Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm based PMSM Motor Control
for Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Deemed to be University, Chennai, INDIA
ARM College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, INDIA
St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Deemed to be University, Chennai, INDIA
Abstract: Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) have great potential to reduce emissions and improve fuel economy.
The application of artificial intelligence-based control algorithms for controlling the electric motor speed and
torque yields excellent fuel economy by reducing the losses drastically. In this paper, a novel strategy to
improve the performance of an electric motor-like control system for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
(PMSM) with the help of a sensorless vector control method where a trained reinforcement learning agent is
used and provides accurate signals which will be added to the control signals. Control Signals referred to here
are direct and quadrature voltage signals with reference quadrature current signals. The types of reinforcement
learning used are the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) and Deep Q Network (DQN) agents.
Integration and implementation of these control systems are presented, and results are published in this paper.
The advantages of the proposed method over the conventional vector control strategy are validated by
numerical simulation results.
Key-Words: PMSM, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Intelligence Control, Agent.
Received: June 26, 2022. Revised: January 6, 2023. Accepted: February 13, 2023. Published: March 7, 2023.
1 Introduction
Hybrid electric vehicles have come into vogue due
to the limitations of the total IC engine vehicles and
fully electric vehicles. Even today, most of the
vehicles in India are powered by internal
combustion (IC) engines using petrol or diesel fuel
for commercial and long travel purposes, [1]. The
engine power capacity used in these vehicles caters
to the power required for maximum speed. In
hybrid electric vehicles, Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor (PMSM) plays a vital role due
to its compact size, lower torque ripple,
comfortable cooling technique, high ratio of torque
to volume, and efficiency in HEV and EV vehicles.
However, many motor control algorithms have
been developed for PMSM motors in the past
including classic PID control, adaptive control,
predictive control, robust control, fuzzy and neuro-
fuzzy, artificial neural networks, and advanced
intelligent control algorithms. The reinforcement
algorithm which is one of the most important
Machine learning algorithms that contribute to the
development of intelligent control systems is used
for PMSM control have been utilized in HEVs, [2],
[3], [4], [5], [9], [10]. Reinforcement learning is
characterized by the fact that the accurate
mathematical model of the motor does not need to
be given as input. In this paper, the mathematical
model of the PMSM is considered by assuming the
set of simplifications of the parameters in line with
the classical control algorithms. Signals
representing the state of the system are given as
actions to the motor with the involvement of
reward optimization. A reward is also consisting of
characteristics of signals which are added as a
driven process into the control strategy.
In this research, adaptive sensorless stator
field-oriented control (SFOC) technique for PMSM
motor with deep reinforcement learning agent for
creation, training, and testing have been analyzed
and discussed the same with results in this paper.
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) proposed also
contributes towards improving and contributes
towards the improvement of the performance of the
PMSM control system. DDPG and DQN agents are
used in the proposed deep reinforcement algorithm
and an improved variant of this algorithm called the
Twin-Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
(TD3) agent is mainly used for the presented SFOC
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2023.18.3
S. Muthurajan, Rajaji Loganathan, R. Rani Hemamalini
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 18, 2023
control system. TD3 algorithm is an effective
algorithm with an optimized process for precise
estimation of parameters. The advantages of the
PMSM control system using deep reinforcement
learning are analysed with the help of real-time
data in the Matlab/Simulink platform, [6], [7], [8],
[9]. The main contributions presented in this paper
are (i) Proposed Deep Reinforcement Learning, (ii)
Methods of optimizing the control signals for the
PMSM based on the SFOC control technique with
the different deep reinforcement learning agents
(iii) the Behaviour of proposed PMSM motor
control strategy in hybrid electric vehicle and (iv)
Analysis of real-time results. The results of real-
time simulations are presented in this paper and the
conclusion and ideas for further approaches have
also been presented.
