Decomposition of a tissue into its constituent elements for specifying the
values of doses
Department of Physics
South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University
Shahid Deh-Haghi AVE, Fifth Bridge, Abouzar Blvd, Pirouzi AVE, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code:
Abstract: - In this research, a real tissue has been decomposed to its constituent materials and elements
applying its volumetric density and initial mass. This study has been carried out to obtain the exact amounts of
constituent elements existing in liver tissue as well as specify the absorbed dose because of the tissue getting
exposed to radiation in radiotherapy and radiography. In order, a medical model has been defined in a way that
its compositions are just like the materials existing in the tissue of a human. Then, the accurate mass, density,
and volume of every element in it are specified. In the next stage, the related tissue is exposed to a neutron
beam, and then the values of doses absorbed in the main constituent material namely water, and also the total
absorbed dose is obtained by the MCNP nuclear code. This study can be used to study the radiotherapy and
radiography scopes for obtaining the absorbed dose as a result of interaction between radiation beam and
biological cells. In this research, the values of absorbed doses have been obtained for a wide range of neutron
energies in a way that the absorbed doses can accurately be obtained.
Key-Words: - Constituent elements; Dose; Radiation; Tissue.
Received: May 21, 2021. Revised: March 14, 2022. Accepted: April 16, 2022. Published: May 7, 2022.
1 Introduction
In this investigation, the thickness of adipose
tissue, which has been considered for the
simulation, is 30 mm [1, 2]. One of the
compositions of adipose tissue is fat. The
chemical formula of fat is
CH2ORCHOR'CH2OR. Fat is not a compound.
It is a mixture of many esterified acids named:
fatty acids. The average skin thickness is
thicker in males than females. The average pure
skin thickness in males is average 1.5 mm. The
skin tissue and subcutaneous consist of some
portions such as the epidermis, dermis,
hypodermis, and fat [3]. Skin is not a single
substance, so it doesn't have a single formula. It
has largely been made of various proteins,
water, fat, and salt. Skin is a biological tissue
that consists of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen
2 Materials and Methods
The correct representations of the geometry and
compositions of tissues, which are in front of the
liver tissue, have also accurately been considered
concerning an adult male liver tissue for this study.
Since, in this study, the calculation method and
simulation of tissues may slight difficult be to
understand, to better explain, all calculations
regarding tissues, which are in front of the liver
tissue, are expressed as below:
The distance from the body surface (nearest section
into the body for setting the neutron source) to the
liver is averagely considered 3 cm for a normal
body. If the diameter of the neutron source head is 3
cm, then the path, where the neutron beam crosses
to reach the liver, will almost be a cylinder with
DOI: 10.37394/232023.2022.2.6
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi
E-ISSN: 2732-9992
Volume 2, 2022
r=1.5 cm and h3 cm the volume of it will be: 21.20
cm3. This path plays the role of the collimator to
reach the neutron beam from the source. According
to the calculated volume and density of adipose
(0.905 g/cm3), the mass of adipose existing in the
mentioned path will be:
0.905 21.20 19.18mV g
= × =
According to the percentage of water, fat, and
protein in adipose, the mass of them (in this volume
of adipose) will be respectively:
For water: =× 18.19
2.10 1.95 g (H2O)
For fat: =× 18.19
2.87 16.72 g
For protein: =× 18.19
1.2 0.40 g
The spatial average of the protein density can be
considered equivalent to 1.35 g/cm3, independent of
the nature of the protein and particularly
independent of its molecular weight. The density of
human body fat is also: 0.918 g/cm3 [5, 6, 7].
