 7. The moduli-dynamic format's
spectrum would be
 =..=3.5.7=105
Now let X = 10. Then ( , , )can be calculated
as follows
= |X| =  =  = +  = 1
= |X|= = = 0
= |X| =  = =  + = 3.
So X = 10 can be represented as (1, 0, 3) in the RNS
moduli-set {3, 5, 7}. Either signed or unsigned
integers can be represented using a residue number
system. The residual Number System can express
unverified integers in the range 0 X M - 1 for
unsigned numbers. RNS can collect data that satisfy
one of the given equations for signed numbers:
≤ X ≤ 
For odd
≤ X ≤
-1 For even
Table 1. An example of RNS representation for
signed and unsigned numbers
(X1, X2)
Used this moduli-set as an instance of signed and
unsigned expressions {,} = {2, 3}
4.4 Onward Transfer
Advanced interpretation is usually more
straightforward than backward interpretation. Even
though residue number systems can represent a
certain bit width, the input is typically displayed
with a considerably smaller bit size. Naturally, by
executing in this way, the complexity can be
reduced. The following well-known equation is used
to determine a TCS amount to solve the forward
conversion issue: +
To find the total of the numbers, the simplest
method is to utilize RNS adders rather than TCS
adders . It can even accept negatives if the
answer on line 64, [4], is significantly altered.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
Modulus periodic properties can be leveraged to
improve this strategy. The cyclic features are
obtained by taking into account the residue of every
mod m. However, a LUT is possible as it needs
to store all probable combinations of input at
n_input bits equivalent to RNS values of n_rns
n_input input bits. As a consequence, future
investigations into this approach can be ruled out. It
provides an innovative periodic multiplications
method. Unfortunately, it is quite complex, making
parametrized implementation for arbitrary modulo
and input bit width quite hard. Moduli conversion:
The input operands X are related to the considered
modules {m1, m2,…mp} and their corresponding
residues {r1,r2,…rp} as shown in the equations
Fig. 2: Proposed wavelet transform domain used in NLMS architecture
 
Where 
The formula (3) is a
shape numeral from double to Residual Number
System forward conversion, X. It is an integer
ranging from [0, N-1], as well as the residuals, are
 of RNS set 󰇝󰇞 for moduli
set {m1, m2, m3} and here the value of N= m1*m2*
4.5 Reverse Conversion
Backward recognition is transferring the RNS to the
2's Signaling Pathway. The Chinese Remainder
Theorem and the Mixed-Radix Conversion are the
two standard techniques used for backward
interpretation. The majority of additional procedures
are derived from these two, [4]. The easiest of these
alternatives is currently CRT. MRC employs
"mixed-radix" approaches, which would demand
significant additional work. Pseudo-SRT division or
the core function are two choices (as described in
[4]). A fascinating way is to use a Look-Up Table.
Unfortunately, the generated Look-Up Table is too
large for a synthesis tool to handle.
Choosing a moduli-set: Prior studies, [8], [5], [7],
have shown that a considerable portion of energy
dissipation happens during routine operations rather
than in the forward or reverse transformation when
the number of taps in a Finite Impulse Response
filter is high.
Speech input
samples u(n)
CSD recording
HAAR Wavelet
Tap evaluation
Updating of W
Error metric
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
Consequently, the initial hypothesis about which
moduli to use is based on comparing the output
power of a simple one-tap Finite Impulse Response
filter element without interpretation. Before
optimum arrangement was found, these essential
components were built in several ways.
Carry parallel-prefix adder in the end: The Carry
parallel-prefix adder in the end-around is designed
to only function for modulo 2n1, with the advantage
that it uses roughly the same hardware as a regular
parallel-prefix adder by using the end-around carry.
The parallel-prefix adder was created by converting
the RNS adder in [16], from VHDL to System
Verilog. With an end-around carry, it employs a
Sklansky parallel-prefix structure. As seen in Fig. 4,
the adder uses a variety of logic operators. The
equation describes the exact behavior of the logic
4.6 FIR Filter Design
The finite-duration Impulse Response, filter is by far
the most popular digital filter. Formula (4) can be
used to calculate a signal's filtered output, and an
FIR filter is based on the general theory of
continuous multiplication.
The output is represented by out[i], input is
indicated by in[i] as well as the parameters in
solution (2) are specified by h[i]. The order of the
filter is determined by N, and the filter will have N
+ 1 tap. The simple mathematical processes of a
Finite Impulse Response filter are additive and
multiply. These operations can be carried out in a
variety of ways using the residue number system.
