Comparison of TRIAD+EKF and TRIAD+UKF Algorithms for
Nanosatellite Attitude Estimation
Hezârfen Aeronautics and Astronautics Technologies Institute for Space Sciences
Turkish National Defense University
Yeşilyurt, 34149, Bakırköy, Istanbul
Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Istanbul Technical University
Ayazağa, 34469, Maslak, Istanbul
Abstract: - Two most commonly used sensors on nanosatellites are magnetometer and sun sensor. In this paper,
magnetometer and sun sensor measurements are combined gyro measurements to produce enhanced attitude
estimation. Tri-Axial Attitude Determination (TRIAD) algorithm is used with Kalman filter to form a complete
attitude filter. Sun sensor and magnetometer measurements are selected as inputs to TRIAD algorithm and
output is fed to Kalman filter as a measurement. Two different Kalman filters, extended and unscented, are
used with TRIAD algorithm. A comparison is given between performances of both Kalman filter.
Key-Words: Nanosatellite, Magnetometer, Sun Sensor, Kalman Filter, Attitude Estimation.
Received: May 15, 2021. Revised: March 4, 2022. Accepted: April 8, 2022. Published: May 4, 2022.
1 Introduction
Increasing demand for the space operations,
space industry turns its face to cost effective
solutions. Small satellites, due to their size and cost,
are receiving interest from many organizations. The
amount of attitude determination and control
equipment that can be placed in small satellites are
considerably lower than the regular size satellite.
Kalman filter has been the backbone of the
space industry since the publication of the Dr.
Kalman’s work [1]. Many different versions of the
Kalman filter have been derived. Harold Black
published an algorithm called Tri-Axial Attitude
Determination (TRIAD) in 1964 [2]. It is the earliest
algorithm that was published to find satellite attitude
with two measurements. In 1965, Grace Wahba
suggested her famous problem [3]. Solution
methods such as q-method [4] and Quest algorithm
have been widely used [5]. A computationally
expensive method, SVD, is also published [6].
Many of the mentioned methods are coupled with
Kalman filters for higher accuracy [7], [8]. In this
work algebraic method is used with sun sensor and
magnetometer measurements.
EKF is probably the most used version of
the Kalman filter [9]. One of the earliest work of
Kalman filter for attitude determination used Euler
angle rotations [10]. It is known that all three-
parameter representations of the special orthogonal
group suffer from singularity and discontinuity
problems. To overcome this challenge new
representation methods have been studied [11].
Quaternions have become the most used form of the
attitude representations. Euler angles, Rodrigues and
modified Rodrigues parameters are avoided for most
of the agile missions due to their singularity
problems. In the last two decades new approaches
have been suggested for replacing EKF. Unscented
Kalman filter is one of them [12]. UKF uses the
unscented transformation to achieve high-order
approximations of the nonlinear functions in order
to estimate mean and covariance of the state vector.
Filter uses predefined number of sigma points to
approximate Gaussian distribution. Each of the
sigma points are propagated through the propagation
functions [12, 13].
In this work, using common sensors, couple
of filters are design to overcome to attitude
determination problem. Two of most common
sensors that are being used in nanosatellites are
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.23
Mehmet Asim Gokcay, Chingiz Hajiyev