Effect of Earthquake-Induced Structural Pounding on the Floor
Accelerations and Floor Response Spectra of Adjacent Building
1CONSTRUCT, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto,
FEUP, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n 4200-465, Porto,
2CONSTRUCT, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto,
FEUP, Department of Civil Engineering – Structural Division,
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n 4200-465, Porto,
3CONSTRUCT, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança,
ESTiG, Campus de Santa Apolónia - 5300-253, Bragança,
Abstract: - The influence of earthquake-induced structural pounding among buildings is paramount in the
seismic analysis and design of structures. The recognition of such a phenomenon has been growing in the last
decades. The search for ways to understand and mitigate the consequences of these structural collisions in
building structures is the primary goal of the investigation of earthquake-induced building pounding. This
phenomenon is known for increasing the floor accelerations, mainly where pounding occurs, implying
significant local damage. These collisions cause short-duration acceleration pulses that may compromise the
building structure and the non-structural elements within the building’s stories. Non-structural elements
supported by the structure’s floors under earthquake-induced pounding instances may present a risk to human
lives and/or human activity. Hence, the influence of earthquake-induced pounding in the floor response spectra
of two adjacent reinforced concrete structures with inelastic behavior is assessed by varying the number of
stories and their separation distance. Pounding greatly influenced the floor acceleration spectra, increasing the
spread of accelerations over a broader period range, particularly exciting low to moderate periods of vibration.
Key-Words: - Seismic analysis, Reinforced concrete structures, Building structural pounding, Non-linear
inelastic behavior, Finite elements, Floor acceleration response spectrum analysis, Non-
structural elements.
Received: April 17, 2023. Revised: February 19, 2024. Accepted: March 15, 2024. Published: April 23, 2024.
1 Introduction
The influence of earthquake-induced structural
pounding among buildings is paramount in the
seismic analysis and design of structures. This
phenomenon leads to unclear patterns or trends of
the colliding structure’s dynamic responses, which
explain contradictions in research results, [1]. The
recognition of such phenomenon has grown in the
last decades, contributing to a better understanding
of building structural pounding and mitigation of its
negative consequences, constituting the main goals
in studying such occurrences in seismic events.
In this context, several mitigation measures and
techniques have been proposed in the literature, [2].
Among them, the interposition of a flexible layer,
bumpers, or shock absorbers between the adjacent
structures, [3], [4], may reduce or soften the
acceleration spikes verified in the colliding floors.
Indeed, this phenomenon is known for increasing
the floor accelerations, particularly where pounding
occurs, implying significant local damage. Floor
acceleration increases caused by pounding can reach
ten times or more than the case with no pounding,
[5], [6], [7], [8]. These collisions cause short-
duration acceleration pulses that may compromise
the building structure and the non-structural
elements within the building’s stories. According to
Eurocode 8, [9], non-structural elements (secondary
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
systems) are the appendages (e.g., architectural
components, mechanical or electrical equipment,
partition or curtain walls, etc.) of the buildings, i.e.,
the building’s content without a structural or load-
bearing function, that in case of failure, may pose a
risk to human lives and/or activity, and/or to the
structure (primary system). In addition, Eurocode
proposes an expression as a simplification to
account for the effects of the seismic action on the
structural elements. This expression comprises a
parameter related to the determination of the
pseudo-spectral acceleration acting on a non-
structural component supported by a given floor.
Such simplification would not be appropriate for
essential non-structural elements, [9].
Limited studies have addressed floor spectra
analysis while considering structural pounding
between floors of adjacent buildings, [5], [10], [11],
[12]. An investigation has considered structural
collisions induced by earthquakes between buildings
as multiple degrees of freedom systems to assess,
among other effects, the influence of pounding on
the floor accelerations and floor response spectra,
[5]. The author verified significant increases in the
floor accelerations due to pounding and increases in
the high-frequency range of floor acceleration
spectra. In another study, it was analyzed the
seismic pounding retrofit of adjacent buildings, [10],
verifying the effectiveness of the proposed pounding
reduction devices in the high-frequency content of
floor acceleration response spectra. The use of
different impact models to simulate pounding forces
between three adjacent building structures has been
investigated, concluding that floor acceleration
response spectra are sensitive to the impact model
chosen, [11]. A sensitivity analysis was performed
between adjacent structures considering the
influence of pounding on the floor acceleration
response spectra, [12]. The authors concluded that
the impact impulses govern the floor response
spectra in the case of severe pounding.
