Uncertainty Cost Functions for Wave Energy
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
International Islamic University,
H-10, Islamabad,
2Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica,
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León,
3Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Abstract: - Wave energy is considered as an important energy source for people living near coastal areas to
meet their basic energy needs. Innovative and new technologies can be used for this energy utilization to run
the loads from sea waves. Due to its uncertain power availability, we can use uncertainty cost functions based
on probability distributions for the availability of the operation of the wave energy microgrid. These probability
distributions are based on several mapping models designed for the wave energy, wave height, and wave speed
mapping to make the energy more stable and reliable. In contrast to other renewable energy sources, wave
energy is inherently unpredictable, making it impossible to model with a single, globally applicable probability
distribution function (PDF). The prediction of the behavior of primary wave energy for this purpose is
completely based on several probability distribution functions (PDFs) which can be considered as the best for
all conditions. In this paper, we have used the Weibull-Rayleigh probability distribution model to develop the
uncertainty cost function for wave energy. The Monte-Carlo process is carried out to get the results supported
by the Rayleigh probability distribution model consisting of wave height, and uncertain cost histograms. Cost is
minimized by using the Weibull Rayleigh model for both overestimation and underestimation costs of wave
energy. Monte-Carlo simulation results are further compared with analytical calculation and error between
Key-Words: - Microgrids, Renewable Energy Resources, Stochastic Processes, Wave Energy, Probability
Distribution, Variable Change Theorem, Weibull-Rayleigh distribution.
Received: May 6, 2023. Revised: May 8, 2024. Accepted: June 16, 2024. Published: July 30, 2024.
1 Introduction and State of Art
The energy which is obtained from sea waves'
movements and their motion is called wave energy
and this energy has many benefits in the context of
energy. The prediction of behavior of primary wave
energy for this purpose is completely based on
several probability distribution functions (PDFs)
which can be considered as the best of all cases. The
appropriate PDF from several choices based on
important factors with specific characteristics of the
given site, we can collect the wave energy with all
variable parameters, available wave energy
historical data, and analysis based on a modeling
approach to get the required outcomes, [1].
Using the kinetic and potential energy of ocean
waves, wave energy offers an enticing way to
guarantee a renewable energy source that is both
ecologically benign and sustainable for use
worldwide. Wave Energy Converters (WECs) are
carefully designed devices placed strategically in
oceans to convert wave motion into electrical
energy, [2], [3].
These WECs can be divided into different kinds
according to how they function, [4], [5], [6]:
Point absorbers: These independent
constructions use internal machinery to
transform the mechanical energy they
absorb into electricity as they oscillate in
response to wave motion.
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.24
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman,
Gina Idarraga-Ospina, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 19, 2024
Overtopping devices: Featuring an inclined
ramp, the structure is overtopped by
oncoming waves, which fill a reservoir and
power turbines or other electricity-
generating devices.
Oscillating water columns (OWCs): Air
inside partially submerged chambers is
compressed as a result of the chamber's
ability to absorb wave rise and fall. After
that, the compressed air powers turbines to
produce electricity.
But in order to precisely forecast wave behavior
and maximize WEC design and operation, complex
modeling approaches are required because of the
inherent diversity of wave parameters. Modeling
wave energy is essential for [7], [8]:
Resource assessment: Calculating the
potential wave energy that is available at a
certain site.
WEC design optimization: Creating a model
of the interaction between waves and
structures to help create reliable and
effective WECs.
Forecasting power production: Estimating
how much electricity a WEC farm is likely
to produce.
Through the integration of many elements such
as bathymetry, wave climate, and WEC features,
these models facilitate the assessment of the
practicability and efficacy of wave energy initiatives
by scholars and practitioners. Nonetheless, effective
wave behavior prediction is essential for WEC
design and operation. In contrast to other renewable
energy sources, wave energy is inherently
unpredictable, making it impossible to model with a
single, globally applicable probability distribution
function (PDF).
This situation results from the interaction of
multiple factors [9], [10], [11]:
Site-Specific Oceanography: Wave patterns
at a particular place are greatly influenced
by the water depth, bathymetry (seabed
composition), and the dominant wave
Data Availability and Quality: The extent
and quality of past wave or wind speed
measurements play a major role in choosing
the right PDF.
