Hybrid Ant Colony Robust Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Placement of
Renewable Distributed Generation and Storage units in Distribution
1CISeD Research Centre in Digital Services, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, PORTUGAL
2Electrical Engineering Department, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, 3504-510 Viseu, PORTUGAL
Abstract: This paper presents a multi-objective algorithm to support sizing and placement of Renewable Distributed
Generation with storage units (RDG&S) in radial distribution networks. Two objectives are considered in the model,
the first one is focused in the minimization of the RDG&S units capital costs and the second one in the minimization
of system losses.
This approach uses a hybrid Ant Colony Genetic Algorithm (ACGA) divided in two steps. At the first step of the
approach an Ant Colony (AC) acts to face with the uncertainty of the problem and to deal with instabilities of the
initial data. This way a good Pareto front, which is used to feed the initial population of da Genetic Algorithm (GA).
At the second step, an Elitist Robust Genetic Algorithm with a secondary population is used, to characterize the non-
dominated Pareto Optimal Frontier. In this algorithm the concept of robustness is operationalized in the computation
of the fitness value assigned to solutions. The results presented in this approach demonstrates the real capabilities of
the proposed algorithm to generate a well-spread and more robust effective non-dominated Pareto Optimal Frontier.
Key-Words: Renewable Distributed Generation, Storage units, Ant Colony optimization, Genetic Algorithms,
Distribution Networks.
Received: June 9, 2021. Revised: June 7, 2022. Accepted: July 2, 2022. Published: July 22, 2022.
1 Introduction
Energy resources in our modern world are running out
very fast, so it is urgent that we find new ways of
generating electricity, which is self-sustaining, easy to
manage and has high efficiency [1]. In this context
DG technologies appear as the natural substitute of
electric generation focused on centralized plants
mitigating many problems, such as the high level of
dependence on imported fossil fuels, the
environmental impact of high concentrations of
greenhouse gases and other pollutants, electric
network transmission losses and the necessity for
continuous upgrading of transmission and distribution
facilities [1, 2]. Using DG, smaller amounts of energy
are produced by, modular energy conversion units,
which are often located close to electricity consumers
avoiding transmission power losses. The development
of new-generation technologies and power electronics
are the key issues that have attracted many investors.
Despite these advantages many issues are however,
still pending concerning the integration of DGs within
the existing power system networks; that require
special attention [3, 4]. Specifically the way how their
integration have changed the system from passive to
active networks and the change with serious impact
on both the reliability and operation of the network as
a whole [2]. In addition to this situation is the non-
optimal placement of DG, which can result in an
increase in the system power losses with consequence
in the voltage profile [5]. However when DG is
strategically sized and placed in the network it can
reduce transmission and distribution losses, fossil fuel
emissions, reduce capital costs and improve
distribution energy quality and security [5, 6].
The DG placement problem has therefore attracted the
interest of many research in the last decade [7], since
it can provide useful input for the derivation of
incentives and regulatory measures for some market
players, DSOs, regulators, and policy makers. This
requires that the models used for planning the future
architecture of electricity systems recognise that high
levels of DG penetration in the distribution network
can no longer be considered as a passive appendage to
the transmission network. The entire system has to be
redesigned and operated in an integrated manner. In
addition, this operation of increased complexity must
be carried out by a system under multiple
management agents and market players.
Many mathematical approaches, such as nonlinear
programming, quadratic programming and linear
programming, have been used solve placement and
sizing of DG problems [2, 5]. Unfortunately, this kind
of problem is a highly nonlinear and a multimodal
optimization problem. Therefore, conventional
optimization methods that makes use of derivatives
and gradients, in general, are not able to locate or
identify the “Optimal solution”.
