After having u1, u2=ut/u1 determines the
optimum gear ratio of the second stage.
Table 6. Optimal values of main design parameters
Fig. 7: Relation between optimal gear ratio of stage
1 and total ratio
7 Conclusion
This paper discusses the results of a multi-objective
optimization study on optimizing a two-step helical
gearbox with SSDGS to reduce gearbox across
section area and enhance gearbox efficiency. The
first stage of this research improved the gear ratio,
wheel face width efficiency in stages 1 and 2, and
permissible contact stress in steps 1 and 2. To
address this issue, a simulation experiment based on
the Taguchi L25 type was designed and carried out.
The impact of major design elements on the multi-
objective goal was also studied. The gear ratio u1
was discovered to have the greatest influence on
(36.36%), followed by AS2 (28.73%), Xba2
(26.39%), Xba1 (3.50), and AS1 (2.79%).
Additionally, the ideal settings for the important
gearbox features have been recommended. To
determine the ideal first stage u1 gear ratio, a
regression technique (Equation (62) was also
The Thai Nguyen University of Technology
supported this work.
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Trieu Quy Huy, Nguyen Van Binh,
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Nguyen Van Trang