As expected, in Figure 20 and Figure 21, the
equity period is highly influenced by initial cost,
electricity export rate, and GHG credits. If we apply
a carbon credit value of (€50/tCO2) extended to the
range of the sensitivity analysis ±35% of the total
investment cost and electricity export rate, then the
simple payback period (SPP) is decreased from 8.4
years to 5.7 years.
From the simulation results of the proposed
wind power plant as given in Figure 19, Figure 20
and Figure 21, it is observed that the impact of the
"ETS" emission trading schemes will bring
significant benefits to the economy of the wind
proposed wind farm project. If a carbon price of
€50/tCO2 is assumed, then the equity payback period
will be reduced from 2.7 years to 1.5 years for a
fixed electricity export rate of €100/MWh, discount
rate 10% and total unit installation cost of
(€1274/kW). Other factors that have an impact on
the price may include voluntary or required
reduction of emissions; private or public purchase of
credits; tradable credits (Trading Schemes such as
EU ETS), and many other national or regional
schemes and technologies they use.
Figure 22 shows the function of "after tax IRR"
for different levels of capital investment and
electricity export rate extended at a sensitivity range
of ±35% (other financial parameters given in Table 1
are assumed unchanged). From Figure 22, it was
observed that for the chosen cost of installation
(1274 €/kW) as well as electricity export rates of
€65/MWh and €135/MWh, after-tax IRR results
11.5% and 64.3%, and if carbon credits rates are
applied, this indicator increases to 42.24% and
93.71%, respectively. The analysis showed that
"after-tax IRR" increases with the reduction of
capital investment (TotCapEx) and with the increase
of both electricity export rates and carbon credits.
Referring to the electricity export rate in the
range (76-100) €/MWh, it is concluded that the after-
tax IRR on equity varies from 50.67 % up to 67.79
%. These values are acceptable and encouraging
especially for projects with high financial risk such
as energy projects from renewable generation
sources (RES) and again leading to the conclusion
that the electricity export rate should be adjusted at
least to €110/MWh.
9 Socio-economic Impact
The economic impacts of wind energy project
development can be significant to both the rural
counties and the state in which the project is located.
The benefits that are generated by the expenditures,
both during the construction and the operations
phases of wind plants, depend on the extent to which
those expenditures are spent locally, as well as the
structure of the local and state economies. The Land-
Based Wind Jobs and Economic Development
Impact model (LBW JEDI model) is an easy-to-use
tool that can be used by county and state decision-
makers, public utility commissions, potential project
owners, developers, and others interested in
analyzing the economic impacts associated with new
or existing power plants, fuel production facilities, or
other projects. The model provides an approximation
of the economic impacts to the local society and the
state that can be generated from wind project
development, during the construction phase of the
project and throughout the 20 to 25-year life, or
operating years, of the project, [27]. The wind JEDI
model has limitations in the point of view as it does
not consider potential electricity price impact or
alternative investment. These benefits arising from
the proposed wind power plant can be used for
future reference wind energy systems in Albania.
Accurate forecasting of renewable energy production
is extremely important to ensure that supply meets
the demand path as deviations have an impact on the
system's stability and could potentially cause a
blackout in some situations, [28].
As can be seen from the simulation results in
Figure 23(a, b, c, d) the wind JEDI model easily
calculates jobs, earnings, and output distributed
across three categories including project
development and on-site labor impacts, local
revenue and supply chain impacts, and induced
impacts for the proposed wind power plant of 180
MW capacity. The number of jobs during the
construction period and operating period exceeds 32
and 7 on-site jobs respectively, 74 and 17 induced
impacts and 111 and 74 local revenue and supply
chain impacts, respectively as depicted in Figure 23.
Local annual economic impact (m€) during
construction period and operating period are m€
89.92 and m€ 23.54, respectively.
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2024.19.20
Andi Hida, Lorenc Malka, Rajmonda Bualoti