Fig. 4: Speed tracking response for reference under
different values of K1, K2 and K3
5.3 Discussion of the Results
The figure 1 shows the results of the simulation of
the speed control by backstepping, in figure 1(a) the
curves show that during the no-load start-up, the
quantities stabilise after a response time of 0.02 sec,
the rotation speed is the reference speed without any
overshoot. Also in The figure 1(b) shows the results
of the simulation with a change of set point and a
speed reversal, we notice that this control presents
very satisfactory results with good tracking
dynamics and a relatively acceptable rejection of the
disturbance. On the other hand, we notice that the
speed is established at its nominal value with good
dynamics and without static error, at the moment
when the load torque is applied, the speed is reduced
but it is re-established again without static error.
The figure 2 shows the behaviour of load torque
and electromagnetic torque. The latter oscillates
during power-up reaching a maximum value and
disappears once the steady state is reached. When
the load is applied, the electromagnetic torque
increases so as to instantly compensate the load
torque with some additional ripples in the
electromagnetic torque.
The figure 3 shows the characteristics of the
stator currents id and iq at start-up the machine
draws a large current afterwards we notice a
decrease as the machine has the normal operating
regime. The stator current components i and i
show the decoupling introduced by the PMSM
Backstepping control (i= 0). The electromagnetic
torque follows well the current Iq as shown in figure
2(b) and figure 3(b) with a peak related to the start-
up, which is reached in the steady state, which
shows the objective of the Backstepping control the
stabilization of PMSM operation with presence of
In order to test the robustness against parametric
variations, the simulation results of the dynamic
behaviour are presented as shown in Figure 4 for
different values of K1, K2 and K3. The table 2
below gives the minimum, maximum and optimum
values of K1, K2 and K3, it can be seen that the
variation of these parameters influence the dynamics
of the velocity ordered by Backstepping. This is
mainly due to the recursive nature of the latter,
which makes it possible to this is mainly due to the
recursive nature of the latter, which allows the
global system to be considered in cascaded
subsystems, to guarantee the stabilisation of the
Table 2. The minimum, maximum and optimum
values of K1,K2 and K3 .
6 Conclusions
The permanent magnet synchronous motor PMSM
is an electric actuator of great industrial interest, due
to its compactness, low inertia, efficiency,
robustness and high power density, but its non-
linear structure makes its control more complex,
which led us to use the non-linear control model that
can provide good performance. Thus, the work
presented in this paper is essentially a contribution
to the backstepping control. The results of the
simulation show that the backstepping controller
was successfully designed a good response of the
PMSM, in pursuit the response time is low and a
high control performance regarding the rapidity, the
stability and robustness in relation to applied loads
and parametric variations vis-à-vis. this way, she
presents very satisfactory results with a good
tracking dynamics as well as a good rejection of the
disturbance. On the other hand, we notice a very
good dynamics when applying the load torque.
[1] R. KRİSHNAN, "Electric Motor Drives-
Modeling, Analysis and Control, Virginia
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Rotor speed
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2022.17. 7
Youssef Chaou, Said Ziani,
Hafid Ben Achour, Abdelkarim Daoudia