Goals for Modelling: The best PDF depends
on the model's goal, which could include
wave height prediction, energy capture
potential evaluation, or analysis of severe
wave events (such as rogue waves).
As such, choosing the best PDF requires a careful
assessment of these factors.
1.1 Common Probability Distributions in
Wave Energy Modelling
The most important several probability distributions
which can be used in order wave energy modelling
are as follows [12]:
Rayleigh Distribution: Wave amplitude is well-
modeled by this two-parameter function. The Rice-
Rayleigh distribution, which characterizes a
narrowband signal's envelope, serves as its basis.
When the underlying signal is completely
sinusoidal, the Rayleigh distribution becomes a
special instance and is especially useful when wind
speed data is provided. This is due to the fact that
wind speed and wave height are known to be
Weibull Distribution: The three-parameter Weibull
distribution, which is comparable to the Rayleigh
distribution, is used to represent wave height or
wave energy as a function of wind speed. This
probability distribution has more degrees of freedom
as compared to the Rayleigh probability
distribution. In addition, it can apprehend wave
height fluctuations and a large range of wind speeds.
This probability distribution has characteristics
about its tail behavior and enables several cases of
modeling the systems having skewness of different
Generalized Pareto Distribution, or Pareto
Distribution: Pareto Distribution has the
characteristics of heavy-tailed along with a power
law tail. This characteristic of pareto probability
distribution supports to model severe wave events
for such enormous waves. This probability
distribution is more useful in calculating the energy
potential of waves. It has the capability to measure
and depict the probability of low-frequency and
high-impacted events of waves.
Lognormal Distribution: The lognormal probability
distribution function is used to model the wave
energy distribution and is more productive when the
data represents lognormal distribution and has
positively skewed a long tail. The natural positive
skewness due to the existence of massive wave
events can be frequently observed in wave energy
data. In this distribution, it is easier to capture
massive wave events than smaller ones.
Specialized Sea Wave Distribution: This
distribution function has the capability of capturing
the combined distribution of wave height and wave
period due to its additional characteristics of
capturing particular probability distributions. In
addition, it has the properties to demonstrate a more
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.24
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman,
Gina Idarraga-Ospina, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 19, 2024
accurate image of the wave climate of a specific
place. So, they are producing frequent results in
order to show in-depth field observations or
numerical models.
It is a more critical procedure for data
availability and its quality which has a big impact
on probability distribution function (PDF) selection.
There are several statistical methodologies to select
the best distribution for a given dataset. For
example, moment matching, or maximum likelihood
estimation. In order to validate the selected model, a
thorough comparison with measured wave data is
used to guarantee the model’s correctness in
predicting wave energy behavior.
Considering more about the uncertainty cost
functions for wave energy, we have used different
PDFs in wave energy modeling in this research
work. Site specifications and site characteristics can
play an important role in deciding the right PDF in
the context of data availability and quality. We have
other statistical approaches for fitting the data in
order to determine a useful probability distribution
for data set availability. In the end, we need to
validate the model in order to find out its accuracy,
forecast ability, and wave energy speed behavior,
Based on the previous literature in this section I
and assumptions made in section II, we have
developed the analytical uncertainty cost functions
to deal with uncertainty behavior from wave energy
generation (section III).
2 Problem Formulation: Wave
Available Power from Wave
The Weibull and Rayleigh models for probability
distribution are more useful in order to do modeling
for the wave energy, wave height, and wave speed.
We can formulate a problem based on the data
available in the context of wave energy.
2.1 Probability of Sea Wave Height
Applying different probability distribution functions
(PDFs) is necessary to characterize the stochastic
nature of sea wave heights. The modified Rayleigh
distribution (sometimes called the Rice distribution)
is one such method. The amplitude of ocean waves
as a function of particular factors is effectively
modeled by this distribution.
The modified Rayleigh distribution's
mathematical basis is its capacity to depict a
narrowband signal's envelope. Essentially, it
expresses the amount that arises from the addition of
two separate parts, [13], [14] :
Random component: Caused by wind seas,
swells, and local wind influences, among
other things, wave heights exhibit inherent
Deterministic component: This component
shows foreseeable changes in wave heights,
which are frequently related to tidal effects
or the existence of an underlying current
that is always present.