2 Deep Reinforcement Learning
A deep reinforcement learning algorithm is mainly
used for a system where only a minimum of
information is available. DRL algorithm is applied
to closed-loop control of motors to execute the
tasks without explicitly using complex
programming. The learning process in the DRL
algorithm is based on the set of decisions made
which will be helpful to extend the cumulative
reward. In this algorithm, the deep deterministic
policy gradient is used in which an off-policy
reinforcement learning method is deployed and it is
highly suitable for HEVs. This gradient is a model-
free, online, and flexible one. DDPG is an actor-
critic agent that computes an optimal policy and
maximizes the long-term reward. DDPG agent is
highly suitable for HEV application. Figure 1
shows the generic schematic of the deep
reinforcement learning algorithm where
observation and reward are the input signals to the
policy update, [9], [10], [11], [12].
Fig. 1: Block diagram of Deep Reinforcement
Learning Algorithm
The environment gets the action from policy and
gives the observation which consists of a set of
predefined signals deriving the process, and the
reward is the output of the environment and
represents the success rate. The action is
represented by the control variables of the closed-
loop control system. Observations represent signals
visible to the agent and they are found in the form
of measured signals, their rates of change, and
associated errors. Usually, the reward is created as
part of the continuous actions in the form of a sum,
the square of the error of the signals of the present,
and the square of the past actions. Weight bias is
given to these terms and the same is determined by
the problem statement. In motor control, the reward
is expressed as a function to reduce the steady-state
error. The policy is a component of an agent that
implements the learning algorithm and it represents
the way of actions associated with the observations
it is described by a function with configurable
parameters. In the case of a motor control
application, the policy is the same as the operating
mode of the control system. The optimal policy is
determined by the configured learning algorithm
with the help of continuous functional parameter
configuration. These parameters are associated with
the policy depending on cumulative reward
maximization. The environment consists of
physical devices, reference & actual signals and
steady-state errors, filters, disturbances,
measurement noise, and A/D and D/A converters,
Important steps of the RL Programming are:
(i) Problem Identification Learning
agents and policy are defined and the
process integration is initiated
(ii) Creation of Process model as the
environment Dynamic model of physical
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2023.18.3
S. Muthurajan, Rajaji Loganathan, R. Rani Hemamalini
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 18, 2023
systems and the interface between the
subsystems to be defined
(iii) Creation of rewards in DRL Reward
in the form of mathematical equations has
been defined to measure the output of the
task assigned
(iv) To train the agent Training of the
agent is to be done to accomplish a policy
as per reward, algorithm and the process
(v) Policy deployment Integration of
agent and control system of HEV. In this
step, auto code generation is playing an
important role where executable code with
reference to the target embedded platform
is generated from the Simulink models.
DDPG is usually an agent used in the
continuous system and TD3 is a subvariant
reagent from DDPG considered for
simulation in this research work. It is an
actor-critical agent meant for long-term
reward maximization, [9].
The improved variant of the DDPG agent is a
continuous system and is used in this research
work. This agent calculates the long-term
maximization award. Training considered in this
work has the following phases:
(i) For the observation, the present state is S
and the action is “, where, N is the
stochastic noise level.
(ii) After the execution of A, rewards R and S’
are calculated. S’ is the next state
(iii) The experience formulated as (S, A, R, S’)
and which is stored in the next step
(iv) (Si, Ai, Ri, Si’)” are randomly generated,
The main target value function given in equation
(1) is as below:
Sum of experience reward (Ri) and the
minimum discounted feature reward
3 Optimization of SFOC Control
Strategy for PMSM with Deep
Reinforcement Learning
SFOC is an efficient method of controlling the
PMSM motor and is effectively integrated with a
deep reinforcement learning algorithm.
The following equations represent the dynamics of
󰇛 󰇛 󰇜) - 1/J TL-B/J ω
The above equations represent the dynamics of
PMSM in the ‘d-q’ reference frame. Field-oriented
control of the PMSM motor along with the deep
learning algorithm is shown in Figure 2. DRL with
TD3 agent learns the behaviour of the PMSM
control system as given in Figure 2 is analysed in
this paper. It provides the reference signals as the
three control inputs to the cascade control system
(iqref, vdref, vqref) after the training phase, so that the
improved control system will have better
performance. These three control signals are
reference quadrature current, reference direct
voltage, and reference quadrature voltage
TD3 agent is trained with 300 episodes for
PMSM control and the number of steps per episode
is 100. The sampling time taken for every agent is
10-4s. The training phase for the agent gets stopped
when the cumulative average reward is greater than
-150 for 100 consecutive episodes or after 300
episodes initially set training episodes have
elapsed. During the simulation, learning needs to be
improved to get the best training and for this
purpose, Gaussian noise intersects the signals
received and the same is transmitted by the agent.