This paper investigates the effect of earthquake-
induced structural pounding on the floor
accelerations and floor response spectra of two
adjacent reinforced concrete (RC) structures with
variable separation distances. Pounding is
considered to happen among floors, and five
different configurations for the RC buildings in
terms of the number of stories will be assessed. This
will allow the understanding of how the different
number of stories and the separation of structures
may influence the non-structural elements'
performance, essential for the safety of human lives
and services during a seismic event causing floor
2 Problem Formulation
The present section comprises the structural and
dynamic characteristics of the buildings considered
in the five pounding scenarios. The choice of three
recorded seismic signals adjusted to a specific
seismic region also accounts for the seismic effect in
the non-linear analyses.
Finally, the impact model is described to
compute the pounding forces' magnitude.
2.1 Building Structures’ Models
This parametric investigation is based on five
scenarios of adjacent RC structures with variable
separation distances, as depicted in Figure 1.
(a) First scenario (L3R3);
(b) Second scenario (L3R4);
(c) Third scenario (L3R5);
(d) Fourth scenario (L4R3);
(e) Fifth scenario (L5R3);
Fig. 1: Pounding scenarios of RC structures under
Building 1 is always represented on the left side,
while Building 2 is on the right, as shown in Figure
1 and Figure 2. The plan view of the two buildings
can be seen in Figure 2. Building 1 is intended to
have a more flexible layout, having structural
elements with smaller cross-sections (columns
25x25cm2; beams 35x25cm2) and slender slabs
(15cm). Conversely, Building 2 has bigger cross-
sections (columns: 30x30cm2, beams 40x30cm2) and
thicker slabs (20cm). Every story has 3m of height.
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
Fig. 2: Plan view of the adjacent RC building
structures and the impact model
The six different fixed-base RC structures were
designed according to the Eurocode, [9], [13], [14],
using class C25/30 concrete and steel rebars of
S500. The seismic design was performed following
the weak-beam-strong-column philosophy (capacity
design), considering the seismic region of Portimão,
Portugal, assuming a soil type A, class of
importance II, 5% damping, and medium ductility
class. Second-order geometric effects are neglected
in the design and analysis processes.
A live load of 2.0kN/m2 and 0.40kN/m2 was
uniformly distributed over the floors and roof of the
structures, respectively, [13]. Furthermore, a super
dead load of 1.5kN/m2 was applied evenly
distributed over the floors of the structures. A
distributed load of 2.5kN/m on the exterior beams of
the stories (excluding the top story) was considered
to account for the mass of single-leaf exterior infill
walls. Nevertheless, their additional stiffness and
interaction with the main structure in the dynamic
analyses are neglected for simplicity reasons.
For the calculation of the mass per story
(excluding the roof) participating in the dynamic
analyses, only 15% of the floor's live load is
assumed. Hence, Building 1 has 56970kg and
48965kg of story and roof mass, respectively; and
Building 2 has 95788kg and 84476kg of story and
roof mass, respectively.
These scenarios were created from the
configuration of equal heights (L3R3), varying the
number of stories (3 to 5 stories) to understand how
structures with unequal heights are affected by
pounding. Table 1 shows the buildings’ fundamental
Table 1. Fundamental periods of the buildings.
0.5438 s
0.4121 s
0.7195 s
0.5441 s
0.8969 s
0.6778 s
The finite element numerical models are built in
OpenSees, [15], using the fiber model with finite
length lumped plasticity at the critical regions of
plastic hinge formation (Figure 3), i.e., at the ends
of the structural elements. The steel reinforcement
from the design process is applied in these regions,
while an elastic material is assumed at the elements’
center. The constitutive laws of confined and
unconfined concrete with a compressive strength of
33MPa and steel with a yield strength of 500MPa
are exemplified in Figure 4.
Fig. 3: Fiber model finite-length plasticity for the
example of the three-story structure of Building 1
Fig. 4: Constitutive laws assumed for the materials
used in the fiber model
For the concrete material, the Kent-Park-Scott
model, [16], (Concrete01) was used, and for steel
material, the Giuffré-Menegotto-Pinto model, [17],
2.2 Seismic Effect
The selection of a set of seismic signals representing
the site characteristics is important to account for
the variability of the seismic effect in non-linear
dynamic analyses. Hence, according to Eurocode 8,
a set of three recorded seismic signals, [18], is
considered and adjusted to match the elastic design
response spectrum of Portimão, Portugal's seismic
3.75 [m]
Building 2Building 1
Impact model
Footing rebar
Face rebar Corner
rebars Top support
3 legged
Building 1
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
region, following the characteristics previously
described in the design process. Table 2 shows the
characteristics of the original and modified signals.