Consequently, the modified Rayleigh
distribution is useful in modeling the combined
influence of these two contributing components in
the context of wave energy. It recognizes the
existence of a deterministic component that might
be impacted by tides or prevailing currents, on top
of a random component that is probably caused by
wind and other ephemeral causes.
However it is important to recognize that the
underlying assumptions determine whether the
modified Rayleigh distribution can be applied.
Among these presumptions are:
Narrowband process: It is assumed that the
underlying wave field is narrowband, which
denotes a dominating wave frequency and a
minimal spectral width.
Gaussian noise: It is assumed that the
random element has a Gaussian distribution,
The sea waves have different heights, speed,
and energy. They can be mapped based on the
probability distributions in order to model the wave
height, speed, and energy. We can modify one of
these probability distributions in order to represent
wave height, wave speed, and wave energy. For this
purpose, we can use the Rayleigh probability
distribution or the Rice probability distribution. We
can use these probability distributions in order to
model the wave energy amplitude which is the
function of some specific parameters related to
probability distribution, [16].
In this paper, we have used modified Rayleigh
distribution as a continuous probability distribution
function which describes the magnitude of signal
height. The signal height is basically the sum of the
two independent components of signals. One of
these components is a random signal having
Rayleigh probability distribution and the other
component is called a constant deterministic signal
component. Wave energy and wave height are the
combination of random components based on the
variability in natural waves and deterministic
component is based on tide or wind intensity, [5].
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.24
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman,
Gina Idarraga-Ospina, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 19, 2024
The probability density function (PDF) of the
modified Rayleigh Distribution is given by:
is the PDF of the wave height h
is the scale parameter that determines the
dispersion of the distribution
is the displacement parameter that
represents the deterministic component
Is the modified Bessel function of the
first type and order zero
In this probability distribution, we can use the
model that is mapped for the height of waves in the
ocean with some specific time period, and wave
location. The important factor that is to be
considered is ocean wave height distribution is
completely dependent on wave location and
meteorological conditions of this wave. In order to
formulate this into a model, we need observational
data or information. In this context, the formulated
model basically represents an accurate model of
wave energy with its specific and particular
location, [6].
Modeling sea wave elevation over a certain
temporal frame and geographic area is one use for
the modified Rayleigh distribution. It is crucial to
recognize that wave height distributions have
inherent spatiotemporal variability. This fluctuation
results from the interaction of multiple factors:
Geographical location: The features of wave
fields at a particular site are greatly
influenced by bathymetry (seabed
topography), proximity to coastlines, and
local weather patterns.
Meteorological conditions: Wave
production and propagation are dynamically
modulated by wind speed, wind direction,
and prevailing weather systems, resulting in
variations in wave height distribution.
Therefore, in order to accurately reflect the
wave energy supply at a given area, site-specific
data or validated numerical wave models are
Significant wave height (
) is used in this
study as the main indicator of wave energy. A
reliable indicator of the wave climate is Hs, which is
the average height of the highest one-third of the
waves in a given sea state. The variability of wave
height at a given location and time is statistically
characterized by the probability distribution
function (PDF) of
, commonly known as the sea
wave distribution.
It is important to acknowledge that there is not a
single PDF that can be used to all situations and
places that completely characterizes wave height
distribution. As was previously indicated, the
modified Rayleigh distribution is a useful tool, but
its usefulness is dependent on certain assumptions
that may not hold true in all situations.
The modified Rayleigh probability distribution
for this can be expressed in the following
probability density function (PDF).
is the PDF of the significant wave
height Hs
is the scale parameter that determines the
dispersion of the distribution
We can describe this distribution as the
probability of observational data about the
significant wave height based on specific time
interval and location. This probability distribution is
considered as the function of and it represents the
variations in the wave heights. It is very important
to consider this modified Rayleigh probability
distribution as an approximation that has all types of
properties and characteristics of wave height
distribution, [17].
