waves carrying jumps of field parameters at the
wavefront, [1].
The zero term of the ray series exactly describes
the changes in the jump of field parameters along
the ray, but the rest of terms within the radius of the
series convergence describe the changes in the field
behind the wavefront, [1], [6].
The question of application of ray series to the
problems of transient wave problems has been
considered by many researchers, and yet, until
recently, the area of its practical applicability, which
is largely determined by the possibility of
calculating a sufficient number of coefficients of the
ray series. sufficient number of ray series
coefficients and the radius of convergence of the ray
series, remained poorly studied, [1], [13].
Since in practice one has to limit oneself to finite
truncated ray series to construct a solution, instead
of the question of convergence, the problem of
uniform convergence of the solved truncated ray
series in the region of existence of wave motion is
most often solved.
All ray series used could be divided into two
main groups [1]. The ray series of the first group are
mainly used in wave dynamics problems for
approximation of physical fields of regular
functions. The second type of ray series is used for
the approximation of physical fields of singular
The majority of the studies devoted to ray
methods based on ray series of both types deal with
the volume wave investigation. However, ray
methods are also successfully applied to the study of
waves propagating along the free surface, waves
propagating along the interface between two media,
and nonstationary Love waves, [1], [5], [13], [14].
This paper presents a description of an algorithm
developed based on the Maplesoft package for
solving contact dynamic problems related to the
generation and propagation of surfaces of strong and
weak discontinuity by an analytical method based
on the ray method. Numerical investigations of a
two-layer medium with different properties have
been performed based on this algorithm.
2 Problem Formulation
The solution of the problem of unsteady vibrations
of a plate of constant thickness on an elastic
isotropic half-space was constructed in [15], for the
case of a sliding contact between the plate and the
half-space. The ray method, [1], was used as a
method of solution, which allowed one to obtain the
time dependence of the plate displacements in an
analytical form. In this case, the author of [15],
managed to determine only the first three terms of
the ray series "manually".
The purpose of this paper is to develop an
algorithm based on the Maple software package for
solving various contact dynamic problems related to
the generation and propagation of strong and weak
discontinuity surfaces using the ray method. This
approach will make it possible to determine a
sufficiently large number of members of the ray
series, which, in turn, allows one to obtain a solution
with a sufficiently large accuracy.
For this purpose, following [15], let us consider a
layer on a foundation, which is modeled by a half-
space with x, y, z coordinate system (Figure 1).
Fig. 1: Calculation scheme
The layer and the supporting half-space are
homogeneous, isotropic, and linearly elastic. The
plane deformed state is realized, in which the
displacement component in the y-axis direction is
zero, and the displacements along the x and z-axes
are the functions of the x and z coordinates,
The dynamic behavior of the layer is modeled by
a classical plate, the equation of motion of which
has the form:
4μ 2ρ0
3(1 ν)
, (1)
where W(x, t) is the displacement of the middle
plane of the plate (z=0), 2h is the plate thickness, μ1,
ν1 and ρ1 are shear modulus, Poisson's ratio and
density of the plate material, respectively, and p(x,t)
is the transverse surface load.
The set of equations describing the dynamic
behavior of an isotropic half-space has the form:
σ λ δ μ j
i j i j
k j i
x x x
where are the components of the stress
tensor and displacement vector, respectively, is
the density of the half-space material, λ and μ are
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.2
Marina V. Shitikova, Anna S. Bespalova