One of the most fundamental issues with the RNS is
modulo excess, which occurs whenever the output is
more than the modulo. The outcome of a modulo's
operations mi must always range from {0,..., -1}.
So the outcome of addition ranges from {0,...,2( -
1)}., and only one subtraction with mi will be
necessary to persist in the correct range.
Reproduction, on the other hand, yields an outcome
ranging from {0,...,󰇛󰇜󰇞. To identify the
techniques that are best suited for addition as well as
multiplication, the overall output voltages and
analyses of specific adders, as well as multipliers for
all given moduli, are carried out. The study, [14],
discusses three approaches to unrestricted modulo
addition development. Look-Up Table, two binary
adders, and a hybrid of the two. The three solutions
will be superlative regarding the area and time for a
particular modulus, [14]. The study, [15], shows
how to use a parallel-prefix adder to execute
addition in the unusual modulo set in a novel
method { -1, + 1}. , [16], provides a little more
detailed description. Because of its basic level, this
technique, [17], can be used as a starting
deployment concept. The Verilog language and
generation engine support the built-in Verilog
operators "+," addition, "%," percent, and modulus.
While evaluating the other methods, a naive
baseline strategy that only uses these approaches
will be helpful. Modulo will also be done with the
easy way of using a common adder. The
implementation of additions is carried out by
1. RNS adder that is based on LUT
2. Two binary adversary
3. A hybrid between zero as well as one
4. Modified parallel-prefix adder employing
Modulo − 1
5. Modulo + 1 is determined by the
application of diminished-one number
representation, and by using built-in
functions in Verilog “+” as well as “%”
6. Modulo adder of the usual type
Multiplication: RNS-designed multiplications can
be stated in a selection of ways. A modulo-m
product splitting multiplier using Read-Only
Memory as a potential function is shown in [18].
This technique is more practicable than
multiplication by equal modulus, as stated in
[19], because it uses three multipliers rather than
only two. The unique are agreed increases regarding
time, travel, and power may be made. 2n -1,2n, 2n +
1, [20], proposes a parallel modulo-m multiplier for
2n + 1 that does not necessitate special acceleration
techniques. The above method may be interesting,
especially if n is small. The study, [21], describes a
Booth-8 encoding implementation for 2n + 1. This
strategy outperforms previous solutions for n 32,
while it can be adapted admirably for lower n. If this
wasn't the case, a Booth-4 encoding was utilized.
Booth encoding is well-known in situations other
than RNS. So, it won't be talked about further in this
paper. Another fascinating way can be found in [5],
which uses an isomorphic approach to replace
multiplication with addition and a look-up table. It'd
be amazing to see how this might be put into
4.7 Application of R-FIR Design for Noise
Removal in Speech Signals
A steadily flowing spectral envelope characterizes
the conversation. Individuals translate this spectral
envelope into speech and its associated content.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
Speech recognition attempts to replicate the effort of
projecting the spectral envelope into a series of
sentences. There are various faults with this
procedure. Have different speaking patterns. The
spectral envelope will fluctuate depending on local
dialects and unique features, such as whether the
individual is male or female and their height. A
sentence can be delivered in various ways by a
single speaker. It might be the result of speaker
stress, such as while yelling, or it could be the result
of the speaker purposely emphasizing words to
change their meaning. Individuals have no difficulty
coping with these factors, but developing an
automated system to imitate this process is a
significant task. Most current voice assistants use
analytical methods to deal with the numerous
fluctuations. These processing algorithms'
dependability has continuously increased over time.
They can achieve over 90% effective advertising on
an infinite phrase speaker-independent challenge
and above 95% on weaker keyword tests. The
gadgets are functional at this level of performance,
but most of them are taught and validated in the
same calm environment. In practice, it is typically
quiet, and the aural environment is frequently
unregulated. Background noise, such as fans turning
on or automobiles passing by, and received signals,
such as the microphone or phone line stream in use,
may differ. As the ambient noise and channel
society change, the speech spectra alter, and the
device's performance declines, which is frequently
RNS-based R-FIR STRUCTURE: A finite
impulse response filter is a digital filter capable of
simulating almost every resonant event. A sequence
of delays, multipliers, and adders is commonly used
to generate the output of an FIR filter. Fig. 3 depicts
the basic block diagram for an N-length FIR filter.
Previous input samples are used because of delays.