In practical cases and applications, we need to
develop and design more specific wave energy
models that are based on observational data and
location in order to optimize the model, [8]. We are
able to find the probability distribution of wave
height and wave power by using this distribution
model. The direction of the wind, depth of water,
seafloor variations, and topography are the
additional parameters including and affecting the
observational data and formulated models, [9], [10].
The modified Rayleigh probability distribution
is used to establish a probabilistic framework to
determine the probability of meeting a particular
significant wave height (Hs) in a given time frame.
A single parameter σ (sigma) is the foundation for
this purpose for mathematical measurement of the
variability or dispersion in wave heights. Critically,
we can recognize several inherent drawbacks in this
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.24
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman,
Gina Idarraga-Ospina, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 19, 2024
approach, [13], [16]. A rough approximation is
observed in Rayleigh distribution, and it does not
represent the full range of properties in sea wave
height distribution in all situations. Alternative
models are available for more investigations when
there are deviations in basic assumptions about the
model like narrowband wave processes or Gaussian
Real-world applications of wave energy are
making the strategy to use observational data or
verified site wave models. Both data sources and
models must have the ability for other variables
inclusion have substantial impact on wave height
distribution, giving accessible potential wave
energy. Some extra factors influencing the wave
energy are as follows, [17], [18]:
Wind direction: To determine wave
formation and propagation patterns, we
need to find the predominant wind direction
influenced by the distribution of Hs.
Wate depth: The distribution of wave height
at a given site is affected by water depth and
seafloor topography wave properties which
are modulated by using bathymetry.
Seafloor topography: The seabed
topography produces shoaling and
refraction of sea waves which influences
both the distribution of Hs and the extracted
amount of wave energy.
Wave energy supply and its variability at a
specific site is depicted more accurately by using
observational data and site-specific models
considering the above extra factors.
2.2 Relationship between Significant Wave
Height and Available Injection Power
It is well well-known, [19], [20], relationship
between wave height and power produced from it.
The power produced from sea wave energy is
injected into the power grid system as per energy
needed to fulfill the loads. The wave energy is
dependent on several factors like energy conversion
system design, site location and characteristics, and
sea atmosphere/climate. The basic relationship
between significant wave height and available
injection power can be formulated by describing the
effects of wave height on power generation.
In the context of wave energy conversion, the
relationship between significant wave height (Hs)
and the extractable electrical power that may be
added to the grid is complex and influenced by a
number of parameters as follows:
Wave Energy Converter (WEC) Design:
The quantity of power that can be extracted
from a particular wave climate is greatly
impacted by the intrinsic design features of
the WEC, such as its power capture
efficiency and operational constraints.
Site-Specific Characteristics: The wave
energy supply that is accessible at a given
area is mostly determined by bathymetry
(seabed topography), water depth, and local
wave climate.
Sea Conditions: The potential wave energy
that is accessible is dynamically influenced
by prevailing weather patterns, which
include wind direction, speed, and wave
However, a simpler connection can be
developed to provide a basic grasp of the link
between wave height and extractable power. The
power generated from wave energy is found by
using the kinetic energy concept based on wave
motion. The wave height factor can influence
kinetic energy. The kinetic energy present in wave
motion is captured by wave energy. Hs is a crucial
sign of the wave energy potential in a given area. A
generalized approximation of the relationship
between Hs and the available wave power density
(P) is given by the following formula:
is the available Power
is the conversion coefficient that takes
into account the efficiency of the capture
device energy and other factors related to
system design
Is the density of seawater
is the gravitational acceleration
is the significant wave height, which is a
statistical measure of wave height
is the wave period, which is the time
between two significant crests
is the effective capture area of the device
This formula for power available is in its
simplified form but its exact formula or relationship
is dependent on specific factors of the energy
conversion system and sea waves site climate.
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.24
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman,
Gina Idarraga-Ospina, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 19, 2024
Moreover, the efficiency of energy availability can
be affected by wave variations, mechanical effects,
and conversion system efficiency, [19].
In short, we can say that the height of the wave
is important in the context of finding the power
availability in wave energy. We can define the
relation in the form of the model by using this
formula in equation (3) based on system parameters
and other sea conditions, [20].
