current with total harmonic distortions of 0.4547%,
stabilized 400V output voltage and 20A output
current, probability results at each five levels of
voltage and current occurrences corresponded to
0.10, 0.25, 0.25, 0.75 and 0.90; and power output of
80kW. The research work also presented that the
statistical plot of voltage and current is another way
of showing that under resistive load, the voltage and
current waveforms are in phase.
Future research:
NZTBUMS will be in future research, applied in
higher diode-clamped multilevel inverters and other
hybrid multilevel inverters to determine their
performance characteristics.
The authors acknowledge TETFUND for
sponsoring the part of this research bearing number
The authors also acknowledge the support received
from the Africa Centre of Excellence for
Sustainable Power and Energy Development (ACE-
SPED), University of Nigeria, Nsukka that enabled
the timely completion of this research
The authors acknowledge Laboratory of Industrial
Electronics, Power Devices and New Energy
Systems, University of Nigeria, Nsukka that assisted
us in using their Laboratory unit to carry out the
experimental research work.
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