The best way to deal with the problem of locating and
sizing DG units in a distribution network are usually
stated as multi-objective planning problems. In fact,
most of the real world problems have multiple,
conflicting and incommensurate evaluation aspects so
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2022.17.26
Vasco Santos, Eduardo Gouveia
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 17, 2022
if we want to assess good solutions that relate
investment costs vs. power losses it is usual to benefit
one objective and worse another. Multi-objective
models have the capability to better reflect reality,
incorporating objectives of distinct nature that are
weighed by decision-makers (DM) and planning
engineers to select good compromise solutions having
in mind their practical implementation. These models
enable to work with the conflicting nature of the
objectives and the trade-offs in a way to identify
satisfactory compromise solutions providing non-
dominated solutions eliminating most of the
difficulties associated to classical methods [8, 9].
To meet the increasing demands in the design of real
world multi-objective problems, many evolutionary
algorithms, PSO, Genetic Algorithms, Tabu-search,
Ant colony and many others have been used. As can
be see some algorithms are used successfully to mimic
the corresponding natural, or physical, or social
phenomena such as the ant colony optimization [10-
11]. Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a
metaheuristic inspired by the shortest path searching
behaviour of ant colonies in their working day trails.
Since the first usage of this algorithm researchers have
designed ACO algorithms to deal with multi-objective
problems in a way to have a set of solutions that
satisfy both convergence and diversity criteria [11-
The mathematical model proposed in this paper
involves discrete and continuous variables as well as
nonlinear constraints, related to power flow equations.
Therefore, due to the presence of multiple objective
functions, non-linear relations, and its combinatorial
nature the model is hard to solve using classic
mathematical programming algorithms [3, 4].
Therefore, a hybrid Ant Colony algorithm associated
to a Genetic Algorithm has been used to solve the
problem of optimal placement and sizing of RDG&S
units in radial distributed networks where two
objective functions are considered: minimizing
installation costs and minimizing system losses. The
AC uses two colonies to guarantee more diversity.
Associated to the GA an elitist strategy has been
implemented aimed at increasing the performance,
both accelerating the convergence speed towards the
non-dominated frontier and ensuring that the solutions
attained are indeed non-dominated ones and are well-
spread over the frontier. In order to influence the
iterative process and obtain more robust solutions, a
robustness concept is embedded in the fitness with a
non-dominance test [9]. At each non-dominance front,
the more robust solutions are more likely to bring their
contribution to future ant colony generations. This
was the way found to deal with the uncertainty that
surrounds real problems. The greatest motivation and
contribution of this work, shows that this way of
implementing a hybrid ACGA increases both,
performance and convergence speed towards non-
dominated and well-spread solutions, when compared
with other approaches.
In this section the motivation around the problem and
it’s interest for the future networks has been provided.
The problem formulation is presented in section 2. In
section 3, the developed ACGA is presented and
computed solutions obtained are analysed. Section 4
reports results of a case study. Finally, some
conclusions are drawn in section 5.
2 Problem Formulation
The following formulation illustrates the effect of
RDG&S units, on the load demand of radial
distribution network. Here DG technologies are
automatically associated to storage unites (usually
Lithium batteries) to overcome some operational
problems like variability of the renewable resource. In
radial networks, bus voltage decreases as the distance
from the distribution transformer increases, and may
become lower than the minimum voltage allowed by
the utility. Utilities usually solve this problem by
upgrading facilities, increasing the tap ratio of the
distribution transformer, and/or by switching on the
shunt capacitors and reinforcing distributions lines. By
providing a portion of energy on site, RDG&S units
reduce branch current, which in turns leads to the
reduction of power losses and increasing voltage
throughout the feeder.
The proposed approach deals with the location and
sizing of RDG&S units in order to obtain the benefits
associated with lower power loss and lower investment
costs of installation of RDG&S units [9].
Hence, it can be formulated as the following
optimization problem:
 
The MO problem is a constrained non-linear
optimization problem with mixed variables (due to the
presence of modular sizes of DG units).
Technology Installation Costs
For installation cost minimization is given by:
 
min l
l n m
nm V
lVnm MAX
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2022.17.26
Vasco Santos, Eduardo Gouveia
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 17, 2022
where Ci represents the installation cost of the RDG&S
unit i with a certain nominal power (kW), installed on
bus l (from the derived feeder n of the main feeder m).
xli nm are the binary decision variables, that defines if a
RDG&S unit (i), is installed.
