Towards Digitalization of business processes: Building a business
domain ontology for project management
1Associate professor, Basic Department of digital economy, Higher School of Cyber Technologies,
Mathematics and Statistics
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Abstract: The article presents an ontological model of the subject area. It was designed to improve the efficiency
of the software development process and reduce development costs. This ontological model is recommended to
be used in the formation of the company's software architecture. The article contains data on the process and
results of developing an ontological model of the selected subject area. The theoretical justification of the
application of the ontological approach is presented. The business domain of relations between IT directors during
the implementation of the digitalization project of the company's business process is defined as a subject area.
The sources of the metadata of the ontological model were the standards for the organization of collective activity
ISO 21500:2012 and PRINCE2. The ontological model was developed in accordance with the basic
characteristics of the modeling process and the mathematical apparatus that established the relationship of
concepts and the order of inheritance of attributes. The project topics became layers of the ontological model, the
responsibility for the consistent implementation of which is borne by IT directors, as well as the functional tasks
and functional roles of IT management distributed among them. The order and direction of interaction of the IT
management in the project is shown by the relationships between the entities of the model. The chosen form of
visualization - semantic network - allows you to demonstrate the result of the development of an ontological
model and can be considered as a ready-made product to support the semantics of end-user requests in the
Key-Words: ontology, ontological model, IT directors, digitalization project, semantic network, IT management
Received: July 24, 2021. Revised: June 19, 2022. Accepted: July 24, 2022. Published: September 16, 2022.
1 Introduction
The application of an ontological approach to the
modeling of business processes, automated
information systems is a widespread practice. It is
enough to point out such subject areas as corporate
knowledge management and management of the
architecture of the company's business processes [1,
2]. Any database and business process described in
any notation become part of the corporate knowledge
system [3]. And it, in turn, needs to create meta-keys
that provide ordering, linking and quick recall of
information. This task is performed by ontology, and
the method of its application is called the ontological
Ontology from a theoretical point of view is a
well-studied, practically codified field of knowledge
[4, 5]. From the standpoint of philosophy, the
construction of ontology is the process of
conceptualizing the essence of knowledge in the
subject area [6]. And in practice, there is no unity of
methodology for constructing ontological models [7].
Succinctly and meaningfully defining the concept of
ontology, we point out that ontology is a structure
describing the meaning of elements of a certain
system, with the help of which it is possible to form
relationships, classes of both the system itself and its
subsystems. In simple words, an ontology is
conveniently structured metadata that captures the
features and properties of entities that we want to
remember, save and have easy access to. Ontology
helps to structure the world around us, to describe a
specific subject area in the form of concepts, rules
and statements about these concepts.
By the subject business domain, we mean a stable
relationship between the names, concepts and objects
of the selected business area, independent of the
information system itself and the circle of its users.
By naming the subject area, we, on the one hand,
limit, and on the other hand, visualize the information
search space. Working with a domain-oriented data
warehouse, thanks to the introduced subject area,
allows you to perform queries in a finite time,
including unregulated ones.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of
ontological models. They underpin all modern
management systems and support knowledge-based
applications. [8]. Knowledge transfer support
systems that combine structured data with business
domain ontologies are also based on them. [9]. If we
talk about extracting information from heterogeneous
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022
data resources, then ontology-based systems are able
to process such information and integrate it into
consistent knowledge bases. Then related
information from disparate sources, with the
exception of duplicate information, can be used to
query in an integrated and seamless manner [10].
Specialists who have the skills of designing and
developing information systems based on ontological
models are in demand specialists. Especially when it
comes to the development of intelligent information
systems [11, 12].
It is believed that in information systems and
related fields, the use of business domain ontology
contributes to the general understanding of the
subject area, but there is not enough empirical data to
support this statement. [13]. We support the position
that the use of the subject area at the group level has
an advantage. The ontological model is a metadata
model. In our opinion, this allows all participants in
the process of interaction to operate not so much a
single system of concepts as a single system of
meanings underlying such concepts and the
connections between them.