Although the formula that is provided provides
a first evaluation of how wave height affects
extractable power, it is critical to recognize that it
has inherent limitations. There is fluctuation in the
relationship between available wave power density
(Pw) and Hs based on a number of factors:
Wave Energy Converter (WEC) Specifics:
The quantity of electrical power that can be
extracted from a certain wave climate is
greatly influenced by the design of the
power take-off (PTO) system and its
conversion efficiency.
Site Conditions: The wave energy resource
that may be captured depends on elements
including bathymetry, ocean depth, and
dominant wave characteristics.
Wave Variability: The efficiency of energy-
capture devices may be impacted by the
intrinsic stochastic nature of waves, which
are defined by fluctuations in height, period,
and direction.
Moreover, the maximum extractable power
under particular sea conditions is largely dependent
on the mechanical strength and operational
constraints of the WEC.
Significant wave height (Hs) is essentially a
crucial marker of the wave energy potential at a
specific site. A fundamental understanding of the
connection between Hs and available wave power
density is offered by the generalized formula. Real-
world applications, however, demand thorough
modeling techniques that take into account:
Specifics of the WEC design, such as the
PTO system's effectiveness.
Advanced wave modeling approaches to
account for extreme wave events and wave
Site-specific features such bathymetry,
water depth, and local wave climate.
Researchers and engineers can create more
accurate evaluations of the wave energy resource
and the functionality of WEC systems under
different operating scenarios by taking these extra
factors into account, [21].
2.3 Uncertainty Cost of Wave Energy
In this research work, we have formulated an
analytical cost function which is derived from an
expression consisting of significant wave height,
probability distribution, and occurrence, [12]. The
formulated problem is solved by having an
analytical cost function which is obtained from
analytical expression derived by using the
significant height of sea waves and their probability
of occurrence.
There are the following two cases connected
with the uncertainty cost of wave energy.
To do this, the following expression must be
is the PDF of the of P
In this way, considering the following from
sections 2.1 and 2.2, we have:
3 Problem Solution: Analytical
Development for Wave
Uncertainty Cost Functions
The problem presented in Section 2.3 can be solved
by using following mathematical analytical
We can obtain the inverse of g and its derivative
as follows:
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.24
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman,
Gina Idarraga-Ospina, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 19, 2024
= (8)
The changes in variable expression can be
applied as follows by using the Variable Change
Consider that as the probability density
function of x, and y.
Where y = g(x)
Then the probability density function of y can be
written as follows:
Based on variable change theorem expression,
we can calculate the following costs.
3.1 Penalty Cost Due to Underestimate
The underestimated expected cost can be written as:
Suppose that the tidal technology is injecting the
power with its maximum capacity, and this
maximum capacity value is range between 10-20
times more in value than the power which is
programmed or forecasted. Then the underestimated
expression for uncertainty cost in both cases are as
Case 1: 10 times more value
Case 2: 20 times more value
We can write it in its generic form as follows:
Where parameter n value can be found based on
experiments by using tidal energy technology.
3.2 Penalty Cost Due to Overestimate
The Overestimated expected cost can be written as:
4 Simulation and Validation
In Figure 1, the Monte-Carlo process is utilized in
order to get original simulation results supported by
Rayleigh probability distribution model based on
significant wave height, and uncertainty cost
histograms. Histograms are showing the
relationships between significant wave height, cost
due to underestimation and overestimation and
power. Cost is minimized by using the Weibull-
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.24
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman,
Gina Idarraga-Ospina, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 19, 2024
Rayleigh model and then this model results are
compared with analytical results.
The simulation results show the costs associated
with estimated power in power electric vehicles
(PEVs) relevant to wave heights and dispatched
power [13]. We have compared the results obtained
from the Monte-Carlo simulation with the results
obtained from analytical development and
Fig. 1: Weibull wind speed and Uncertainty cost
These simulation results show the expected cost
insights and the accuracy of these results by
comparing them with the analytical approach as
shown in Figure 1.
We have developed a total uncertainty cost
functions histogram based on both cases; the
overestimation and underestimation parts as shown
in Figure 2.
