5 Conclusion
This study examines the level of power loss in
several UPQC configurations, referred to as PAC of
UPQC, and a version integrated with distributed
generation energy sources, in which both the
parallel and series active power filters portion of the
load imaginary energy requirement. The
investigation is proven by carrying out a rigorous
simulation on MATLAB/SIMULINK. With the
incorporation of solar PV, the algorithms used were
able to enhance the voltage and current parameters.
In the instance of , the combined losses of
the parallel/series inverter and direct current to
direct current BC exceed the losses of the in
the case of .
Overall power loss for is 2.68%,
whereas it is 2.12% for UPQC. Losses are seen to be
higher in due to the use of two inverters
and one converter. Regardless of the outcome, the
study also assesses the benefit of . It boosts
the grid electricity supply, usage of renewable, clean
energy, and removes harmonics. Experimental
validation of the work shall be carried out in future
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DOI: 10.37394/232016.2023.18.10
Oluwafunso Oluwole Osaloni,
Ayodeji Stephen Akinyemi,
Abayomi Aduragba Adebiyi, Oladapo Tolulope Ibitoye