Table 2. Characteristics of the real and adjusted
seismic signals considered, [19]
Name and station
Loma Prieta,
El Centro,
Magnitude, Mw
PGA (m/s2)
Arias intensity
Dominant period
duration (s)
Figure 5 graphically shows the adjustment of
the acceleration response spectra to the above-
mentioned target response spectrum.
(a) Original and target response spectra;
(b) Adjusted or matched and target response spectra.
Fig. 5: Response spectra adjustment
The adjustment process is carried out using the
software SeismoMatch, [19], which modifies the
frequency content of the accelerograms using signal
processing techniques. These techniques intend to
reproduce certain response spectra, viz, design
response spectra.
The algorithm used by this software is based on
the addition of wavelets in the time-domain
acceleration signal to attain the desired spectral
result adjusted to the target response spectrum, [20],
[21]. Wavelet addition constitutes a correction more
focused on the time domain, inducing less energy
and preserving the non-stationary features of the
acceleration signal, [8].
2.3 Impact Model
The pounding forces generated from the collisions
between adjacent structures with different dynamic
properties are calculated using the Kelvin-Voigt or
linear viscoelastic impact models, [22], as
represented in Figure 2.
In OpenSees, the ViscoelasticGap material,
[23], is used. However, it was modified to neglect
the unnatural negative pounding force verified at the
end of the impacts.
Impact models are zero-length compression-
only elements, constituted by a massless spring and
a dashpot in parallel having thus, the advantage of
being represented by fewer parameters (Impact
stiffness, kimp, and coefficient of restitution, CR),
although their estimation may be difficult,
constituting the main disadvantage of these models.
The use of these impact elements is generally
based on oversimplified assumptions of the state of
stress of the colliding bodies under the passage of
stress waves, justifying the mass-spring-dashpot
model with reasonable accuracy.
Other impact models have been recently
developed by different authors, presenting great
predictions of the pounding forces between
buildings, [24], [25], [26], [27], [28].
The impact stiffness was assumed to be the
same as the axial stiffness of the stiffer floor. The
coefficient of restitution is taken as 0.65 (usual in
structural applications) and was used to determine
the impact damping constant, cimp, as follows, [22]:
imp imp imp
m +m
- CR
π + CR
In which mi is the lumped mass of one story of a
Building i, and ξimp is the impact damping ratio.
These parameters are then included in the piecewise
function that computes the pounding force
depending on the interpenetration depth δ (=x1-x2-
Gap), the condition of impact,
for 0
0 for 0
imp imp
kδ t + c δ t , δ t >
f t = δt
A relatively small time step must be undertaken
to capture an impact between adjacent building
structures. However, very small time steps condition
the feasibility of parametric studies since these are
incompatible with computationally demanding
simulations. To address this, a condition of
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
proximity was included in the non-linear dynamic
time history analyses. A fraction of the gap size
triggers this condition of proximity of the adjacent
buildings. The normal time step was assumed to be
5×10-3 s, and when a collision is approaching or
happening, the time step is reduced to 2×10-4 s.
The simulation time is considerably reduced,
and the accuracy in capturing and calculating the
pounding forces is maintained. Still, care should be
taken for discrepancies between these time steps,
which may lead to convergence problems.
3 Results and Discussion
A series of non-linear time-history analyses were
carried out.
The results of these analyses will be presented
and discussed in terms of the number and magnitude
of collisions, floor accelerations, and floor response
spectra for the five pounding scenarios considered
and across all the values considered for the gap size
or separation distance.
The gap size values were assumed to vary
between the nearly zero gap (5 mm, here referred to
as “zero-gap”) until no collisions were verified.
3.1 Number and Magnitude of Pounding
Figure 6 presents the number of impacts verified for
the three adjusted seismic signals and pounding
scenarios over the gap sizes considered. Similarly,
Figure 7 shows the results regarding the magnitude
of pounding forces.
The number of collisions and their magnitude
naturally depends on the separation distance.
Nevertheless, a zero-gap size does not always
present the highest magnitude of pounding force,
though it is always the case with a greater number of
A scenario that presents a greater difference in
the number of stories will be more susceptible to
more collisions and of a larger magnitude than a
scenario with an equal number of stories and the
same height. In particular, scenario L5R3, an RC
structure with a more flexible layout and a greater
number of stories (L5) than the adjacent structure
that has a stiffer structural configuration and fewer
stories (R3), performs worse than the opposite
scenario, L3R5.