The HK values represent the multiplying
parameters, and the result obtained at time n is the
total postponed data multiplied by the suitable
Fig. 3: A Finite Impulse Response filter's major
The method of determining a filter's length and
properties is known as filter planning. The goal is to
set such values so that when the filter is applied, it
returns desired stop and passband values. In C,
listing one shows how to accomplish it. This code
must be executed on a system with a multiply-and-
accumulate command to perform many taps. When
the Distributed method is used to generate the linear
time-invariant structure, the approach outlined in
previous works is applied to optimize it. As a result,
the fixing amount for the above part of the LUT
storage reminiscence location will be the inverse of
the bottom half, resulting in a Look-Up Table cut in
half using concurrency. The report creator circuit
generates the Look Up Table address. The only part
of the statement pulls up the necessary restoration
value. Using the Ctrl control-adding-decrease tool,
the destination completes the non-negative and non-
positive conversion between the upper and lower
halves of the restored quantity. The Look-Up Table
is split into two four-input tables resulting from
innovations and discoveries. The network for
generating addresses divides the input signals into
four categories using the 4-input LUT. The data
buffer may be built up based on the order of the
filters. The serial data collected can be transmitted
to the 20-bit serial-in parallel-out shift register,
separated, and given to the LUT in order because
the needed filter is a 16th-order. Because the
coefficient is amplified 216 times, the output circuit
decreases the resultant value. The function of the
basic FIR filter is expressed as follows:
The filter's length is represented as k, and in this
research work, it varies between 0 and 63.
Computation (6) specifies a straightforward FIR
filter approach with significantly few registers, as
shown in Fig. 5. The Fig. 4 depicts a portion of
RFIR based on RNS.
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
The standard FIR filter design uses a binary
number strategy to model adders and coefficients. It
thereby results in higher diffusion and net weights
and limits the speed. To overcome the
abovementioned drawback, the RNS-based FIR
filter design in Eq. (6) uses a significantly improved
PPA to eliminate the subcarriers. The outcomes of
the existing Parallel Prefix Adder and the modified
PPA are compared in Table 2.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
Table 2. Performance trade-off comparison over
input word length
Optimization of Memory: Backward translation is
used to transform the residue number to an integer
only after the completion of conventional arithmetic
of basis estimation. Depending on the size of every
module, the statistics with a minimal standard error
are estimated using this technique. All possible
alternatives are computed to ensure and
accommodate it as a readily accessible block in
storage for the inverse mutation operator. The
hardware intricacy of the bidirectional switching
unit will be minimized as these memory units will
be transformed into customized onboard block
RAMs during the manufacturing of hardware. By
utilizing the shortest lead time, as demonstrated in
Fig. 4, the SoC, which is cache, minimizes the cost
and time compared to other conventional methods.
5 Results and Discussion
Empirical data from multiple moduli corroborate the
output metrics of the theoretical Residual Number
System Finite Impulse Response architecture. For
propagation, position & route, the computational
plan is applied in Verilog hardware description
language, and its compliance is verified using the
Model Sim. The propagation review and system
applications are provided in Table 3 and Table 4,
and the measurements are investigated with Artix-7
Prototype FPGA hardware. As per the results of the
tests, Distributed Arithmetic design hacks reduce
route latency while limiting economic efficiency.
They are examining the computational constraints as
an academic unit is employed during hardware
transmission to indicate the significance of the
theoretical DA-based RNS framework in various
features of the dynamic FIR filter.
Fig. 4: Overall block diagram of FIR filter using Residual Number System filter with Parallel Prefix Adder for
ECG signal applications
Audio/Speech signals are
converted into binary and
stored as coe format
X1, X2,…, Xn
Using the RNS
multiplier, the Module
sets and residuals are
Low latency PPA with
Multivalued Ternary logic
to add all partial products
generated by RNS
Design of DWLMS based
FIR filter by incorporating
audio signals
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
The RNS-based FIR channel is suggested. The
selection of the moduli set has the benefit of an add
& shift strategy. A previously proposed
reconfigurable RNS FIR channel adaptation is
contrasted with the suggested flow pattern. The
circuits are combined using a Vivado design suite in
the RTL compiler at the architecture level. The
channels' displays are evaluated regarding the
region, energy, and Suspension. FPGA DSP Builder
is also used to test the proposed technique in
practice. As demonstrated in Fig. 4, Finite Impulse
Response stations are often used to implement
modern electronic indicator preparation bases.
Fig. 4: The issue of continuous research and
development is how to implement them efficiently
using cost-effective Very-large-scale integration
The efficient execution of the multi-operand
modulo adders was given special attention. For a
32-tap FIR channel, replacing a standard modulo
snake tree with a paired viper with increased
accuracy occurred by a single modulo diminution
phase 10% reduction in space needs. On the other
hand, the FIR channel list math QRNS, on themed a
3-repeater per-tap two-C channel by up to 60%
while utilizing fewer LEs for channels with a total
of eight taps. A twenty-two-tap channel, in
particular, necessitated twenty-four percent LEs,
which was not the typical plan as illustrated in Fig.
Fig. 5: Improved Area and frequency concert
exchange evaluation of Distributed Arithmetic-
based arithmetic in Residue Number System Over
Finite Impulse Response length.
The complete design is synthesized using Xilinx
Vivado Design Suite 2018.1 and a summary of the
report which is in terms of LUTs, flip-flops, delay,
power, and throughput are shown in Table 3. The
proposed design is well optimized compared to
existing work in terms of the above-mentioned
parameters and their values are plotted in Fig.6, area
and power are more optimized parameters compared
to others. The obtained results are validated in
MATLAB with the help of MATLAB-generated
FIR coefficients through the Filter Design Analysis
Table 3. Power, energy, place value, lag, as well as power estimates of a hypothetical RNS-FIR design
(A=Area, T=Delay, and P=Power).
RNS based
Area* delay
Time* power
Radix-8 based 32
bits, [1], [17],
126.31 x10-9
Booth multiplier,
[15], 16 bits
19.06 x10-6
Shift & Add 32
bits, [19]
Proposed RNS-
based FIR design
8.30 x10-6
21.4 x10-9
Existing (Area: Slice
Proposed (Area: Slice
Existing (Max Frequency) :
Proposed (Max Frequency):
Max Frequency
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
Fig. 6: Improved tool consumption analysis for SDR workloads between new and existing ternary-RNS-based
FIR filter designs
Fig. 7: Simulated results of proposed FIR and NLMS filters for noisy audio signals and filtered signals
Fig. 7 is the simulated results of the proposed
RNS-based FIR filter design in the Modelsim
simulator and input speech signals are exported
from MATLAB in the form of a text file that
contains samples of speech signals. These signals
real-time recorded speech from an audio device and
converted into samples in MATLAB and stored in a
text file. This text file is read in the top module of
Verilog design and stored on Block Memory
Generator. In Fig.7, data_in is a variable that shows
sample speech signals read from memory and
applied to FIR filter design and Filter_out is another
variable used to show filtered signals which are
noise removal signals.
6 Conclusion
In this study article, the Booth algorithm increases
the competence of 2n-1 modulo sets by confining the
PPs to 1/4th of Booth-programmed parameters.
Given the presence of a solid manifold, this
multiplier is ineffective to dynamic lower ranges,
yet it is further along with energy and geography for
more extensive considering multiple. In contrast to
the modulo converter discussed above, disused
scrambling is created to address the transmission of
intra-carry computation in RNS because it is
suitable for a wider band. Continued studies on 2n-1
modulo factors are, though, still needed. The
company uses an RNS-based multiplier that is faster
and has better connectivity than just a higher-rate
Booth-encoded translator. The repetitive residue
number approach can also produce an essential
modulo converter in DSP growth. To assess and
remove noise signals in audio signals, the
researchers used high-end FIR filters with upgraded
RNS units. The outcome of the apparatus
improvement detailed in this study revealed that
each level of modified RNS is a direct effect on the
h/w speed & reliability of FIR filter design. By
Slices Delay (ns) Power Area* delay Time* power Area*time*power
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023
postponing the direct minimization in the RNS
technique and reducing the competence
consequence break in Finite Impulse Response filter
design, the results are compared with Random
Access Memory-based hypothetical overturn
alteration and Distributed Arithmetic-based excess
evaluation. This effort restores trustworthy system
efficiency by increasing the Filter bank switch and
introducing an upgraded RNS and a unit with a
memory-efficient backward converter. When
contrasted to DA-based FIR and radix/booth
multipliers-based FIR filters, the results show a 13
percent improvement in energy efficiency, a 21
percent decrease in area, and a 13 percent increase
in capacity.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Manjunath P.S. and Revanna.C. R have identified
problems in existing works in the field of filter
design and its solutions. Kusuma M.S. and Ponduri
Sivaprasad have carried out the design in Verilog
using Vivado Design Suite 2018.1 and its simulation
and also optimization. Manjunath and Uppala
Ramakrishna are written a manuscript. Kusuma M.
S was responsible for the Statistics.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2023.18.16
Manjunath P. S., Revanna C. R., Kusuma M. S.,
Ponduri Sivaprasad, Uppala Ramakrishna
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 18, 2023