Active Power System Losses
This objective minimizes the real power losses arising
from line branches.
where, rlnm is the ohm value of bus l (from the derived
feeder n of the main feeder m), and Plnm and Qlnm are
the corresponding active and reactive power flow.
In addition to the constraints of physical nature related
to the load flow equations some other constraints were
- at most only one kind of defined (RDG&S unit) can be
placed in each bus (avoiding multiple installations).
- related with quality of service, regarding the upper and
lower limit imposed by legislation, 󰇟
of voltage in each bus .
- what kind of (RDG&S unit) can be placed in each bus
(pre-defined by local characteristics, son, wind,…).
where 
is a binary coefficient, if it assumes the
value 0 it means that a specific RDG&S unit cannot be
install in bus l. If the value is 1 it means that the
technology i can be installed at bus l.
3 Proposed Algorithm
This section presents a new hybrid algorithm for
solving the problem of placement and sizing RDG&S
units in distribution networks. The algorithm
optimizes two objective functions; minimizing costs of
installation of RDG&S units and the network losses.
The flowchart of the proposed algorithm is illustrated
in Fig 1.
Fig. 1: The Flowchart of the proposed hybrid
The proposed algorithm integrates the merits of both
Ant Colony Optimizations (ACO) [11] and GA [9] and
by enhancing ACO through GA, a strong and robust
algorithm was created. The main steps of the proposed
algorithm are:
1: Colonies. In a multi-objective optimization
problem, because of incommensurability and
confliction among objectives functions need to be
optimized simultaneously. This step starts with the
definition of the number of colonies F with its own
pheromone structure, where F represents the number
of objectives to optimize, in this case F=[f1, f2].
2: Initialization. This step begins with the
initialization of pheromones trails, where a given value
β0α is attributed, known as the pheromone information
in the current iteration, α=(1, 2) assumes the objectives
to optimize. At this stage the Pareto set are initialized
as empty. To know the ant pheromone concentration
min l
l n m
nm V
lVnm MAX
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2022.17.26
Vasco Santos, Eduardo Gouveia
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 17, 2022
of each path a multi-pheromone ant colony
optimization was implemented to this problem, which
requires a representation of n variables for each ant,
where each variable i has a set of ni options (bus) with
their values lij, where i=1, 2, …, n) and j=1, 2, …, ni)
generating a fully connected graph with the detailed
information about their associated pheromone
concentrations. The process starts by generating x
ants’ position from the population (solutions), these
are generated randomly, meaning that each ant y, y
{1,2, …, x} has a position with a selected value for
each variable according to the associated pheromone
with this value. This process is repeated for each
objective. Consequently the path of each ant represents
the bus and its respective value.
3: Evaluation. The Ant Colony optimization is
parameterized by the number of ant colonies and the
number of associated pheromone structures. For a
matter of consistency of results, all the colonies have
the same number of ants. Each colony tries to optimize
an objective considering the pheromone information
associated to it´s own colony, where each colony is
determined knowing only the relevant part of a
solution. This methodology guaranties that all colonies
search in different regions of the non-dominated front,
creating more diversity of solutions.
4: Trail Update. At the moment that pheromone trails
are updated, a decision has to be made on which of the
constructed solutions laying pheromone to choose.
The quantity of pheromone left behind represents the
past experience of the colony with respect to a chosen
passage. Then, at each sequence every ant constructs a
solution, and pheromone trails are updated.
After all ants have constructed their solutions,
pheromone trails are updated as can be followed by
two steps:
- Step 1, to prevent premature convergence, pheromone
trails are reduced by a constant factor to simulate
- Step 2, in a way to reinforce good solutions, some
pheromone are laid on components of the best
solution. Changing pheromone concentration
associated with each possible route (variable value).
5: Solution Construction. When the pheromone is
updated after one iteration, the next iteration will begin
with the modification of the ants’ paths (this means
with the variable values) in a manner, that respects
pheromone concentration and some heuristic
preference. For each ant and for each dimension new
candidates construct a new group that replaces the
older one. In other words in each colony an ant
changes the value for each variable according to the
transition probability expressed in the following
Where, pαij(t) is the Probability that option lij is chosen
by ant y for variable i at iteration t.
