According to Figs. 2 and 3, the amounts of absorbed
doses in water, and also the total absorbed doses are
linearly changed within the neutron energy range 0-
17 MeV, but there appears a sharp rise within the
energy range 15-17 MeV.
4 Conclusion
As observed in Figs. 2 and 3 (extracted from the
MCNP code), it can be inferred that by increasing
the incident neutron energy within the fast to
thermal neutron range, water receives large amounts
of absorbed dose.
The current research can be generalized for other
tissues like stomach and intestine.
In the ICRP report, for a wide range of energy, the
conversion coefficients of fluence to effective dose
have been derived from the obtained organ dose,
thereby the radiation weighting factor (WR) and the
tissue weighting factor (WT) are very important
parameters to be considered. For instance, the skin
equivalent dose conversion coefficients have been
obtained for electrons and alpha particles in a
parallel beam on a tissue. The high LET includes
protons resulting from the capture reaction of a
neutron with nitrogen, and recoil protons resulting
from the collision of fast neutrons with hydrogen.
The low LET of gamma rays is resulting from the
capture of thermal neutrons with normal tissue and
also hydrogen atoms [1H(n,γ)2H]. In addition, the
high LET of protons is produced by fast neutrons
scattering and also from the capture of thermal
neutrons by nitrogen atoms [14N(n,p)14C].
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DOI: 10.37394/232023.2022.2.6
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi