fundamental waves of alternating voltages of system
elements and currents of the same type. The use of
transistor alternating current switches allows high-
frequency modulation of processes in the AC circuits,
which in turn allows, moreover, these fundamental
waves of electrical signals can be both with an
adjustable amplitude and an adjustable phase shift
with respect to the voltage (current) wave.
At present, AC systems with high-frequency
modulated switches in the scientific and technical
literature aspects, have not been concerned enough.
Therefore, there is no great clarity both with the use
of methods of analysis and calculation of processes,
and with multifunctional application. Taking into
account the possibility of generating new
fundamental waves of voltages and currents, the
analysis can be built on the basis of generating the
effective (RMS) values of modulated currents and
voltages considering their interphase shifts, i.e., use
the method of vector analysis, as shown in [12].
However, for a reasonable application of the method,
it is necessary to accumulate many verified analyzed
solutions, which seems to be the purpose of this
research work. Offering filter parameter assessment
methods could give great benefit in other applications
[13, 14] as well as they could be used on smart grid
development technologies [15].
2 Algorithm of unipolar modulation of
alternating current
The load with this method during one period of
modulation Tm (electronic state on-off) is connected
periodically during the half-period of the supplying
alternating current u1 to the same pole of the supply
voltage, but during the off-interval of the switch the
load voltage is at the zero level (i.e. load is
shortened). To the load during the half-period of the
supply voltage, there are two values u1 and 0 across
the load. For this, in each half-cycle, two states
should be used, one connects the load to the source,
and the other shortens the voltage of the load (see the
schematic in Fig. 1).
In the circuit Fig. 1, it is possible to obtain a
modulated fundamental harmonic of the load voltage
in a directly proportional (concurrent) form with
respect to the supply voltage wave, and in an inverted
form. For the first, one of the switches of the direct
connecting circuit S1/S2 must always be turned on
over half-cycle of supply voltage. To implement the
second option, one switch must always be turned on
in the reverse circuit S4, S3. For example, to
implement the first option, that is the switch S2, but
switch S1 is providing on-duty operation Dcon; to
implement the second – the switch S3 could stay
constantly turned-on, but switch S4 provides on-duty
operation DR for the second option. Zeroing of the
load voltage is performed through a permanently
switched on switch from one circuit and a
complementary (1-D) modulated switch of another
switch control circuit. For example, in the
coordinated control mode, when S1 is locked, and S2
remains permanently on, (1-D)con interval is carried
out through S3, which complements the S1. Thus, for
coordinated control mode Dcon corresponds to S1 and
S2, and (1-D)con corresponds to S2 and S3. In the
reverse case of control DR corresponds to S4 and S3,
and (1-D)R – to the mode S4 and S2. The latter is
complementary to the S4 switch.
Fig. 1. Scheme for direct proportional (concurrent con) and inverse I
proportional modulation of the load voltage.
To balance the loads on the switches, when the
polarity of the supply voltage is reversed, the
connection can be made to the other pole of the
supply voltage. Thus, two more switches are required
to implement the second half cycle. Later, as appear
in Figure 1, switches S1 and S3 carry out control at
the one polarity of the supply voltage, switches S2
and S4 – performing control in opposite polarity of
the voltage of one-phase alternating supply voltage.
If the supply voltage is also negative, switch S2 is
performing the modulation (D interval), whilst S1
staying constantly on, and the load is short-circuited
with the switches S4 (see the switching table).
Table I Switching table.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.27
Marcis Prieditis, Ivars Rankis, Agris Treimanis