6: Archived Solutions. The set of non-dominated and
a few dominated solutions are stored in an archive.
During the optimization search, the set of solutions is
updated. At each iteration, the current solutions
obtained are compared to those stored in a Pareto
“ideal” archive; all dominated solutions within a
predefined radius of domination (a set of about 10%
of the generated solutions)and the non-dominated
ones are added to the set.
7: Genetic Algorithm. An elitist robust GA algorithm
is implemented to use the archived solutions obtained
from the Ant colony optimization. This elitist strategy
ensures, the solutions are indeed non-dominated and
are well spread over the frontier. This strategy uses a
secondary population where each individual (solution)
are only feasible non-dominated solutions.
In order to force the GA process towards more robust
solutions, the degree of robustness in the variable
space was embedded in the fitness.
The details of the GA are shown below.
Genetic Algorithm used
Initialize population P0 (generate the initial population satisfying the problem constraints with NP0 solutions,
resulted from step 6 of the Ant colony algorithm)
Evaluate P0 with real fitness (Compute the fitness of each individual in P0)
Determine PS (initial secondary population obtained from P0)
If NPS > NP0 then
PS = P0 (Copy all solutions from P0 to PS)
ShP0 (Apply sharing mechanism to P0 to select NPS solutions)
Update Population: P(iter) = PS
For Iter=1 to iterMax) (maximum number of iterations is attained)
Build P(iter+1) (the next generation of NP0 solutions)
Apply elitism: P(iter+1) = E (introduce E solutions from PS in P(iter+1))
Selection: ST2 (Select 2 individuals ST4 from P(iter) by tournament)
Crossover and Mutation: GO2 (Apply genetic operators to 2 individuals selected above ST2)
P(iter+1) = GO2
Until (NP(iter+1)
Evaluate P(iter+1) with real fitness (Compute the fitness of each individual in P(iter+1))
Determine NPscand (solutions that are candidate to belong to PS)
Update PS(iter+1)
If NPS NPscand then
PS(iter+1) = NPscand (Copy all NPscand solutions to PS)
ShNPscand (Apply sharing mechanism to all NPscand solutions)
Update Population: P(iter+2) = P(iter+1)
End For
This procedure aims at finding a good compromise
among the different non-dominated solutions for
sizing and sitting of RDG&S units, The goal is to
provide the DM with dedicated information about the
a set of non-dominated solutions and the underlying
trade-offs, which could be used to support the choice
of a satisfactory compromise plan of investment.
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2022.17.26
Vasco Santos, Eduardo Gouveia
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 17, 2022
4 Case Study
The methodology described in section 3 to
characterize the optimal Pareto front, and provide
decision support in the multi-objective model
presented in section 4, has been applied to a
distribution network with 86 nodes and 16 lateral
Five types of RDG&S units are considered for possible
installation, as in table 1.
Table 1. RDG&S units considered for instalation
RDG&S unit
RDG Technology and storage unit
Installed capacity
Fotovoltaics + 100kWh Li-ion Bat.
Cogeneration (Biomass)
Wind Turbine + 20kWh Li-ion Bat.
Fotovoltaics + 50kWh Li-ion Bat.
Wind Turbine + 100kWh Li-ion Bat.
The characteristics of this approach enables the DM to
preform experiments adjusting different sets of
parameter, throughout the process.
The initial parameters used are:
Initial population size NA (number of Ants) of each Ant
Colony and NP (solutions of the pareto front result from da AC optimization
that will be the initial populations for the GA);
Set value parameters α, β0α, x, y, i , j and 
Set the secondary population size NPS of the GA;
Set the number of elite individuals E introduced in the
main population of the GA;
Set the number of generations, Mutation probability
mp and Crossover probability cp.
In Fig. 2, we can see the initial population and the
Pareto front of final population obtained by this hybrid
algorithm. As can be seen the initial population is very
disperse because it is generated randomly. The Pareto
front obtained is the result of the adjustments made to
the algorithm parameters.