Fig. 6: Number of impacts per story for the different
scenarios studied
Fig. 7: Maximum pounding force per story for the
different scenarios studied
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
The top story consistently exhibits the highest
magnitude and number of collisions since it
experiences the largest relative displacements.
The number of impacts decreases significantly
with the increase of the gap size. The magnitude of
the pounding forces also decreases with the
increasing gap size. However, it is not as evident as
with the number of impacts.
Overall, the adjusted seismic signals tend to
present a similar trend with gap size variation. Loma
Prieta earthquake shows a smaller number and
magnitude of impacts, due to the reduced duration
and different dominant periods of vibration (Table
Figure 8 presents the case with the biggest
number of collisions and higher magnitude of the
pounding force. Figure 9 shows the first scenario
that presents the highest magnitude of pounding
force. Moreover, Figure 10 shows the pounding
cycles, typical of the Kelvin-Voigt impact model
without the tensile force, corresponding to Figure 8
and Figure 9.
Fig. 8: Displacements and pounding forces time
history of the colliding stories in scenario L5R3
with zero-gap size under the modified Northridge
Fig. 9: Displacements and pounding forces time
history of the colliding stories in scenario L3R3
with 2.5 cm of gap size under the modified El
Centro earthquake
Fig. 10: Pounding cycles of the cases presented in
Figure 8 and Figure 9, respectively
These collisions are thus associated with a steep
variation of the adjacent buildings’ velocity
corresponding to acceleration spikes, to which
significant local damage is implied.
The following two subsections will address how
these acceleration spikes influence each structure
and non-structural elements supported by the floors.
3.2 Floor Accelerations
The acceleration spikes’ values are proportional to
the pounding forces’ values, as seen in the
comparison of Figure 9 and Figure 11. Hence, the
same conclusions regarding the gap sizes can be
derived from the previous sub-sections. Figure 11
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
and Figure 12 present examples of the floor
acceleration time histories in two of the scenarios
studied. In these figures, it is possible to witness the
sudden increases in acceleration due to building
pounding. A zero-gap size scenario will present a
higher number of acceleration spikes, and of
significant amplitude, constituting one of the worst
scenarios in pounding.
Fig. 11: Acceleration time-histories for the first
scenario with a 2.5 cm gap size under the modified
El Centro earthquake
Fig. 12: Acceleration time-histories for the last
scenario with zero-gap size under the modified El
Centro earthquake
Figure 13, Figure 14, Figure 15, Figure 16 and
Figure 17 present the maximum absolute
acceleration ratio between the case with and without
pounding for every scenario under the modified El
Centro earthquake and for some of the gap sizes.
Conclusions, however, will be reflected for
every seismic signal studied and gap size. The
positive and negative signs reflect the inbound and
rebound directions of each building, as can be
confirmed by Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 11 and
Figure 12, e.g., a negative acceleration in Building 1
corresponds to its rebound direction.
Fig. 13: Maximum absolute acceleration ratios for
the first scenario under the modified El Centro
Results from every seismic signal show that
absolute accelerations can suffer sudden and
momentary increases due to pounding forces that
can achieve 80 times those without collisions.
Fig. 14: Maximum absolute acceleration ratios for
the second scenario under the modified El Centro
The absolute acceleration ratios reveal that
Building 1, possessing the most flexible layout, is
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
significantly more vulnerable to pounding forces.
Building 1 presents increases in the maximum
absolute acceleration concerning the case without
pounding that are higher (scenarios L3R3, L3R4,
L4R3, and L5R3) or approximately equal (L3R5) to
the ones verified in Building 2.
Fig. 15: Maximum absolute acceleration ratios for
the third scenario under the modified El Centro
Accelerations are significantly affected in the
stories where pounding occurs and have little
influence in the stories without pounding, evident
when buildings have unequal heights (Figure 14,
Figure 15, Figure 16 and Figure 17).
Fig. 16: Maximum absolute acceleration ratios for
the fourth scenario under the modified El Centro
The scenarios related to pounding between
buildings with different numbers of stories show
higher increases in absolute acceleration compared
with the L3R3 scenario. The exception is scenario
L3R4, which presents the smallest increases in
absolute accelerations compared with the cases
without pounding. This is justified by the
observation of the fundamental periods of the
structures (Table 1) that are nearly identical,
producing an almost in-phase response, which also
explains the reduced magnitude and number of
impacts (Figure 6 and Figure 7).