The necessary quality of verbal and nonverbal
interaction is provided, since ontology literally
unifies the language that specialists speak and
communicate with each other. This happens through
the unification of the semantic query, making it more
accurate and supporting the optimization of queries
based on the axiom [14]. Adaptation of the business
domain ontology for personalized search of
knowledge and recommendations is carried out on
the basis of adaptation models that consider the
previous behavior of users [15] and individual
cognitive styles for the organization of joint ontology
design [16]. As a result, adaptive ontology satisfies
the future requirements of users and increases the
value of knowledge. Separate efforts should be made
to ensure the integrity of the ontology of the subject
area, for example, by introducing a mechanism for
collecting knowledge based on pre-processing
requests [17]. In relation to a separate subject area,
the ontological model is limited to its description. At
the same time, it has a complete toolkit for reuse [18]
and updating of ontologies, which includes
enrichment and filling [19].
One of the ways to apply the ontological approach
is to develop an ontology for the formal
conceptualization of our understanding of various
areas of human activity [20]. We have set ourselves
the task of formalizing organizational ties between IT
directors in the process of their interaction. The field
of IT management relations in the process of
digitalization of business processes in the company
was chosen as the subject area. By formalizing
organizational ties, we meant building a relationship
model. And the best way to solve this problem is by
developing an ontological model. Thus, the purpose
of the study was to create an ontological model of the
subject area used to increase the efficiency of the
software development process and reduce
development costs.
As a natural limitation of the subject area, we
denote that it describes corporate knowledge
management systems classified as "local as
view"[14]. While network content management
systems [21], classified as "global as view", are not
represented in this study.
The key task for the reuse of knowledge about the
interaction of IT management in the project is to
extract existing examples of interaction in similar
functional areas. We have systematized the positive
practices of relations between IT directors within the
process space of standard corporate systems. The
developed ontology for the selected business domain
provides a formal representation of reference
processes in the field of standard corporate systems.
This determines the potential of implementing an
ontological model into a corporate system for
supporting knowledge-based applications.
The developed model captures and unifies all the
significant signs and properties of the relationship
between IT directors, which we want to raise to the
standard of interaction. By applying the ontological
model, we will be able to correlate the standard with
the practice of interaction of IT directors. The nature
of the ontological model is such that we will have
easy access to all the entities of interaction
relationships in order to make changes to the search
algorithm for the corporate knowledge base.
The task of building an ontological business
domain model to support the interaction of IT
directors is a non-trivial task. Its complexity is
determined, in particular, by the presence of many
intersubstitutable and intersubjective connections
between IT directors. In addition, the separate
functionality and individual goals of the interaction
participants should be considered. In solving the
problem of building an ontological model of the
chosen subject area to support the interaction of IT
directors, we will refer to the standards for forms of
collective activity - ISO 21500:2012 and PRINCE2.
By isolating the entities of interaction relations from
these standards and applying them to the practice of
interaction of IT directors in the digitalization of
business processes, we will develop an ontological
model, which is the purpose of the study. This
ontological model is recommended to be used in the
formation of the company's software architecture.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022
2 Materials and methods
When launching and implementing a business
process digitalization project, it is important that
process participants and support units are provided
with complete and reliable information, data sets at
all stages of the project. The organization of
information support is a task that is not solved during
the implementation of the project, but should be
solved long before its initiation. This approach
ensures the viability and effectiveness of the project.
It should also be borne in mind that the duration of
business process digitalization projects is a very
variable category. Therefore, before initiating the
project, it is also necessary to solve the problem of
choosing a project management methodology.
We believe that it is impractical to use
cumbersome methodologies for its implementation,
in particular, PMBoK or ISO 21500:2012. Despite
their comprehensive and complete approach to
project management, they still become redundant,
causing the need for preliminary adaptation to the
field of application.
It is also unreasonable to give preference to
flexible methodologies (Agile, Scrum) when
implementing a project to digitalize a business
process. They are ideal for software development
projects, having advantages such as iterative releases,
embedded testing and validation of the working
product at all stages of development. However,
digital infrastructure projects are characterized by a
fixed volume and content of the project, and this
limits the possibilities of flexible methodologies and
devalues their application.
