of each path a multi-pheromone ant colony
optimization was implemented to this problem, which
requires a representation of n variables for each ant,
where each variable i has a set of ni options (bus) with
their values lij, where i=1, 2, …, n) and j=1, 2, …, ni)
generating a fully connected graph with the detailed
information about their associated pheromone
concentrations. The process starts by generating x
ants’ position from the population (solutions), these
are generated randomly, meaning that each ant y, y
{1,2, …, x} has a position with a selected value for
each variable according to the associated pheromone
with this value. This process is repeated for each
objective. Consequently the path of each ant represents
the bus and its respective value.
3: Evaluation. The Ant Colony optimization is
parameterized by the number of ant colonies and the
number of associated pheromone structures. For a
matter of consistency of results, all the colonies have
the same number of ants. Each colony tries to optimize
an objective considering the pheromone information
associated to it´s own colony, where each colony is
determined knowing only the relevant part of a
solution. This methodology guaranties that all colonies
search in different regions of the non-dominated front,
creating more diversity of solutions.
4: Trail Update. At the moment that pheromone trails
are updated, a decision has to be made on which of the
constructed solutions laying pheromone to choose.
The quantity of pheromone left behind represents the
past experience of the colony with respect to a chosen
passage. Then, at each sequence every ant constructs a
solution, and pheromone trails are updated.
After all ants have constructed their solutions,
pheromone trails are updated as can be followed by
two steps:
- Step 1, to prevent premature convergence, pheromone
trails are reduced by a constant factor to simulate
- Step 2, in a way to reinforce good solutions, some
pheromone are laid on components of the best
solution. Changing pheromone concentration
associated with each possible route (variable value).
5: Solution Construction. When the pheromone is
updated after one iteration, the next iteration will begin
with the modification of the ants’ paths (this means
with the variable values) in a manner, that respects
pheromone concentration and some heuristic
preference. For each ant and for each dimension new
candidates construct a new group that replaces the
older one. In other words in each colony an ant
changes the value for each variable according to the
transition probability expressed in the following
Where, pαij(t) is the Probability that option lij is chosen
by ant y for variable i at iteration t.
6: Archived Solutions. The set of non-dominated and
a few dominated solutions are stored in an archive.
During the optimization search, the set of solutions is
updated. At each iteration, the current solutions
obtained are compared to those stored in a Pareto
“ideal” archive; all dominated solutions within a
predefined radius of domination (a set of about 10%
of the generated solutions)and the non-dominated
ones are added to the set.
7: Genetic Algorithm. An elitist robust GA algorithm
is implemented to use the archived solutions obtained
from the Ant colony optimization. This elitist strategy
ensures, the solutions are indeed non-dominated and
are well spread over the frontier. This strategy uses a
secondary population where each individual (solution)
are only feasible non-dominated solutions.
In order to force the GA process towards more robust
solutions, the degree of robustness in the variable
space was embedded in the fitness.
The details of the GA are shown below.
Genetic Algorithm used
Initialize population P0 (generate the initial population satisfying the problem constraints with NP0 solutions,
resulted from step 6 of the Ant colony algorithm)
Evaluate P0 with real fitness (Compute the fitness of each individual in P0)
Determine PS (initial secondary population obtained from P0)
If NPS > NP0 then
PS = P0 (Copy all solutions from P0 to PS)
ShP0 (Apply sharing mechanism to P0 to select NPS solutions)
Update Population: P(iter) = PS
For Iter=1 to iterMax) (maximum number of iterations is attained)
Build P(iter+1) (the next generation of NP0 solutions)
Apply elitism: P(iter+1) = E (introduce E solutions from PS in P(iter+1))
Selection: ST2 (Select 2 individuals ST4 from P(iter) by tournament)
Crossover and Mutation: GO2 (Apply genetic operators to 2 individuals selected above ST2)
P(iter+1) = GO2
Until (NP(iter+1)
Evaluate P(iter+1) with real fitness (Compute the fitness of each individual in P(iter+1))
Determine NPscand (solutions that are candidate to belong to PS)
Update PS(iter+1)
If NPS ≥ NPscand then
PS(iter+1) = NPscand (Copy all NPscand solutions to PS)
ShNPscand (Apply sharing mechanism to all NPscand solutions)
Update Population: P(iter+2) = P(iter+1)
End For
This procedure aims at finding a good compromise
among the different non-dominated solutions for
sizing and sitting of RDG&S units, The goal is to
provide the DM with dedicated information about the
a set of non-dominated solutions and the underlying
trade-offs, which could be used to support the choice
of a satisfactory compromise plan of investment.
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2022.17.26
Vasco Santos, Eduardo Gouveia