Fig. 17: Maximum absolute acceleration ratios for
the fifth scenario under the modified El Centro
Regarding the effect of gap sizes, generally for
the different ground motions, one can verify that the
smallest separation distances do not always result in
the highest increases (Gap 2.5 6.0 cm) in absolute
acceleration, as can be verified in the scenarios
where the difference in the number of stories is
greater (scenarios L3R5 and L5R3).
Similar results were obtained among the seismic
signals. However, the El Centro earthquake
generally provided higher increases in story absolute
accelerations over a wider gap size range.
3.3 Floor Acceleration Response Spectra
The floor acceleration response spectra, or just floor
response spectra, are now derived for the different
scenarios, gap sizes, and ground motions mentioned
In addition to the threat to human lives and
activity, damage to non-structural elements during
seismic events may result in substantial economic
Several non-linear time-history analyses were
performed to assess the influence of pounding
forces in the adjacent building structures' floor
acceleration response spectra. The process
undertaken is now explained in the following
paragraphs, and conclusions are then withdrawn
based on the observation of graphic results.
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
Following the non-linear time-history analyses,
the accelerations of the various floors of the primary
structures (Buildings 1 and 2) are computed and
recorded. A non-structural component is now
considered (the secondary element) as a single
degree of freedom (SDOF), supported by a floor of
the primary structure and characterized by a period
of vibration and a damping ratio. By subjecting the
SDOF component to a certain floor acceleration for
different values of the period of vibration and
recording the maximum acceleration value, the floor
acceleration response spectrum can be constructed.
The seismic demand of a non-structural element on
a certain floor is now known, assuming that the
dynamic interaction between the primary and
secondary components is insignificant.
The period of vibration is varied over a range of
values suitable to the structural and non-structural
components applications, and a damping ratio of 5%
is assumed.
Many factors influence the floor acceleration
response of building structures, viz., the structural
system, the building’s height, the fundamental
period of vibration of the structure, the dominant
period of the earthquake excitation, damping,
inelastic behavior, etc. [29]. Structural pounding
between adjacent buildings is another factor that
significantly influences the floor response spectra.
Figure 18 shows the comparison of the floor
response spectra for the first scenario without
pounding under the modified El Centro earthquake,
revealing the influence of the structures’ inelastic
behavior. Inelastic behavior tends to increase the
dominant period of the structures stories,
particularly true for the upper stories. In addition, it
reduces the magnitude of accelerations.
Fig. 18: Comparison of response spectra
Since the earthquake signals were adjusted to a
seismic region and the seismic effect was not
significant, the mean floor response spectra of the
three ground motions were obtained for the different
scenarios, and for most of the gap sizes considered.
The mean floor acceleration response spectra were
obtained for different gap sizes, accounting for
pounding until the gap size, where the absence of
pounding was verified. Figure 19, Figure 20, Figure
21, Figure 22 and Figure 23 show the graphic results
in a logarithmic scale.
The first and foremost conclusion that can be
withdrawn is the evident and expected increase of
story accelerations for higher modes (smaller
periods of vibration) due to pounding. This increase
becomes more pronounced for smaller gap sizes,
and as concluded in the previous results, the zero-
gap size is not always the worst-case scenario.
Depending on the scenario, gap sizes between 1 and
3 cm provided higher accelerations than the zero-
gap size (second and third stories of L3R3 and third
stories of L5R3).
Building pounding slightly reduced the
magnitude of floor accelerations for moderate, but
especially larger periods (from 0.5s and 1.0s), more
evident in Building 1 in scenarios L3R5, L4R3, and
Non-structural elements in the colliding stories
characterized by higher frequencies or low periods
(mostly in periods between 0.01s and 0.25s) will
thus be very susceptible to events of structural
pounding, particularly true for scenarios in which
Building 1 is the tallest structure.
The shape of the floor acceleration response
spectra is completely changed in the range of low
periods when pounding occurs. Not only the stories
under impacts are affected, but the stories above are
also influenced by acceleration rises of twice the
magnitude of the case without pounding (fourth
story of scenarios L3R5 and L4R3, and the fourth
and fifth stories of scenario L5R3). For the same
reasons explained in the previous subsection,
scenario L3R4 leads to a phase synchronization of
both buildings, resulting in only a slight influence in
the stories above and below the collisions. However,
substantial increases in floor acceleration at the
colliding stories are still verified.
