gluteus muscles was greater than that of the
gastrocnemius muscle due to the limitation of ankle
movement when taping was applied. In other
words, it is considered that there was no difference
in gastrocnemius muscle activity in this study as
taping provided ankle movement restriction, [19].
The limitations of the study are as follows. In
the first dynamic situation, ankle sudden inversion
was induced and was not measured. In fact, ankle
sprains often occur in dynamic situations.
However, in this study, ankle sudden inversion was
induced and measured in a static standing state. A
study considering the dynamic situation is needed
in the future. The measurement was limited to the
muscles around the ankle joint. It has been reported
that the knee and hip strategy is used more often
than the ankle strategy when a sudden posture
change occurs, [20]. It is necessary to measure
muscles around the knee and hip in future studies.
Third, the small number of subjects makes it
difficult to generalize. As a single group study,
further studies with a larger number of subjects are
5 Conclusion
Taping intervention is used for the purpose of
improving exercise performance and preventing
sport injury. Due to the advantage of being easily
applied without any special side effects, it is also
used by the general public as an intervention
method for acute or chronic musculoskeletal
patients. In summary, the application of taping had
a positive effect on the improvement of muscle
activity around the ankle during sudden ankle
inversion. Therefore, the application of taping can
be used as a method of prevention and intervention
of ankle injury.
This research was supported by the Yeungnam
University College Research Grants in 2022.
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DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.66
Jongsung Chang, Seungmin Nam