9 Conclusion
As previously shown in a prior study, [12] which
was simulation-based, it has been feasible to cut the
beginning current by 50 % with the 5 HP, three-
phase Induction motor by tweaking compensation
Fig. 19: Current measurements comparison
Fig. 20: Motor power factor
In this research, the results are obtained from a
small 2 HP machine where the starting current is
reduced by 25%. This may lead to the conclusion
that the larger machines are used with the same
research methodology. More research will be
carried on with more scientific aspect involved in
this scope.
Fig. 21: Electromagnetic torque
Additionally, active power adjustment can be
used to reduce current even further. However, this
will require energy storage and an inverter, but the
result will be more manageable. This will be the
subject of future research as well.
In this research the implementation is aligned
with the simulation: before connecting the control
circuit to the physical load, a Speedgoat Real-time
Simulator (the development tool
available in the lab) will be used to carry out
Hardware In The Loop (HIL) testing before testing
on a real system.
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DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.22
Mathew Habyarimana, Gulshan Sharma,
Pitshou Ntambu Bokoro