˜z∈(z−δ, z)∩([0,1] \Θ) ,
and we apply a standard argument since Geis the
increasing function, the pair of straight lines pass
through points (˜y, Ge(˜y)), y+ 2−1z, Gey+ 2−1z
and (˜z, Ge(˜z)), z+ 2−1y, Gez+ 2−1y, respec-
tively, then the straight line passes through points
(˜y, Ge(˜y)), y+ 2−1z, Gey+ 2−1z is passing under
point (y, Ge(y)), and the straight line passes through
points (˜z, Ge(˜z)), z+ 2−1y, Gez+ 2−1y is passing
over point (z, Ge(z)) , therefore, the restriction of Ge
to (˜y, ˜z) is not concave-convex, this contradiction proves
the statement of the theorem.
Lemma 2. The Cantor-Lebesgue irregular
functions Geand Gπsatisfy the Banach condi-
tions T1.
The proof is straightforward.
Now, we are going to construct the irregular analog
of the Sierpinski carpet, a fractal-like two-dimensional
structure produced by an irregular iterated system with
a constant base of ten.
We start with a unit square [0,1] ×[0,1] and present
its points (x, y)∈[0,1] ×[0,1] in form of an expansion
in base ten
We assume that abscissa and ordinate axes govern by
numbers eand π, respectively. A two-dimensional irreg-
ular Cantor set Ce,π ([0,1]) is constructed by an iter-
ative procedure of deleting squares, whose coordinates
expressed in the base ten do not both have the respec-
tive index kdigits of respective numbers eand π, respec-
tively (x, y)∈[0,1] ×[0,1]. The first deleted square is
10 ,3
10 ×3
10 ,4
10 , next we delete 99 squares governing
by 1 and 1 from eand π, respectively. The process is
infinite removing squares, and as a result, we obtain a
fractal irregular two-dimensional set, which we called a
two-dimensional irregular Cantor set Ce,π ([0,1]).
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4. Two-dimensional irregular
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The author contributed in the present research, at all
stages from the formulation of the problem to the
final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflict of interest to declare that
is relevant to the content of this article.
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DOI: 10.37394/232020.2023.3.5