secondary frequency regulation action is necessary.
Further research may be carried out to address
the following issues, such as developing detailed
inverter-based solar models and controls to study and
improve stability issues under fault conditions. Be-
sides, additional variations of the load model could
be considered. In particular, the mechanical torque
of the induction motor load can be modified to, e.g.,
quadratic or a combination of different torque charac-
teristics to form composite mechanical loads, which
would affect short-term voltage stability. The addi-
tional operating points in the test system should be
considered, e.g., PV systems that do not operate at
unity power factor. Moreover, higher PV penetra-
tion levels are also of interest. Moreover, the stud-
ied contingencies could be varied in terms of fault lo-
cation, fault impedance, fault type, or fault duration
to affect different PV systems, induction motors, and
synchronous generators in the test system. In contin-
uation to the presented study, an extension has been
intended to investigate the effects of different FACTS
devices and the effect of environment temperature and
irradiance on the dynamic voltage stability of the grid.
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DOI: 10.37394/232016.2023.18.35
Abdelaziz Salah Saidi, Osama Ali Zemi,
Lina Alhmoud, Muhammad Umar Malik