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2023.18.3
S. Muthurajan, Rajaji Loganathan, R. Rani Hemamalini
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 18, 2023
Fig. 2: Block diagram of HEV with DRL Algorithm
4 Deep Reinforcement Learning with
Inner Current Control Loop
The inner loop is working based on the current
control operation with the TD3 agent as shown in
Figure 2. Once the learning is done, the TD3 agent
will provide the command/reference signals for the
voltage control signals vd and vq. Figure 3 shows
the Simulink implementation of the proposed deep
reinforcement learning for both the inner current
control loop (Torque Control) and outer voltage
control loop (Speed Control). In the inner current
control loop, the observation signals are id, iq, iderror,
and iqerror. To start with, the deep neural network is
created with two inputs and one output. The total
training time for this case is 7:12:5.
5 Deep Reinforcement Learning with
outer Speed control loop
Figure 3 shows the Matlab/Simulink
implementation diagram of PMSM control for
outer-loop speed/voltage control using a
TD3 agent. In this case, the
command/reference signal from the TD3
agent is added to the control signal iqref.
The observations consist of the signals and error
signals such as ω, ωerror, id, iq, iderror, and iqerror. In this
phase, the total training time taken is 2:54:45.
Fig. 3: PMSM Motor Control with outer Speed loop
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2023.18.3
S. Muthurajan, Rajaji Loganathan, R. Rani Hemamalini
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 18, 2023
In Figure 3, the speed controller and current
controller are cascaded in which the current
controller feeds the speed feedback to the speed
controller to derive the PWM pulses (uniform duty
cycle). Motor torque is estimated from stator
current components like id and iq and these
components are to be compared with the desired
components such as id* and iq * respectively. Figure
4 shows the Rewards r1,r2,r3, and r4 during the
deep learning training process, and episode rewards
are shown in Figure 5. Episode number
information, average results, training options, and
final results are shown in Figure 5.
Fig. 4: Rewards during the training of DRL
Fig. 5: DRL Training Progress
6 Results and Analysis
TD3 approximates reward from the environment
for Idref and Iqref was taken from the PI controller
model and actions such as actual Id and Iq using the
representations such as speed and torque values of
the closed-loop control system. Agent TD3 tunes
the feedback current and voltage values delivered
from FOC which would influence the given
reference current values using the actor
representation. Both DDPG and its agent TD3 are
using the same structure in the proposed Simulink
model. The DDPG agent maximizes the Q value
and the actor-network network is used to estimate
the action such as feedback values of current and
voltage. Since the TD3 uses the value of Q to
update the policy and the resulting policy may be
suboptimal and accumulating training errors may
lead to different behavior. The TD3 algorithm is an
extension of DDPG with improvements that make
it more robust by preventing over-estimation of Q
values, [13].
Figure 6 shows the proposed HEV with
PMSM control based on the DRL algorithm. The
main contribution of the DRL algorithm is to
optimize the control loop of PMSM in HEV to
achieve the energy management cycle. Inputs to
DRL blocks are actual Id and Iq, the reference value
of Id and Iq, and actual speed with reference speed.
Action from the DRL algorithm is the voltage
which has the components such as direct and
quadrature values. So, based on the training process
proposed in this paper, learning takes place, and
action is generated.
Figure 7 shows the speed tracking of the
PMSM motor in HEV where the actual speed of the
motor is following the reference and met the target
value. The target value of PMSM speed is set to
600 rpm and the actual speed attains the set value
by the combination of the TD3 agent and SFOC
algorithm. Figure 8 shows the current waveforms
such as id & idref and iq and iqref. Both the id and iq
values are tracking the reference respective values
and placing 90o apart.