The golden mean between classical and flexible
methodologies, in our opinion, is PRojects IN
Controlled Environments 2 (PRINCE2). This
methodology has a full-fledged structure of processes
and documents, that is, it contains all the necessary
subject groups of processes for the implementation of
digitalization projects, namely, planning, change
management and quality management. Moving from
abstract levels to concrete filling of stages, substages
and connections (that is, from top to bottom), the
methodology focuses not on the result, but on the
process. At the same time, it does not contain a
description of specific details, does not pretend to
universality and detailing of specific cases of project
implementation. Unlike classical methodologies
(PMBoK or ISO 21500:2012), which are applicable
to projects of any subject area, PRINCE2 adapts to
the specifics of the organization and scales for
projects of various sizes and complexity. This
property allows you to reuse the accumulated
experience of project implementation. In addition,
PRINCE2 can be combined with industry
The recursive approach in PRINCE2 most clearly
characterizes the possibilities of the methodology we
have chosen for the implementation of business
process digitalization projects. On the one hand, we
use the PBS (Product Breakdown Structure) tool,
which splits the target product into non-overlapping
sub-products. Accordingly, we get the opportunity to
implement each of the sub-products according to a
simplified algorithm, which is close to flexible
methodologies. On the other hand, the nature of
recursion is such that each step of the project is
determined by the results of the previous step.
Accordingly, the stack of project steps sequentially
passes through all stages, and inclusion in the stack
of steps of the next stage of the project is possible
only after the completion of the previously
implemented one. This property is characteristic of
classical methodologies.
All of the above can be considered a justification
for the application of the PRINCE2 methodology for
the implementation of a project to digitalize the
company's business process. Next, let's imagine how
the PRINCE2 methodology, used among corporate
standards for forms of collective activity, can be
integrated into an ontological model. Our model is
represented by a triad:
   (1)
where C={ci} a set of concepts (concepts)
forming an ontology , and, if 
, then ,
󰇝 󰇞 the set of attributes of
the concept i (n – the number of attributes describing
this concept);
– the relation of direct inheritance.
The ratio R is given by the matrix I*I. At the same
time, dependent (child) concepts () inherit
attributes from the parent concept () and expand the
number of attributes with their own:
󰇛 󰇜 (2)
Recall that our subject area is the support of
interaction between IT directors in the
implementation of digitalization projects of business
processes. Modeling the subject area using an
ontological model involves determining the basic
characteristics of the modeling process. To them, we
attributed the following, respectively:
the ontological model is universal in terms of
linguistic, symbolic or pictographic
representation of data;
the ontological model supports the concept
of assigning attributes to entities;
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022
the ontological model is built according to
the object-oriented concept of class
inheritance, this ensures the organization of
all entities into a logically related structure;
the ontological model supports n:n
relationships (between two objects) and n:m
relationships (between an object and a set of
objects) using binding relationships; as a
result, we have a variety of semantics, we can
take into account role, time characteristics;
the ontological model has an extensible
format while preserving the original data
model, that is, it allows you to expand the list
of entities without losing the quality of the
connecting relationships;
the ontology data model corresponds to such
an architectural principle as the difference
between objects, object properties and
activities in project management. Thus, the
connection of the properties of the object
with its description will be ensured and the
possibility of the properties of the object to
have multiple versions or descriptions;
the ontological model supports multiple
inheritance of concepts and does not contain
false inheritance relations linking the
concept with the ancestor of its parent
The ontological model has a hierarchical
structure. The analysis of the subject area of IT
management interaction in the implementation of
business process digitalization projects makes it
possible to divide the concept space into meta-
ontology and the actual ontology of the subject area.
Through meta-ontology, we obtain a generalization
regarding the source of the collected fragments of
knowledge and realize the intention to adhere to a
structure close to the ontological structure [22].
The set of concepts for the ontological model were
selected using the theory of social networks, and the
relationships between the concepts were identified by
the method of hierarchical clustering. Next, the
hierarchy of concepts of the subject area was
developed and the properties and relationships
between the concepts were determined.
Meta-ontology includes concepts that denote
categories in relation to the concepts of the subject
area. The structure of the meta-ontology determines
the structure of the subject area, therefore, an
algorithm for verifying the integrity of the system of
concepts of the subject area is based on it.
