Analysis of 3-Phase Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Fault on
Transmission Line using Fortescue Theorem
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Haramaya University, Haramaya, ETHIOPIA
2Department of Electrical/Electronics and Computer Engineering, Afe Babalola University,
Ado-Ekiti, NIGERIA
3Department of Computer Science, Sumer University, IRAQ
4Faculty of Information Technology, City University, Petaling Jaya, 46100, MALAYSIA
5Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, INDIA
Abstract: This paper investigates the major faults affecting the transmission of electrical energy after power has
been generated from the power generating station. In a 3-phase transmission line, faults arise due to numerous
causes such as aircraft, line breaks due to the excessive loading, heavy winds, trees falling across the lines etc.
The faults faced in a 3-phase transmission line are broadly categorized into two main parts, namely:
unsymmetrical faults and symmetrical faults. Furthermore, there is another classification of faults in 3-phase
transmission lines such as: shunt type of faults and series type of faults, but this paper discusses the shunt type
of faults which create short circuit on single line to ground (L-G) faults between two conductors or line to line
(L-L) faults, or double line to ground (LL-G) or (triple) three line to ground (LLL-G) faults. This was achieved
using the Fortescue Theorem on MATLAB software. The results show that the single L-G faults occur more
frequently followed by the L-L faults, LL-G faults, and LLL-G faults. This study is essential to evaluate the
power reliability and stability of power transmission lines.
Keywords: Transmission line, Line to ground, Double line ground, three line to ground, 3-phase fault
Received: July 14, 2021. Revised: July 25, 2022. Accepted: September 21, 2022. Published: October 19, 2022.
1 Introduction
Electric power is transmitted and distributed
through transmission lines. In many cases, the
voltage level of the transmission line is raised by a
transformer before electric power is transmitted
through the transmission line. Basically, electric
power is proportional to the product of current and
voltage, in transmission lines, high voltage is
transmitted in order to reduce the line current i2r
losses. Operation of a 3-phase AC power system
has equal distribution of current and voltage
magnitudes in each phase when operated in normal
condition; however, faults may occur to disrupt this
condition. The types of faults created in a
transmission line may be balanced or unbalanced.
Balanced faults involve all phases while
unbalanced faults involve only 1 or 2 phases.
Unsymmetrical and symmetrical fault analysis is
performed to determine the value of the fault
current in KVA or in MVA, [1]. Faults in
transmission lines are caused by circuit failure
which interferes with the normal flow of current. It
is the undesirable creation of conducting path for
short circuit or open circuit fault which blocks the
flow of current, [2]. When a fault occurs in a
transmission line, the short circuit current is high,
usually six to ten times more than the normal full
load current in the system, [3]. The growth of
power systems with increasing load demand has
brought about the need for speed and accuracy of
power transmission equipment. Transmission line
faults which are not detected early and removed
cause blackout or wide spread damage of power
system equipment, [4].
This paper presents the analysis of a 3-phase
transmission line with resistive, inductive, and
capacitive loads (RLC) during the L-G faults, L-L
faults, LL-G faults, and 3-line to ground (LLL-G)
2 Proposed Technique
2.1 Proposed Test System
In this section, we present the test system which
consist of a 3-phase voltage source and 3-phase
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2022.17.32
Fsaha Mebrahtu Gebru, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau,
Shaimaa Hadi Mohammed, S. B. Goyal