Financial cost of wind energy is much more
than the energy produced from any other resource
due to its highly uncertain behavior. We cannot
compare wind energy cost to other energy resources
cost due to low wind energy value. The Monte-
Carlo process is utilized in order to get original
simulation results supported by the Rayleigh
probability distribution model for significant wave
height, and uncertainty cost histograms as shown in
Figure 1. Histograms show the relationships
between significant wave height, cost due to
underestimation and overestimation, and wave
power. Significant wave height, wave power, cost
due to underestimation, and cost due to
overestimation are presented in Figure 1. In
overestimation of cost, the cost of wind energy is
estimated too high while its actual value is low. On
the other hand for underestimation of cost, the cost
of wind energy is estimated too low and its actual
value is high. Cost is minimized by using the
Weibull-Rayleigh model and the results are shown
in Figure 1.
Fig. 2: UCF histogram
The complete simulation process has several
steps in order to get the complete results of both
underestimated and overestimated uncertain costs.
These steps are basic steps for developing a Monte-
Carlo simulation in order to analyze power
estimation error cost for wave energy scenarios.
These steps are as follows:
a. Initialization of Constants:
The developed code in Matlab has an
initialization process of several constants like
dispatched power (PS), a factor of scaling, No.
of trials (N), costs for underestimation (CU),
costs for overestimation (CO), and K1
coefficient values.
b. Random Generation:
After initialization, the iteration loop
generates the significant wave height (Hs)
random values by using Rayleigh probability
distribution based on an Escala (a scale
parameter). The power (Pe) calculations are
done by using the parameters K1 and Hs. The
dispatched power Ps and generated power Pe
are then compared to get the costs for both
underestimation (CU) and overestimation
c. Histogram Plots:
The developed code basically generates the
histogram plots by using significant wave
height, power, and both cost underestimation
and overestimation.
d. Total Cost Calculation:
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.24
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman,
Gina Idarraga-Ospina, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 19, 2024
To get the total cost, we have added both the
costs, the cost for underestimation and the
cost for overestimation.
e. Analytical Calculation:
The analytically developed calculations are
used to estimate expected costs for both
underestimation and overestimation based on
the calculations of dispatched power Ps, all
coefficients, and a constant n. These results
and calculations are performed using an
outside iteration loop.
f. Output:
The output values are obtained by using the
command print in the Matlab code. This code
actually prints the mean values of costs for
both underestimation (xu1) and
overestimation (xo1) as follows:
1. Expected total cost based on Monte-Carlo
2. Expected total cost from Analytical
By using these two scenarios, we also calculated
the error between both the Monte-Carlo simulation
and Analytical calculations, [14].
In general, this Monte Carlo simulation looks
into the financial effects of inaccurate power
estimation in the context of wave energy. It provides
information about predicted expenses and the
accuracy of the analytical method in comparison to
the simulation by comparing the results gained
through simulation with those produced from an
analytical approach, [9], [10], [11].
This code simulation results show the costs
associated with estimated power in power electric
vehicles (PEVs) relevant to wave heights and
dispatched power. We have compared the results
obtained from the Monte-Carlo simulation with the
results obtained from analytical development and
calculations. These simulation results show the
expected cost insights and the accuracy of these
results by comparing them with analytical
5 Conclusion
Wave energy is considered as a renewable energy
source which can be integrated with the grid. It can
provide the energy requirements for the population
near the coastal area. Innovative and new
technologies to capture wave energy are used for its
utilization for the loads to be run. Due to its
uncertain availability, we have used uncertainty cost
functions based on probability distributions. These
probability distributions are based on several
mapping models designed for wave energy, wave
height, and wave speed mapping. We have used the
Weibull-Rayleigh probability distribution model in
order to minimize the uncertainty cost of wave
energy and minimize the cost function based on
observational data or information. The formulated
model has represented an accurate model for wave
energy with its specific and particular location and
wave height. Simulation and analytical based results
generated an error which will be the future approach
to minimize it.
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E-ISSN: 2224-350X
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DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.24
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman,
Gina Idarraga-Ospina, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 19, 2024
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
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The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
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No funding was received for conducting this study.
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The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.24
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman,
Gina Idarraga-Ospina, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 19, 2024