Visually, the ontological model is the result of
combining three levels, each of which contains
interrelated entities. The upper level includes meta-
ontology entities. This is followed by two levels of
entities of the business domain ontology. One of
them includes entities combined in accordance with
the functional task that the IT director performs in the
project. The second level combines entities according
to the principle of a functional role for each position
of the IT management.
Recall that according to a given architectural
principle, we distinguish objects in the data model,
properties of objects (properties), as well as types of
activities (activities). Accordingly, the upper level of
the ontological model, in accordance with the
specified architectural principle, includes the
activities of the IT management in the project. Then
the next two levels of business domain ontology
include objects of their interaction and properties of
objects. Each object in the data model corresponds to
properties such as the name of the concept, the
composition of the attributes of the concept and the
generic relations of the concept.
Recall that the establishment of an order for
determining the entities of the IT management
interaction relationships is our first step. This
concludes the methodological component of the
study – we have summed up the theoretical basis and
justified the application of standards of collective
activity to build a model of relations. We have also
identified the basic characteristics and the
mathematical basis according to which the
ontological model will be formed. The following is
an applied stage of the study, the meaning of which
is to establish a list and hierarchy of entities of IT
management interaction relationships. The hierarchy
is based on the patterns of interaction between IT
directors. By characterizing the patterns of
interaction, we will be able to identify the attributes
of entities in the ontological model being developed.
The following are the results of determining the
entities of the ontological model sequentially for all
its levels.
3 Results and discussion
Definition of Meta-ontology entities
We offer a description of the top level of the
ontological model being developed. Its entities
expressing the unique, but at the same time related
topics of the project are presented in the PRINCE2
methodology. These are 7 topics (aspects) of the
project that require constant attention from IT
directors (Fig. 1). Each of the entities in accordance
with the recursive approach is connected to itself and
maintains a binding relationship with other entities.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022
Fig. 1 – 7 topics (aspects) of the PRINCE2
methodology project [23]
Let's present a semantic description of the entities
included in the ontological model to the extent that a
clear idea of their essence can be obtained, but
without the details contained in the PRINCE2
The essence of the "Business Case" includes a list
of criteria for the viability of the project and tools for
monitoring the feasibility of the project at all stages
of its implementation. The criteria are based on data
on the economic justification of the project (benefits,
costs, risks, investments), which are necessary for
deciding on its launch and phased implementation.
The entity "Organization" includes data on the
functional distribution of the roles of IT management
in the project, the structure of responsibility and
responsibilities for each role. But it should be borne
in mind that the digitalization project is integrated
into the general outline of the company's business
processes and is only part of the overall scale of
activity. Therefore, the range of entity roles includes
data on all stakeholders (groups of people), both
those who can influence the project and those who
are affected by the project.
The essence of "Quality" contains a classification
of means of validation and verification of project
results (at any stage) to the expected needs,
requirements and specifications. It is assumed that
any created product must have a set of properties that
characterize its specified consumer qualities.
The "Plans" entity contains data on planning
levels, types of plans and properties of their
structures, as well as planning benchmarks. The
PRINCE2 methodology contains indications of the
following types of project implementation plans the
project initiation stage plan, the project plan itself,
product creation stage plans, exception plans, team
The essence of "Risk" includes risk identifiers
indicating risk situations, risk assessment indices,
ranks and control indicators of project risks at all
stages of design (from the initiation of the project and
during its implementation). Risk analysis and
management at the time of its occurrence in
accordance with the PRINCE2 methodology is
considered as a factor in increasing the success of the
The "Change" entity contains indicators for
managing potential (spontaneous) and planned
changes to the final product and its intermediate
stages. The management of any content changes
presupposes their preliminary determination and
evaluation based on previous experience. Approval
of changes takes place on the basis of a request for
change and is evaluated in terms of the impact on the
economic justification of the project (the essence of
the "Business Case").
The essence of "Progress" includes benchmarks
for monitoring results and forecasting project goals.
The data necessary for making further decisions
based on the results of monitoring are formed by
comparing the values of the actual indicators of the
project with the planned ones. All these actions are
carried out in accordance with the approved
monitoring and forecasting mechanisms.