Fig. 2: Initial populations and Final population
Fig. 3, shows the Pareto front of the population
evolution at the first stage of the algorithm. Here it’s
possible to verify that the population resulted from the
two colonies (Final Populations AC1 and Final
Populations AC1 ) of the AC algorithm present
nominated and non-dominated solutions in the well-
defined Pareto fronts. When at the second stage, the
GA is applied to these solutions AC1 and AC1 )), the
final very well defined Pareto front with more robust
non-dominated solutions.
Fig. 3: Evolution of the solutions after the ACO and
final front of the GA.
In Table 3 are presented the values of the losses
experienced by the network before the installation of
RDG&S units, for a chosen load scenario.
Table 3. Initial losses of the considered
Active losses (kW)
Reactive losses (kVAr)
Final population AC1
x Final population AC2
Final population (Final pareto front)
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2022.17.26
Vasco Santos, Eduardo Gouveia
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 17, 2022
Fig. 4: Final population with 40 solutions
Fig. 4 displays the Pareto front, in the objective
function space (objective function system losses and
installation costs). Since the algorithm has embedded
the robustness concept, the DM has the guarantee that
all solution in the pareto front are very robust
solutions. So this set of solutions on the non-
dominated frontier is used by the DM as the input to
select a final compromise solution with the smallest
For example, if the DM considers the solutions
identified with the red color in Fig. 4 as good
compromise plans according to the two conflicting
objectives, the results are illustrated in Fig. 5 and 6.
Fig. 5: Instalation costs (103 €) from solutions 2, 3, 20,
22 and 40 marked by the DM.
Fig. 6: Sytem active power losses (kW) from solutions
2, 3, 20, 22 and 40 marked by the DM.
As can be seen in table 5 there is a real reduction of the
active power losses in the network comparing with the
initial situation (before any equipment is installed).
Table 5. Reduction of losses in persentage compared
with the initial condition (without RDG&S units
Active losses
reduction (%)
If solution 20 is the chosen one, table 6, shows the
buses where the DG units would be installed.
Table 6. Installed DG in network buses (solution 20).
14 17 30 23 48 51 54 55 57 58 61 71 73 76 82 83
Type of
3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
5 Conclusion
In this paper, the problem of location and sizing of
RDG&S units in distributed networks has been
modeled as a multi-objective problem. Two objective
functions of technical and economical nature are
considered in the model: minimization of total power
losses and minimization of RDG&S unit installation
The algorithm developed is based on a Hybrid ACGA,
characterizing the optimal Pareto frontier that
represents a set of distributed solutions, which can be
chosen by the DM for practical implementation.
Firstly, aaccording to a set of predefined parameters a
defined number of solutions are generated randomly,
creating two AC. Secondly, an AC algorithm is
applied aimed to deal with the uncertainty and
instabilities of the problem, as a final result we have
strong solutions, which are used to feed the initial
population of da GA. The GA uses an Elitist Robust
Algorithm with a secondary population, to
characterize the non-dominated Pareto Optimal
Frontier. In this algorithm the concept of robustness is
operationalized in the computation of the fitness value
assigned to solutions.
The use of the Ant colony optimization shows its
importance designing effective combinatorial
optimization solutions, and when its combined with
the GA shows that his algorithm is aimed to obtain the
input information (obtained from the output of the
robust Algorithm) necessary to develop a decision
support system. As can be seen in the case study this
decision support system may be integrated in radial
distribution networks, generating very good results. To
summarize we can say that using this kind of approach
we can obtain better performance and more robust
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2022.17.26
Vasco Santos, Eduardo Gouveia
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 17, 2022
solutions using less computing resources. This was a
reality using radial distribution networks, our intention
is to test and adjust this algorithm for more complex
networks using multiple voltage stages and integrating
smart grids.
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Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This work is funded by National Funds through the FCT -
Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the
scope of the project Refª UIDB/05583/2020. Furthermore,
we would like to thank the Research Centre in Digital
Services (CISeD) and the Polytechnic of Viseu for their
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2022.17.26
Vasco Santos, Eduardo Gouveia
E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 17, 2022