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2023.18.3
S. Muthurajan, Rajaji Loganathan, R. Rani Hemamalini
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 18, 2023
Fig. 6: Simulink Diagram of Proposed DRL-based PMSM for HEV
Fig. 7: Speed of PMSM
Figure 9 shows the voltage profile Vd and Vq with
DRL learning and these components are also
following their respective values closely and 90o
phase apart. Figure 10 shows the logic analyzer
which shows the digital and analog signals for the
input and output characteristics of the proposed
HEV control system. From this figure, it is
observed that analog and digital signals with
reference to the sampling time, time offset, time
span values are well within the limit as per the
given speed control system parameters.
Fig. 8: Current Control
Fig. 9: Voltage profile
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2023.18.3
S. Muthurajan, Rajaji Loganathan, R. Rani Hemamalini
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 18, 2023
Fig. 10: Logic Analyzer
Figure 11 shows the output results with reference to
the performance of hybrid electric vehicles. The
following waveforms are captured from the HEV
(i) Drive cycle (mph)
(ii) Engine and Motor Speed
Comparison (RPM)
(iii) Engine and Motor Torque
Comparison (Nm)
(iv) Battery Current (A)
(v) Battery State of Charge (%)
(vi) Fuel Consumption (g/kWh)
Vehicle velocity varies from 0 to 60 mph as the
drive cycle and engine speed is in line with the
drive cycle profile. Motor speed is also tried to
follow the driving schedule as shown in the figure.
Engine speed and motor speed vary from 0 to 3500
rpm whereas torque delivered from the motor and
engine varies from 0 to 200 Nm. In most cases, the
engine and motor are dividing the power delivered
by contributing the torque. From the battery current
waveform, it is understood that currently varies
from -50A to +50A as per the drive schedule and
torque profile of HEV, and hence based on the
DRL control mechanism of the motor battery
current is also tuned to minimize the losses and
hence it is proven that the solution presented in this
paper is energy efficient one by using a deep
learning algorithm. In Figure 11, the battery state of
charge is also shown and it is evident that charging
is controlled within the band of 70%. Fuel
consumption is also controlled and 40% of fuel
saving is proven from the result.
Fig. 11: HEV Vehicle Parameters
Hence benefits of the proposed algorithm with a
speed control of the PMSM motor are given below:
(i) Motor and engine speed profiles are
inline with the HEV speed profile
(ii) Steady-state error of the control system
is less than 1% and the efficiency of
the control accuracy is more than
(iii) Percentage of Fuel saving is improved
by 40%
(iv) Accuracy of estimation of the state of
charge (SoC) and state of health (SoH)
are improved by 99.9%
(v) High torque-to-speed ratio
(vi) Very high torque/volume ratio
7 Conclusions
In this paper, the SFOC-type control structure for
the PMSM for HEV energy management is
presented which shows improved performance
using the deep reinforcement learning
algorithm. Comparison results are thus presented
for a case where a deep reinforcement learning
agent is properly trained to provide the reference/
command signals that are added to actual control
signals vd, vq, and iqref. The main objective of this
research work is to improve the performance of the
HEV by incorporating the novel control technique
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2023.18.3
S. Muthurajan, Rajaji Loganathan, R. Rani Hemamalini
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 18, 2023
of the PMSM motor in order to save the energy that
is monitored by an energy management system.
Numerical simulations were used to
demonstrate the superiority of control systems
using deep reinforcement learning and subsequent
work exploring optimization possibilities
associated with implementing deep reinforcement
learning on PMSM controllers for HEVs. Proposed
algorithm is proven successful in Matlab/Simulink
platform but has not yet been implemented in real-
time passenger vehicles and that needs to be done
in a real-time vehicle to show the performance of
upcoming versions. Moreover, the suggested
algorithm may also be suggested for core electric
vehicles (EV) and to suggest the rugged energy
management system.
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DOI: 10.37394/232016.2023.18.3
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E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 18, 2023
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problem to the final findings and solution.
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