Summarizing the list of entities corresponding to
the project topics in the PRINCE2 methodology, we
indicate that they constitute the upper level - meta-
ontology. Having described it, we can proceed to the
description of the ontology of the subject area itself.
Recall that it includes entities of two levels. One of
them includes entities combined in accordance with
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022
the functional task that the IT director performs in the
project. The second level combines entities according
to the principle of a functional role for each position
of the IT management.
Definition of the entities of the ontological model by
the type of functional task
For the subject area of IT management interaction,
the data model is primarily represented by
communication relationships. Taking this into
account, it was necessary to determine the
composition of entities describing the functional
tasks performed by IT management in the project
through communication between IT directors.
The PRINCE2 methodology provides such a tool
as a communications management strategy. The
document of the same name describes the meaning
and frequency of communications between project
participants. There is a clear limitation of
methodology here. It is obvious that only an
interaction management plan is not enough to
organize interaction between project participants.
Tools are needed that will ensure such processes as
the distribution of input, output data and
communication management. To solve this problem,
additional entities of IT management interaction
relationships were included in the ontological model.
To ensure continuity between classes of entities, the
standard for forms of collective activity ISO
21500:2012 "Guidance on project management" was
used. Thus, in addition to the entity "Communication
Management Strategy", the entities "Communication
Plan", "Distributed information", "Communication
Management" with their corresponding child entities
were taken from the ISO 21500:2012 Standard into
the structure of the ontological model level (Table 1).
Table 1 - Composition of entities combined by
type of functional task
Child entity
Communication plan
Project plans
Register of project stakeholders
Description of roles and
Approved changes
Common information
Communication plan
Reports on the performance of work
Unplanned requests for information
Communication plan
Common information
Reliable and timely information
Corrective actions
management strategy
Standards, communication methods
Register of project stakeholders
Description of roles and
Storing communication records
Frequency of communications
Communication format
The entities presented in Table 1 are inherited
from the corporate communications policy, project
initiation documentation (in terms of the project
management team structure, risk management
strategy, quality management strategy, change
management strategy). If necessary, the reporting of
communications is also formalized, for example,
meetings and informal discussions with stakeholders.
Since the ontological model is large enough, the
concept of inheritance of concepts provides an
effective way to organize all entities into a logically
connected structure.
Definition of entities of the ontological model by the
type of functional role
Having described the entities combined in
accordance with the functional task performed by the
IT management of the project, we proceed to the
description of the last level of the ontological model.
Recall that this level unites entities according to the
principle of the functional role of the IT director in
the project.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022
In order to include a level with the positions of IT
directors in the ontological model, it was necessary
to make a description of their functional roles. To do
this, we have identified the features of each
functional role that determine the essence of the
interaction of IT management in the implementation
of business process digitalization projects. In the
classification, the names of IT management positions
adopted in the business environment and which have
already become traditional were used. Figure 2 shows
the functional roles of project participants with
reference to the positions held by IT directors in the
company – CEO, CDO, CDTO, CTO, CIO, CA.
Fig. 2 - Functional roles of IT management in project
Correlating the positions of CIOs with the
functional roles of project participants, we also gave
them a characteristic. The meaning of the verbal
description of each position of the IT management is
that structured metadata for the construction of the
second level brings all the significant features of the
functional role into the ontological model.
Below are the characteristics of all positions of the
IT management involved in the digitalization project
of the company's business process.
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) provides
leadership in the development, delivery and
implementation of technologies as auxiliary tools for
the implementation of business processes. In the
strategic aspect of its activities in the company, the
CIO is responsible for the implementation of the
Strategic Plan of Information Systems - ISSP [24]. Its
day-to-day activities include end-to-end processes of
designing IT architecture and providing information
and technologies to ensure the efficiency of business
Chief Architect (CA) is responsible for software
design and making key decisions on the organization
and change of IT architecture in the company. His
daily activities are focused on the technical
implementation of various projects. Traditionally, the
CA is subordinate to the CIO and performs functions
based on its technical or functional specialization.