Therefore, both the total density and volume of
materials existing in the mentioned path, which is in
front of the liver tissue, are calculated as below:
1.95 16.72 0.40
1.95 16.72 0.40
1 0.918 1.35
19.07 19.07 0.93 /
1.95 18.21 0.29 20.45
Water Fat otein
Water Fat otein
gr cm
07.19 cm
Total ===
25.20)( cmhrr =××
r1=1.5cm (radius of neutron source head), h3 cm
(distance between body surface and liver)
cmrr 10.25.203)25.2( 2
Thus, in this modelling, the path, where the neutron
beam passes across it to reach the liver tissue, is
considered a cylinder that has an inside radius of
r1=1.5cm and an outside radius of r2=2.10cm [8, 9,
The mass, thickness, and outside radius of every
layer and shell have accurately been calculated. It
meets actual dimensions, from which calculation of
various layers is filled up with them.
i) Since in this study a sample liver weighing 2kg
(for an adult male) has been considered, therefore:
ii) The weight of water existing in the mentioned
tissue will be [11, 12, 13]:
69.69 =× g (Water)
iii) Therefore, the weight of existent hydrogen in
water is:
=× 8.1393
016.2 155.975 g (H)
iv) Similarly, the weight of existent oxygen is also
calculated as below:
=× 8.1393
999.15 1237.824 g (O)
i) Then, a similar calculation is carried out for
glycogen existing in the sample liver [14, 15, 16].
The weight of 1 gram-molecular of glycogen
(C24H42O21) 288.264 (C) + 42.336 (H) +
335.979 (O) =666.579 g
ii) The weight of glycogen existing in the mentioned
tissue will be:
35.0 =× g (Glycogen)
DOI: 10.37394/232023.2022.2.6
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi
E-ISSN: 2732-9992
Volume 2, 2022
iii) Therefore, the weight of existent carbon in
glycogen is: =×7
264.288 3.027 g (C)
iv) Similarly, the weight of existent hydrogen and
oxygen are also calculated as below:
For hydrogen: =×7
42.336 0.444 g (H)
For oxygen: =× 7
335.979 3.528 g (O)
i) As two of the compositions of the liver tissue are
protein and glucose, the molecules of each of them
are decomposed to the related constituent elements,
and taking the molecule gram into consideration, the
amount of each atom existing in a molecule is
extracted based on the number of atoms and the
composition percentage of protein and glucose,
which are alike 29.9% of the liver tissue.
Thus, a similar calculation is carried out for protein
and glucose existing in the sample tissue. Due to the
same percentage of protein and glucose existing in
the liver (29.9%), the weight of 1 gram-molecular of
both proteins (C44189H71252N12428O14007S321)
and glucose (C6H12O6) is jointly calculated.
The number of common atoms between two
molecules namely: C, H, and O are: 44195, 71264,
and 14013 respectively [17, 18, 19].
The weight of 1 gram-molecular of both protein
(C44189H71252N12428O14007S321) and glucose
(C6H12O6) 532864.58 (C) + 71834.112 (H) +
224193.99 (O) + 174079 (N) + 10291.26 (S) =
1013262.9 g
ii) The weight of protein and glucose existing in this
liver tissue is:
9.29 =× g (Protein and Glucose)
iii) The weight of existent carbon in glycogen is:
.58 598×=
315.116 g (C)
iv) Similarly, the weight of existent hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur are also calculated as
For hydrogen: =× 598
112.71834 42.479 g (H)
For oxygen: =× 598
99.224193 132.579 g (O)
For nitrogen: =×598
174079 102.943 g (N)
For sulphur: =×598
26.10291 6.085 g (S)
i) Therefore, the total mass of each element existing
in the mentioned tissue is shown below:
For hydrogen 155.975 g + 0.444 g + 42.479 g =
198.898 g (H)
For oxygen 1237.824 g + 3.528 g + 132.579 g =
1373.931 g (O)
For carbon 3.027 g + 315.116 g = 318.143 g (C)
For nitrogen 102.943 g (N)
For sulphur 6.085 g (S)
ii) In this state, the amounts of H and O are
incorporated into the water:
1 H2O = 2H + O the amount of water because
incorporating the hydrogen and oxygen will be:
85.876 g (H2O)
In this stage, the obtained results are defined for the
MCNP code, and are inputted to this code. On the
other hand, decomposed tissue gets virtually
irradiated by neutron beam, and the results are
specified for a wide range of energies [20, 21].
