3 Current dynamics of European
forest systems
The current dynamics of European forest systems
cannot be understood without the interference of hu
man activities in the forest environment; since the
composition and structure of the landscape is condi
tioned to the interactions of the existing conditions in
space and the use of space by humans [23]. The use
of European forest systems traditionally seeks to ef
fectively use the resources available in the environ
ment. Thus, the current distribution conditions of
agricultural activities with the efficient use of pastures
and land suitable for cultivation are associated with
the composition of forest systems for the extraction
of timber and nontimber resources; [12] generating
cultural landscapes with its own dynamics of biodi
versity and economic productivity [6] An example of
this, the cork oak forests and the combination of ce
real crops and pastures and hunting activities in the
region. The composition and structure of forests are
strongly associated with the profitability of the eco
nomic and of each region’s economic and social dy
namics so that the landscape units of these systems
are always in constant movement. This is evident in
the last 50 years with the demographic changes of ru
ral systems in Europe, where there is an abandonment
of rural activities and there is an ageing of population
structures, an example is the abandonment of farm
land, or the raising of sheep and goats [5], [15]. The
change in demographic composition has had an im
pact on the amount of energy contributed by humans
to their environment, leaving aside the agricultural
and forestry exploitation and with it a change in the
structure of the landscape [23]. Changes in this artifi
cial composition of the environment have many con
sequences among the most relevant: a loss of value
in the economic production of forest systems for their
owners and therefore an abandonment of preexisting
forest management; loss and spaces with very im
portant cultural, economic and social values; losses
of crops and pastures due to the increase in transi
tional spaces of thickets and groves, although this has
a lower erosion rate, higher water quality in rivers and
reservoirs and an unclear result on the gain and loss
of biodiversity according to the stage of forest suc
cession in which the abandoned space is located [17],
[18]. The longterm effect over outgoing is the gain
inhomogeneity of forest structure and a lower risk of
fires, although in the process of forest succession can
be generated colonization of shrub species, generalist
arboreal, and pyrophytes that make the landscape lose
its economic and environmental value and increase
their risk of fires [2] In this sense, the European Union
develops a series of public policies for forest manage
ment, which is summarized in Rural development pol
icy, Protection against fire and air pollution, Conser
vation of biodiversity, adaptation to climate change,
Competitiveness of forestry investigation. The ac
tions are on outgoing of these policies include sub
sidy programs for forest plantations, payment of en
vironmental services, incentives for the conservation
of nontimber extractions such as cork and acorn col
lection and nonextractive activities such as hunting
activities among others [9]. The changes described
both in the demographic composition of forest re
gions, local economic incentives and regions make
forest management a complex issue, which must be
faced by decisionmakers of public policies as well
as owners of farms with forestry systems throughout
the country. In this sense, develop a framework of
analysis that models the optimal behavior of a forest
state, based on the economic benefits of forest man
agement, is necessary to see the composition and dis
tribution of forest systems. In the case of the study,
the analysis will focus on optimizing the management
of a typical forest state. We develop an economic
analysis framework applied to agroforestry systems
through the implementation of a bioeconomic model
based on a dynamic optimization system. This type
of models have been previously applied to analyze
optimal forest investment decisions, though afforesta
tion programs [22], and or forest management invest
ments [5],[7]. A number of studies apply optimal con
trol techniques in discrete time to solve farmland de
cisions problems whereas the farm owner or holder
has a preference to conserve forest areas within the
farm [3]. This model expands and refines [5] optimal
control model allowing for a more flexible optimiza
tion framework in terms of land use replaceability and
species selection. More specifically, our model in
cludes two more forest species, considering in total
four forest species that can be selected out of eight
possible options at each farm. On the other hand, for
est species can be substituted at the same land plot, for
more profitable species as existing trees reach their
rotation age. This latter change respect to [5] model
is possible as our models allows for the competition
of the four forest species for land that is available for
afforestation/reforestation, which in turn accounts for
both nonforest land uses (i.e. treeless shrubs, pas
tures, crop lands and other) and abandoned forest.
The management of forest represents a complex prob
lem, since forest can be considered as renewable re
sources, at the time they can be exhausted in order
to satisfy other land use demands, such as food pro
duction or land development. A way to achieve an
equilibrium point between these opposites forces is
to propose models that include other forest benefits,
that are normally not considered in conventional eco
nomic analysis. To this end we use mathematical opti
mization tools based on the theory of optimal control.
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17.13
Carlos Rodríguez Lucatero,
Marcelo Olivera Villaroel, Paola Ovando