Chief Digital Transformation Officer (CDTO)
also has a variant name Chief Digital Officer
(CDO). CD TO coordinates the development and
implementation of the Digital Transformation
Strategy of the company's business processes [25].
Under his leadership, the digitalization of the existing
IT architecture and the architecture of business
processes is carried out. Realizing its expertise,
CDTO develops new solutions, changes business
models based on digital technologies, the
introduction of which will ensure an increase in the
efficiency of business processes. His subject area is
the introduction of digital technologies and the
adaptation of the company to changes in the digital
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022
Chief Transformation Officer (CTO) provides
technical support for changes initiated by CDTO.
CTO's activities are aimed at ensuring flexible and
conflict-free integration of digital technologies into
the daily activities of the company's employees.
Interacting with CDTO, he monitors the processes of
acceptance of changes and is an adept of the concept
of continuous transformation. His area of
responsibility also includes the organization of
transformations of external business processes aimed
at the development of business infrastructure and
service quality.
Chief Data Officer (CDO) ensures the operation
of data management systems and controls the
interaction between data owners and product
managers in all areas of the company's activities.
Being responsible for the implementation of the Data
Management Strategy, the CDO implements a set of
tools for working with data [26]. The scope of its
activities includes operational issues on statistics of
data quality incidents, and strategic issues of
developing metrics for the effectiveness of data
management systems. The CDO implements most
aspects of its activities in cooperation with other IT
directors, while single-handedly managing projects
in the field of data management. The CDO, as a data
custodian, is the owner of business processes related
to compliance with requirements and industry
standards, and is also a partner of the CIO in the
implementation of any technical initiatives.
The types of functional roles of IT management in
the project shown in Figure 2 will be used in the
ontological model as second-order entities. In our
opinion, they fully reflect the project management
procedure and directly indicate the content and
results of the joint activities of IT directors.
To build an ontological model, the semantics of
the data on the entities included in it is important. For
this purpose, a special semantic level is formed,
which contains a description of the possible roles of
project participants and possible grounds for
interaction between them. All the presented
characteristics of IT management positions are fixed
in a specially created semantic layer and are an
integral part of the ontological model being
Description of the process of constructing an
ontological model of the subject area
Next, we will present a data model of the
ontological model being developed, which shows
how it is possible to combine entities of the meta-
ontology level and the ontology level of the subject
area. In the data model, the entities of the ontological
model are perceived as objects. This meets the
requirements of the methodology [27]. To build a
data model, we use the entities of the described
objects corresponding to the topics of the PRINCE2
methodology (Figure 1) and objects combined by the
type of functional task performed (Table 1), by the
type of functional role (Figure 2).
The data model considers the subject of
communications and the frequency of interaction
between CIOs involved in the project. A controlled
cyclic flow of information is the basis of their
interaction, that is, receiving feedback is a reaction to
the initiative of interaction expressed by one of the
Relationships between entities are shown in the
ontological model by means of connections, which,
as is known, is one of the advantages of the
ontological representation of data [6]. Connections
are formed according to a single scheme, connecting
two objects. The scheme is simple links inherit
properties and attributes from parent objects.
Accordingly, all possible relationships between
entities of the ontological model are set using links.
Figure 3 shows how entities (by the type of functional
task in the project) are related to entities (by the type
of functional role of each IT director). The nature of
the interaction between entities is fixed in the
semantic layer, where all possible roles of project
participants are embedded.
To visualize the ontological model, we chose the
type of semantic network [28] for the following
reasons. Firstly, the semantic web is an effective
means of data visualization, allowing interactive
navigation methods to search for hidden or redundant
relationships between objects. Using a semantic
network, we use such an analysis method as VAD
(Visual Analysis Data). Accordingly, we operate not
with graphical primitives (as in the graphical
diagram), but with semantic constructions extracted
from the semantic layer, which contains descriptions
of personalities, functionality, events, relationships,
connections, and so on. Secondly, the semantic
network offers a rich choice of tools for managing its
content, starting from filtering and grouping data
about network instances and ending with the output
of data on an analytical slice in different layers and
the construction of complex chains of relationships
between objects.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022
Figure 3 shows the final version of the
combination of layers on the ontological model.