Since the related simulation is associated with the
MCNP code and it is required a big data to be
illustrated, to better illustrate the simulation and its
results, a part of the results extracted from the
MCNP code are shown as follows.
DOI: 10.37394/232023.2022.2.6
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi
E-ISSN: 2732-9992
Volume 2, 2022
Fig 1. A part of the results extracted from the
simulation of the research by MCNP code of
absorbed dose in the water of the tissue plotted by
MCNP code
As shown, in the first column of the results
extracted from the MCNP code, the energy groups
of neutron, and the correlated absorbed doses, and
the errors, respectively are illustrated.
3 Results and Discussion
As explained in the article, at first, a liver tissue was
decomposed to its constituent materials, and then
was simulated by the MCNP nuclear code, and was
virtually irradiated by neutrons. The function of the
MCNP code is that it applies MONTE-CARLO
method to generate random number, and simulating
a sample space, and using random processes. After
many computational mathematics based on the
transport equation, a population of particles like
neutrons are collided, and then, the amounts of
absorbed doses are obtained. The transport equation
is as follows.
''' ' ''
.(,,) (,)(,,)
(, , ) (, , ) (, , )
rE rE rE
dE d r E E r E S r E
Ω∇ + =
Ω→ +
The type and values of elements existing in the
mentioned tissue are according to Table 1.
Table 1. The type and values of elements existing in
the tissue
The existing
(in the tissue)
value (g)
Percentage of
the element (%)
sulphur 6.085 0.3
Carbon 318.143 15.9
Hydrogen 198.898 9.95
Oxygen 1373.931 68.7
Nitrogen 102.943 5.15
Total 2000 100
The amounts of absorbed dose are extracted by
MCNP code, and illustrated in Figures 2 and 3:
Fig 2. The amounts of absorbed dose in the water of
the tissue plotted by MCNP code
Fig 3. The total amounts of absorbed dose received
by the tissue plotted by MCNP code
DOI: 10.37394/232023.2022.2.6
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi
E-ISSN: 2732-9992
Volume 2, 2022
According to Figs. 2 and 3, the amounts of absorbed
doses in water, and also the total absorbed doses are
linearly changed within the neutron energy range 0-
17 MeV, but there appears a sharp rise within the
energy range 15-17 MeV.
4 Conclusion
As observed in Figs. 2 and 3 (extracted from the
MCNP code), it can be inferred that by increasing
the incident neutron energy within the fast to
thermal neutron range, water receives large amounts
of absorbed dose.
The current research can be generalized for other
tissues like stomach and intestine.
In the ICRP report, for a wide range of energy, the
conversion coefficients of fluence to effective dose
have been derived from the obtained organ dose,
thereby the radiation weighting factor (WR) and the
tissue weighting factor (WT) are very important
parameters to be considered. For instance, the skin
equivalent dose conversion coefficients have been
obtained for electrons and alpha particles in a
parallel beam on a tissue. The high LET includes
protons resulting from the capture reaction of a
neutron with nitrogen, and recoil protons resulting
from the collision of fast neutrons with hydrogen.
The low LET of gamma rays is resulting from the
capture of thermal neutrons with normal tissue and
also hydrogen atoms [1H(n,γ)2H]. In addition, the
high LET of protons is produced by fast neutrons
scattering and also from the capture of thermal
neutrons by nitrogen atoms [14N(n,p)14C].
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the creation of a scientific article
(ghostwriting policy)
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi has carried out
all of the scientific works belonging to this
research consisting of calculations, simulation,
and extraction of the results. In addition, he has
authored and organized the paper.
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scientific article itself
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DOI: 10.37394/232023.2022.2.6
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi
E-ISSN: 2732-9992
Volume 2, 2022