Scenarios in which the buildings have different
numbers of stories generally presented higher floor
accelerations across the various gap sizes
considered. The gap size plays a vital role in the
floor response spectra. An adequate separation
distance may reduce substantially the floor
accelerations and hence reduce damage.
Nevertheless, a gap size close to the no-pounding
case still presented high floor accelerations on the
colliding stories that are susceptible to causing
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
damage to non-structural components, e.g., the gap
size of 9cm in the third to fifth scenarios.
Comparing the floor response spectra between
the two building structures, one can verify that a
building with a more flexible layout (Building 1)
will be more susceptible to pounding instances than
a structure with a stiffer layout (Building 2).
Fig. 19: Floor response spectra of the first scenario
(L3R3) for different gap sizes
Fig. 20: Floor response spectra of the second
scenario (L3R4) for different gap sizes
This can be verified by comparing the two
buildings in the first scenario (Figure 19) and the
opposite scenarios of an unequal number of stories,
i.e., L3R4 with L4R3 (Figure 20 and Figure 22), and
L3R5 with L5R3 (Figure 21 and Figure 23).
Fig. 21: Floor response spectra of the third scenario
(L3R5) for different gap sizes
Fig. 22: Floor response spectra of the fourth
scenario (L4R3) for different gap sizes
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
Fig. 23: Floor response spectra of the fifth scenario
(L5R3) for different gap sizes
Building 1 will be more vulnerable to pounding,
presenting increases in the floor acceleration for a
wider range of periods of vibration (low to moderate
periods), as can be verified in scenarios L4R3 and
4 Conclusion
The present study investigated the influence of
earthquake-induced structural pounding on the floor
accelerations and floor acceleration response spectra
of two building structures with a varying number of
stories and separation distances. Different scenarios
were derived based on the number of stories. It was
verified that adjacent buildings with a different
number of stories led to a higher number and
magnitude of pounding forces, which will influence
their floor acceleration response significantly. It was
observed that the peak absolute acceleration
suffered sudden increases due to pounding forces of
approximately 80 times the peak acceleration
without pounding. Pounding forces significantly
altered the shape of the floor response spectra in the
low period range (between 0.01s and 0.2s).
Substantial damage in non-structural elements may
thus be expected, particularly in the colliding
stories. Building 1, characterized by a more flexible
layout than Building 2, was more vulnerable to
pounding forces, revealing increases in floor
acceleration for a broader range of periods of
vibration (low to moderate periods). Generally, a
very small gap size or no separation distance led to
the highest increases in floor accelerations due to
pounding. Although a gap size close to the case
without pounding offered similar results to the
smaller gap sizes in some cases, since only one
collision may generate a sudden acceleration
response of the buildings’ stories.
Hence, buildings adjacent to smaller structures
presenting a stiffer structural layout can be
particularly vulnerable to earthquake-induced
structural pounding. Non-structural elements
supported by colliding stories in these conditions
must be carefully designed to withstand sudden and
large acceleration spikes.
Future studies should address additional
pounding scenarios, i.e., more variations of the
number of stories, pounding between floors and
columns, and the consideration of more ground
excitations, assessing both near-field and far-field
ground motions. Further developments and
directions will also include the assessment of floor
accelerations and floor response spectra in the case
of adjacent buildings equipped with solutions to
mitigate earthquake-induced structural pounding,
such as rubber bumpers and/or passive and semi-
active vibration control devices.
This paper is within the scope of the first author’s
Ph.D. degree in progress, financially supported by
the Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology (FCT) through the PhD grant reference
SFRH/BD/139570/2018, finished in April 2023,
under the program POCH (N2020 P2020) and
subsidized by the European Social Fund (FSE) and
national funds from MCTES. This work was
financially supported by: Base Funding -
UIDB/04708/2020 with DOI:
(https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/04708/2020) of the
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This paper is within the scope of the first author’s
Ph.D. degree in progress, financially supported by
the Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology (FCT) through the PhD grant reference
SFRH/BD/139570/2018, finished in April 2023,
under the program POCH (N2020 P2020) and
subsidized by the European Social Fund (FSE) and
national funds from MCTES. This work was
financially supported by: Base Funding -
UIDB/04708/2020 with DOI:
(https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/04708/2020) of the
CONSTRUCT - Instituto de I&D em Estruturas e
Construções - funded by national funds through the
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.4
Pedro Folhento, Rui Carneiro De Barros,
Manuel Braz-César
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024