Fig. 3. Visual representation of the ontological model
of the business domain in the form of a semantic
The project topics provided by the PRINCE2
methodology are presented in the form of the first
layer of the ontological model. A layer has also been
added containing the role of IT management in the
implementation of the business process digitalization
project. The content of the functional task performed
by each IT director according to ISO 21500:2012,
and the transfer of the result further along the chain
of interconnection for the implementation of the
project, is also represented by one of the layers of the
model. The relationships between the model objects
show the direction and nature of the relationship
between the project participants.
Further development of the developed ontological
model is associated with the development of an
information decision-making system. The domain of
knowledge represented by the business domain
ontology will be implemented into the information
architecture of the company's knowledge base as an
add-on of the project management information
system. This add-in will be responsible for
automating the process of interaction of IT
management in the project. The selected basic
characteristics of the ontological model will help to
avoid the problem of semantic heterogeneity arising
from differences between ontologies [20]. Thanks to
the ontology alignment process, it is planned to
ensure the compatibility of entities (including
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022
relationships and instances of objects). The ontology
machine model is proposed to be formalized by
means of a relational database (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 - Structure of the business domain ontology
Each entity in a relational database is represented
by a table, and relationships between entities are
implemented through foreign keys [29]. This
approach gives a formal character to the intuitive
representation of the objects of the domain under
consideration and the connections between them,
which is the ontology of the domain.
The relational database includes a number of
interconnected tables, which greatly simplifies the
visualization of objects and relationships between
them in comparison with a conventional schema. The
Attributes table includes attributes of a set of
registered concepts classified by attribute type, the
sets of which make up the Attributes Types table. The
collection of ontology objects is distributed in tables
depending on the data type Values text, logical,
real, integer, as well as the type of object reference.
The composition of the attributes of each concept in
the Fields table, as well as the identifiers and
descriptions of concepts in the Classes table form the
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022
core of the database structure. The Parents table
defines inheritance relationships between concepts.
Upon completion of modeling classes, attributes,
relationships, and hierarchy, it is necessary to fill the
ontology with instances.
Thus, we will prepare the basis for the application
of the Protégé 4.2 ontology editor, which requires a
frame model of knowledge representation. The
machine model of the concept of ontology includes
fields containing the name of the concept, the
composition of attributes and generic relations of the
concept. The attribute of the concept, in turn, is
characterized by a name, type and value.
The order of construction of a relational database
described by us, of course, does not provide data
manipulation functions, but uses the capabilities of a
relational database instead of an internal interface. In
the future, it will be necessary to determine how the
connection to the database is established. And the
extended task will have to determine how
authentication takes place and how to integrate data
from multiple databases at the same time.
The developed ontological model has been tested
in Domain Ontology Ranking System (DoORS)[30]
for two semiotic layers semantic and social.
Satisfactory results were obtained in terms of the
quality of the definition of values and social content.
The machine model of ontology is focused on the
step-by-step formation and editing of the structure to
reflect possible future changes in the entities of the
ontological model and the relationships between
3 Conclusions
The developed ontological model fulfills the task of
specifying the subject area by expressing the model
of relations between IT directors within the
framework of the initiated project on digitalization of
the company's business process. The scientific
contribution of the obtained result consists in solving,
using an ontological approach, the task of
formalizing organizational ties between IT directors
in the process of implementing a project to digitalize
the business process in the company.
As a result (the finished product in the form of a
semantic network), the ontological model provides
the user with a number of possibilities. Instead of a
declarative description of knowledge, the user gets
the advantage of categorizing and structuring the area
of knowledge. By developing this advantage and
applying the system of business domain concepts at
the conceptual, logical and graphical levels, the user
manages information flows and implements
information search and categorization functions.
If we talk about the direction of development of
the ontological model, then its application gives the
user the opportunity to identify patterns in associative
relationships and analyze the subject area from the
position of expertise. Thanks to the form of
visualization, such properties of the knowledge
system as connectivity and interpretability are
realized. The constructed semantic network also
allows the use of associative links for visual data
analysis in the process of solving optimization
problems for project management.
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DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.42
Natalia Mamedova
E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 17, 2022